Israel Antagonist Kamala Harris

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    Corey Walker said this in The Algemeiner:

    Doug Schoen, a former adviser under then-US President Bill Clinton,
    revealed on Tuesday that he is not planning to vote for Democratic
    presidential nominee Kamala Harris to serve as the next commander-in-chief
    in the White House, citing her policies toward Israel
    and combating antisemitism as the main reasons.
    “At this point I cannot [vote for Kamala Harris],” [Doug] Schoen said.
    “I would call myself undecided, at this point. But I can’t vote for her,
    for reasons related to her changing position and also the Middle East
    as we have talked about before. I do not believe she is
    sufficiently committed to Israel and fighting antisemitism.”
    She [Kamala Harris] has also expressed sympathy for far-left
    narratives that [falsely] brand Israel as “genocidal.”

    The Vice President [Kamala Harris] has additionally often
    criticized Israel’s war effort against the [Iranian-backed]
    Palestinian terrorist group Hamas in Gaza.

    [Kamala] Harris also pushed the unsubstantiated narrative
    that Israel has intentionally withheld aid from the people of Gaza,
    allegedly triggering a famine.

    [Kamala] Harris has also expressed sympathy for anti-Israel protesters
    on US university campuses, saying that they are
    “showing exactly what the human emotion should be.”

    SOURCE: article titled: “Former Clinton Adviser Says Harris Not
    ‘Sufficiently Committed to Israel and Fighting Antisemitism’

    by Corey Walker 2024 September 10 for www (dot) Algemeiner (dot) com


    Kamala is going to win and save Israel whether the posters on here like it or not.


    Rabbi Steven Pruzansky (an Orthodox Rabbi
    from the USA who made aliyah) recently said this:


    “…almost the entire Democrat [Party] establishment had collectively
    lied to the American people for years about Biden’s incapacity
    (including Kamala Harris); that Harris had been perceived by
    that same establishment as a mediocrity who could not win or govern;
    and the doubt that Dems could get away with not explaining
    to the American people why Biden changed his mind so abruptly and how,
    if he is too incapacitated to run for re-election,
    he is still vigorous and lucid enough to govern.”

    “These three statements are all true and on each score the Dems
    have escaped accountability. Chalk that up to a compliant media
    and a willfully blind public. How was it that Joe Biden swore that
    only a direct message from God would cause him to drop out –
    and then just days later he’s passing the torch to a new generation?
    Who was it that kneecapped him with the torch?
    Americans would surely know by now if they weren’t either
    so incredibly docile or politically ossified into two rigid camps
    in which each camper just votes for his or her team.”

    “[Kamala] Harris is an unserious individual being adroitly handled
    by serious people who want to win at all costs. They know
    exactly how to market her, how to fool a gullible population,
    and how to obscure her vulnerabilities, which primarily means hiding her.

    She has made a career of failing upwards, the beneficiary of
    social promotions with an undistinguished record in every office
    she has held and placed in critical positions by powerful male patrons.
    The disappearing trick can work not only because the American
    voting public is easily manipulated
    but also because of the weaknesses of her opponent.”
    “Kamala Harris is even more inept, arguably a worse campaigner
    except when reading a teleprompter, and flirts with incoherence
    every time she opens her mouth without a script in front of her.”


    SOURCE: article titled: “Election Enigma” by Rabbi Steven Pruzansky
    2024 September 13 www (dot) RabbiPruzansky (dot) com


    Greenfield is one of the most articulate far right extremist propagandists. I wish I could write as well. Unfortunately, most of what he writes has only a tenuous connection to reality.


    “President Trump was tough on Iran and brought them to the verge of bankruptcy”

    The opposite is true. His killing the JCPOA was greeted with enthusiasm by the mullahs as it greenlighted them to resume unrestricted uranium enrichment. And Trump’s unwillingness to confront Putin allowed Putin to make the sanctions on Iran meaningless and in fact Putin subsidized Iran to the tune of tens of billions of dollars every year. Furthermore, Trump’s entire business empire depends now on Russian oligarchs for financing so Trump is in no position ever to say no to Putin. Trump also was personally paid millions by the Chinese so he owes Xi. Vance voted against aid to Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel so you can understand why those countries’ history jeopardy should Vance ever become President, which is likely given Trump’s age and obvious failing mental condition.


    I think we should bring Obama back as president of America. He’s the best person for the job.



    Why are you too scared to post as “Charlie”, your real name?


    modern said:

    “Greenfield is one of the most articulate far right extremist propagandists.
    I wish I could write as well.
    Unfortunately, most of what he writes has only a tenuous connection to reality.”


    For 45 years, I have closely listened to the claims of: Marxists, neo-Marxists,
    Socialists, Communists, Liberals, Leftists, Progressives and The Woke.

    THEY are the ones who suffer from suffer from
    a tenuous connection to reality, not Mr. Daniel Greenfield.

    The Leftist’s beliefs are NOT based on facts or logic;
    their beliefs are based on neo-Marxist theory, and nothing else, period.

    Last but not least:
    Why don’t you TRY to prove that Daniel Greenfield’s words are not true?


    Daniel Greenfield said this:

    Democrats have tried to reassure Jewish voters that they have
    nothing to worry about despite Kamala’s harsh criticism of Israel’s war on Hamas.

    To counter those concerns, the Jewish Democratic Council of America,
    headed by Haile Sofer, Kamala’s old policy adviser,
    rolled out a ‘Jewish Americans for Kamala Harris’ online rally.

    But while the Zoom rally flier may feature a photo of Kamala and her husband,
    Doug Emhoff, awkwardly lighting a menorah,
    the leading figures in the rally only raise more questions.

    The two most prominent non-elected officials taking part in the rally
    are Randi Weingarten, the head of the American Federation of Teachers union,
    and her [lesbian] girlfriend, Sharon Kleinbaum.

    While [Randi] Weingarten is best known for her work in keeping school closed
    leading to as much as a grade point of loss in education,
    she is militantly anti-Israel and has used antisemitic rhetoric.

    In response to a question from the JTA, a liberal Jewish media outlet,
    about the power of teachers’ unions, [Randi] Weingarten launched into
    an antisemitic tirade in which she claimed that
    “American Jews are now part of the ownership class” who
    “want to take that ladder of opportunity away from those who do not have it.”
    The American Jewish Committee had responded with
    an op-ed urging her to “Counter, Not Inflame, Antisemitism”.

    I have tried to reach out to ‘Jewish Americans for Kamala Harris’
    to inquire if they agree with Randi Weingarten that Jews are
    “the ownership class” who “want to take that ladder of opportunity
    away from those who do not have it”, but have not received an answer.

    Weingarten had befriended and defended antisemites including former
    Women’s March leaders Tamika Mallory and Linda Sarsour,
    calling them “friends” and “warriors for justice.” Mallory was an enthusiastic fan
    of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who had praised Hitler.
    She had described the creation of Israel as
    a “human rights crime” and attacked Jewish groups.

    [Linda] Sarsour had a long track record of antisemitism and support for Islamic terrorism.
    After the Oct 7 Hamas attacks, the Islamic activist claimed that Jewish hostage posters
    were entrapment and that Jews everywhere were watching them.
    “So when you go home, they have their little people all over the place,
    trust me I know them, I got a radar for them…
    you think they’re ordinary people, trust me when I tell you they are everywhere.
    They’re on your college campus, they’re outside the supermarket, they’re outside Grand Central Station.”

    Not only did Weingarten not stand with Jewish activists against the Women’s March anti-Semitic leaders,
    but she is a board member of the Americans for Peace Now BDS group whose CEO Hadar Susskind
    praised Ben & Jerry’s decision to boycott Israel as a “principled moral stance which we fully support”.
    APN [Americans for Peace Now] has platformed antisemitic figures
    like UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese who
    claimed that America is “subjugated by the Jewish lobby”.

    Weingarten’s AFT [American Federation of Teachers] union has demanded
    that Israel stop attacking Hamas in a resolution presented with
    personal support from Randi at a convention where Kamala spoke.
    The AFT defended the pro-terrorist mobs harassing Jewish students and faculty on campuses.

    Randi Weingarten has repeatedly attacked Israel and tweeted a quote
    claiming that “the Hamas attack was heinous;
    the Israeli government’s actions in Gaza have been reprehensible.”

    [Randi] Weingarten’s [lesbian] girlfriend, Sharon Kleinbaum,
    and fellow participant in Jewish Americans for Kamala Harris is even worse.
    After Kleinbaum read the names of Hamas terrorists alongside fallen
    Israeli soldiers at the LGBTQ temple she formerly officiated at,
    congregants left feeling that it had become pro-terrorist.
    One departing congregant complained that it
    “was essentially delivering Hamas propaganda.
    … My partner and I are starting a family and frankly I don’t
    want to raise my kids in a synagogue that’s praying for people firing rockets.”

    Kleinbaum had co-signed a T’ruah letter together with anti-Israel activists
    urging Biden not to allow Israel to finish off Hamas in Rafah
    and claimed that Israel cannot “lay the full responsibility for the unimaginable
    suffering of a massive population of trapped civilians at the feet of Hamas.”
    The letter also called for Biden to impose sanctions on members of Israel’s government.

    Weingarten and Kleinbaum are not outliers at Jewish Americans for Kamala Harris.

    Sharon Brous of IKAR, profiled by Variety as a “trendy, progressive congregation”
    whose wealthy congregants include Steven Spielberg
    and appears to have some link to Kamala’s husband, is also on the list.
    Brous had attacked the Jewish State before the Oct 7 attacks,
    including in a hateful Yom Kippur address, claiming
    that “there can be no democracy with occupation.”

    [Sharon] Brous is a member of the councils of anti-Israel groups
    like J Street, and the New Israel Fund. Worse still, IKAR has participated
    in events with IfNotNow, an anti-Israel hate group
    linked to many of the ugly protests against the Jewish State.

    Sharon Brous has a long history of supporting antisemites,
    attacking Jews for opposing Rep. Rashida Tlaib and Rep. Ilhan Omar,
    claiming that Jews “have spent years in hive mentality,
    pouncing on indications of anti-Semitism among Israel’s critics”,
    accused the Jewish State of a “52-year military occupation
    of millions of Palestinian people” and ranted that
    American Jews must “hear Palestinian voices.”

    Like Weingarten, Brous attacked Jewish critics of the antisemitism
    in the Women’s March leadership, falsely claiming that the criticisms were,
    “a deliberate smear campaign from the far right to delegitimize the march itself.”
    She complained that, “a much greater problem would be if the Jewish community
    stepped out of activism because we’re afraid that
    someone on the stage has a position on BDS different than our own.”

    Lauren Holtzblatt, the final clergymember on the Jewish Americans
    for Kamala Harris call, is a member of J Street cabinet (while also tragically
    and inappropriately) serving as Hillel International’s director of campus
    initiatives and has also been associated with
    the anti-Israel group T’ruah and signed on to its letters.

    Every single [fake] ‘rabbi’ presented by ‘Jewish Americans for Kamala Harris’
    is also affiliated with anti-Israel groups. This raises troubling questions about not only
    the anti-Israel extremism that had already infiltrated the
    Jewish Democratic Council of America, but Kamala’s campaign.

    Not only does ‘Jewish Americans for Kamala Harris’ appear
    to be co-hosted with the Kamala Harris presidential campaign,
    but several of its anti-Israel clergy have ties to Kamala.

    Jewish Americans for Kamala Harris’ shows that
    the Kamala campaign, like the Obama campaign, calculatedly platforms
    and normalizes anti-Israel activists while shutting out normative figures
    in the Jewish community. It is not a coincidence that all of the clergy
    at the virtual rally were anti-Israel activists. It also not a coincidence that
    no pro-Israel clergy or members of more
    traditionally religious denominations were on the call.

    The ‘Jewish Americans for Kamala Harris’ rally anticipates a Kamala
    administration that will pursue anti-Israel policies
    while surrounding itself with anti-Israel activists of Jewish descent.

    Jewish Democratic Council of America has sent a clear signal that
    the only Jews welcome by the Kamala campaign are those
    that will join it in opposing the Jewish State.

    SOURCE: article titled: “Every ‘Rabbi’ From ‘Jewish Americans for Kamala Harris’
    Belongs to Anti-Israel Groups
    ” by Daniel Greenfield
    — 8 Av 5784 — 2024 August 11 www (dot) JewishPress (dot) com


    Israel’s Foreign Minister recently condemned Kamala Harris. \

    Asked about Kamala’s call for a two-state solution
    during the debate, Foreign Minister Katz responded:

    “I condemn anyone calling for a two-state solution,
    which is a prize [reward] for terrorism”.


    Caroline B. Glick said this on Jewish News Syndicate:

    Since October 7, [2023] [Kamala] Harris has been the most outspoken critic of Israel in the administration. Just three weeks after the Hamas invasion, and in the midst of the worst eruptions of antisemitism in the United States in 90 years, Harris announced on X that the Biden administration would develop “the first ever U.S. National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia.”

    She [Kamala Harris] then added, falsely, “As the result of the Hamas terrorist attack in Israel and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, we have seen an uptick in anti-Palestinian, anti-Arab and Islamophobic incidents across America.”

    Last week [Kamala] Harris raised concerns about her commitment to Israel’s security when she met with the heads of the most viciously anti-Israel and pro-Hamas group in the Democratic party ahead of an election rally in Michigan.

    [Kamala]Harris spoke with the heads of the so-called “Uncommitted National Movement,” the group that convinced thousands of pro-Hamas voters in Michigan to vote “uncommitted” rather than vote for Biden in the Michigan primaries. According to the Washington Free Beacon, the two leaders in the conversation with Harris were Abbas Alawieh, former chief of staff for Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.), and Layla Elabed, sister of Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.). Tlaib and Bush, of course are outspoken in their hatred for Israel and for American Jews who support Israel. After losing her Democratic primary in a landslide defeat on Aug. 6, Bush committed herself to destroying the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.
    In her words, “AIPAC, I’m coming to tear your kingdom down!”

    Alawieh and Elabed told [Kamala] Harris that they want the United States to impose an arms embargo on Israel. Harris reportedly responded that she is “open” to a discussion on the issue. While Harris’s aides have breathlessly insisted that she never expressed any support for an arms embargo and that she opposes an arms embargo, Harris supported the administration’s decision to block shipments of several critical weapons systems to Israel.

    In late March she [Kamala Harris] threatened Israel with “consequences,” if it defied the administration’s wishes and began a ground operation in Rafah.

    In mid-March, [Kamala] Harris stood at a historic Civil Rights movement-era site in Selma, Alabama and intimated that Israel was committing war crimes in Gaza.

    Referring to humanitarian conditions in the terror enclave as a “catastrophe,” [Kamala] Harris said, “What we’re seeing every day in Gaza is devastating. We have seen reports of families eating leaves or animal feed. Women giving birth to malnourished babies with little to no medical care. Children dying from malnutrition and dehydration.”

    She [Kamala Harris] then wagged her finger and said, “The Israeli government must do more to significantly increase the flow of aid. No excuses.”

    None of [Kamala] Harris’s descriptions were accurate. By giving voice to the slanders, the vice president facilitated the anti-Israel and anti-Jewish riots that were taking place on U.S. campuses, and provided support to the International Court of Justice at the Hague and its Kafkaesque trial of Israel for genocide.

    [Kamala] Harris’s national security adviser Phil Gordon has a long history of pro-Iran and pro-Hamas positions….

    SOURCE: article titled: “Trump’s rhetoric vs. Harris’s policies
    by Caroline B. Glick 2024 August 11
    www (dot) jns (dot) org Jewish News Syndicate

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