Israel is the safest country for Jews

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    While Jews around the world (in America, Canada, Australia, England, etc.) are getting killed and maimed for no reason other than their being Jewish, such deaths and violence almost never occur in the State of Israel, thanks to the protection of the IDF and the Israeli government.

    Thank you Bibi Melech Yisroel.

    All Jews around the world should move to the safety of the State of Israel, which is no longer in golus.


    “….which is no longer in golus”. Umm…… have you been living under a rock these past few weeks and avoiding the news? The Meron tragedy, the rockets pouring into Israel, Covid deaths over the past year. Do you consider that as no longer in golus? If the gehonim we are going through now isn’t golus, then I’d be scared to find out what actually is golus! s


    I wish I could agree to all you write…
    I lived in Israel for a few years and moved back to Germany again cuz life in Israel is simply too difficult.

    There is more social security in Germany….jobs are more secure here, food and housing is less expensive, etc.

    Jews are being killed in Israel as well only for being Jewish.


    It almost seems like you’re kofer on a possuk mefurosh in the Torah. Be careful what you say. Not even Avoda Zora has “enraged” Hashem as much as talking bad about His land.

    Reb Eliezer

    What you are saying is a kefira. As long as there is no Beis Hamikdash and the coming of Meshiach we are in galus and we say nachem on Tisha Beav. The Jews have to pray to Hashem more fervently in Israel as they are in the palace of the King requiring special behavior which is hard to do.


    TGIShabbos, duvee was being sarcastic, or satirical, or mocking, or snide.


    It’s not that safe for jews right now in any democrat run area. Their pro hamas attitude is letting Arabs attack jews and block highways. In EY there are bomb shelters set up and an army and police looking out for you.



    Your ignorance an political bias continues on and on. Get over it Trump LOST.

    I live in small CT Town with a Democrat administration with legislative body and all elected board and commissions having Democrat majorities (having ousted the Republicans who messed everything up for 8 years). In a state run by a Democrat Governor and legislature and all our Congressmen and Senators are Democrat.

    Jews are perfectly safe here (as safe as any other residents, and safer than people of color in our inner cities). Incidents of anti-semitic nature continue to fall year to year as tracked by ADL.

    We understand living in harmony with our neighbors. We don’t flaunt zoning and building codes with illegal synagogue in houses, or dorms in schools where not permitted by code. We don’t try to take over the school boards where we don’t send our kids to cut budgets for public education so we lower our tax bills while the whole community suffers.

    Bad behavior by frum Jews moving into not-first ring suburbs has brought about many anti-Jewish attacks…verbal and physical.
    Properly planned revitalization of old decrepit industrial cities (which had a125 year history of Jewish life) such as Waterbury and Naugatuck have been welcome. Even the new educational campus in Durham, a farming community that never had Jews has not brought about attacks on Jews.


    “Jews are perfectly safe here…Incidents of anti-semitic nature continue to fall year to year as tracked by ADL”
    While this may be true in your little village in CT (behind the walls of your compound) it is certainly not the case in NYC. A simple google search shows anti semitic hate crimes (and all sorts of crime) are up in NYC. Not to long ago (December 2019-early 2020) Cuomo sent State Troopers to patrol Boro Park and Flatbush armed with rifles to get the situation under control. (And no, the threat was not coming from far right MAGA hat wearers)

    “We understand living in harmony with our neighbors.”
    It’s pretty disgusting that you are blaming frum Jews for the uptick in hate crimes against us. I dare you to make a similar statement towards ANY other minority group.


    CTL because you live in a wealthy suburb. You know that isn’t the same as NY LA etc where there have been dangerous riots. I didn’t mention anything about Trump so you must have TDS. Get help. I see your self-hatred is blaming Jewish victims.



    Republican cities don’t let Arabs and antifa mobs take their cities hostage and you know it ctl

    Amil Zola

    My life experience is similar to that which CT. Lawyer just explained. As one who lives outside the tristate Jewniverse in a diverse community, I don’t feel threatened at all for being a Jew. It’s likely if I was a male POC living in a densely populated urban area, I could feel threatened.

    Unfortunately here in the PNY hate groups such as The Proud Boys are highly visible, but they are viewed as threats towards the American Democracy, not just Jews or POC. Their hate isn’t tolerated, not by our communities at large or religious minorities. We ALL join hands to defend our rights to worship, build community, educate our children and defeat the forces of bigotry.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    “one who lives outside the tristate Jewniverse ”

    Did you borrow that phrase from pharoh or from the white supremicists?


    >> , I don’t feel threatened at all for being a Jew.

    In truth, we need to be humble. first, for sure Jews are being noticed in general. I had people coming up to me with interest in various low-Jew-density areas – a Mexican proudly telling me that he knew Jews in Mexico and is happy to see me; a Mississippian – how excited she is to see Jewiiish person. So, if someone does not like us, he would notice also. And seeing prominent members of Senate and Congress condemning Israel is disturbing to see, so you never know what can happen ….


    Amil stop drinking the dnc Kool aid. Democrats are more on the side of 911 terrorists.


    Proud Boys are not a bigger threat than ANTIFA and Muslims.


    The largest threat of physical violence to American Jews, who largely live in the major Jewish metropolitan areas, is threats from POC/minorities who have long standing issues of antisemitism and violence. The Proud Boys types are virtually non-existent; and to the extent they exist they’re hardly the greatest threat to Jews. Violence against Jews largely comes from the left; both verbally and physically.

    All that said, even the left-wing violence against Jews here pales in comparison to the much much greater threats to the Jews in Israel emanating from the local Arab population and the neighboring Arab populations.

    Amil Zola

    “Proud Boys are not a bigger threat than ANTIFA and Muslims. ” It would appear so in Lkwd.


    ujm Arabs are the biggest threat and liberal jews who live in their ivory tower compounds like ctl don’t understand it.


    Amil: The minority (POC) population in and near Lakewood (and NYC for that matter) is a far far larger threat to the Jews than any Proud Boys (to whatever little extent they even exist in Jewish areas) or their ilk ever were.

    Amil Zola

    UJM, that makes me even more pleased that I chose living in the PNW. Our minority religions here in town in descending order are Bah’i and sharing second place are Jews (a variety) and Muslims (a variety.


    It seems that Jewish Democrats are not only delusional but ignorant of history as well – “As long as we’re on our best behavior, our non-Jewish neighbors will respect and appreciate us” said every Jew in Germany in the 1930’s, in Spain in the 1400’s, in Mitzrayim when they voluntarily joined the construction that soon became forced labor. Pathetic.


    Amil: I’m pleased you chose to live there, too. Though, I’m uncertain what that has anything to do with the discussion. The physical threat to Jews by Proud Boys and their nutty ilk is miniscule, to the extent of their diminutive membership and history with Jews. OTOH, the threat from members of minority/POC communities is real and significant, in relation to the great extent they reside near Jews and have both a current and a historical record of randomly assailing individual innocent Jews for no reason other than us being identifiably Jewish.


    @Amil, the left wing wackos in the PNW such as antifa scare me more the proud boys ever did.
    BTW the ADL Seattle office had not record of harresment for zoning like you claimed happened in your town.


    Arabs are NOT the biggest threat to Jews chutz laaretz. I don’t live in EY. Since Mrs. CTL cannot fly for medical reasons, I haven’t been in our home there in more than 5 years.

    Not all Muslims are Arabs, Not all Arabs are Muslims. The words are not interchangeable and neither are the threats each group poses to Jews.

    I feel far more comfortable with left wing POC in my area (including the large city we neighbor) than the Right wing Trump lovers with tatoos, American, Trump and Confederate flags on their pickup trucks. They express their Jew Hatred and Hitler love pretty openly while living in denial


    I was specifically not talking about bug cities and referenced crime in inner cities in my remarks.
    My parents had the foresight to leave NYC in 1952. We still own a house in Brooklyn and use it very occasionally (I haven’t been there since January 2020, before the Pandemic). Owning it for taxes, insurance and maintenance, it has made sense to hold onto it and a number of our next two generations lived in it while continuing their education in NYC.
    I have no interest in living in a large city, anywhere


    “I was specifically not talking about bug cities and referenced crime in inner cities in my remarks.”

    Your only reference to big cities was when you blamed the Jews for the violence perpetuated against us (“Bad behavior by frum Jews moving into not-first ring suburbs has brought about many anti-Jewish attacks…verbal and physical.”) Are you going to apologize for your despicable remarks?

    “I feel far more comfortable with left wing POC in my area (including the large city we neighbor) than the Right wing Trump lovers with tatoos, American, Trump and Confederate flags on their pickup trucks. They express their Jew Hatred and Hitler love pretty openly while living in denial”

    That is great and I wish you and your family many more happy and healthy years of living in harmony with all your neighbors. But as people keep pointing out, the vast majority of anti-Semitic violence that Jews in large cities (where most Jews live) face is coming from minority POC and not confederate flag waving Trump lovers.


    this seems like the most inane discussion what kind of anti-semites are more dangerous …

    In Weimar republic, some people would vote for Nazis to fight Commies, and others will vote for Commies to fight Nazis. They ended up with 15 years of Nazis and 45 years of Commies

    Or a documented tragic moment in September 1939 where two trains with Jewish refugees crossing the path between German and Soviet occupied zones, both shouting to the other – idiots, where are you going?!


    Dear Always,

    Nice post! I’m not sure why it is so hard to get.


    Dear Dbrim,

    Your historical narrative is false. German Jews started leaving well before the thirties. Those that stayed thought it would not be so bad, or that it would pass quickly. Germany was only hospitable to Jews for one generation. Out of more than a thousand years of hosting them.

    The entire fifteenth century was one long horror story for The Spanish Jews. Things changed quickly for them once the Moslems lost control of the peninsula.

    I wonder how you noticed the democrats on this thread, without noticing the republicans.

    Amil Zola

    The other fun thing my husband and I would do while reading the CR is apply the rules of debate to a thread.


    Amil: What’s Mr. Zola’s screen name?

    Reb Eliezer

    Look up the Meshech Chachma in Parashas Bechukosai on Veaf Gam Zos where we forget that we are in galus and think Berlin is Jerusalem, Hashem makes us remember it.

    Avi K

    N0mesorah, those German Jews who left before 1933 did so for economic reasons. Some came in the wake of the revocations of civil rights following the failed revolutions of 1848 (at the time Germany was a collection of independent kingdoms). Don’t forget, after WW1 there was a tremendous economic crisis and hyperinflation. People were carrying around money in wheelbarrows and prices changed constantly.


    I don’t have statistics, but I think crime rates against Jews are lower in the US – we have fewer rocket attacks and terrorist bombs.

    And putting all the Jews into Israel would make it easier for anyone to wipe out all Jews in a well-planned attack. Here in America, we hide among gentiles, just the way Hamas hides its rockets among Palestinians living in Gaza. I say, wait for Hashem to bring us home. And just to be clear, I am not Satmar – I don’t like their hats.


    Dear Avi,

    Poverty was only a part of it. Gershom Scholem whites about how local hostilities against Jews, surged toward the end of the first world war. His parent believed it would blow over, even though Germany had been hostile to Jews most of their lives. My point is, That the holocaust and the inquisition were only a surprise to those that were ignoring what was going on in front of their eyes.


    Gershom Scholem is not a credible source.


    Dear Ujm,

    Gershom Scholem is an excellent source. While his conclusions are controversial, and some complain about his writing style, he is totally honest. Maybe too honest. Even his critics admit that he was a big factor in ending the fabrication of sources in Judaic Studies.


    Speaking as someone who made the move, I certainly had no illusions of safety. Eretz Yisrael is the home of every jew and there’s no better place be.

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