Isis has fighter jets

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    lamud vov tzadik

    I recently heard in the news that Isis has fighter jets this is the only terror group in the world known now to have fighter jets. It’s not as scary as you think it is because let’s say the thing Israel wants is for to Hamas to attack them using a normal army so it’s still a long time before they could put together a proper army.


    I doubt they have the necessary training and resources to put them to effective use.


    There is way more to this story than meets the press.


    like what?


    showjoe, not sure where to begin. You’re asking someone who has put many years into thoughtful political, economic, and sociological study to be able to spit it all out in a posting.

    In very short, I have learned a long time ago that the dividing line between political “stated” policies and their “backroom” policies has been moved way to the side of “backroom” policies; and that is where the powers that be take action.

    If you are so inclined, I recommend you follow various news sources and put some intuition to work, so as the years roll by, you can recognize patterns. Again, if you are so inclined to feel comfortable in that kind of pursuit.

    Otherwise, please feel free to post your thoughts on the matter.

    lamud vov tzadik

    Now they don’t have fighter jets anymore as Syria claims to have bombed them.


    bt “You’re asking someone who has put many years into thoughtful political, economic, and sociological study” i have not im still young and trying to learn, from everybody, and i want to hear your thoughts on the matter.

    i do try to follow the news, as you suggest.

    but back to the issue,you think (supposed) western counties are supplying isis?


    The planes were MIG-21 or MIG-23 jets, decades old. Sitting ducks for Israel’s F-15’s or F-16’s.

    lamud vov tzadik

    They will also definitely get bombed sooner or later, the thing is even if they one day end up against Israel I don’t think Israel cares to much because what Israel does want is for Hamas or whoever to fight country stole what they are scared of is guerrilla warfare.

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