Is this it?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Is this it?

  • This topic has 5 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by fish.
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  • #2062809
    ☕️coffee addict

    The war with Russia, is it the start of the last part of Gog U’Magog?

    Will China start with Taiwan?
    Will Iran start with Israel?

    I’m not asking will they in general, I’m asking are they going to start within the next few months

    I know no one here are נביאים but I’m wondering if you guys know something from חז״ל in regards to this that I don’t

    I’ve heard that Russia is משך ותובל

    Any thoughts?


    The Gaon said that the Russians are Yavan, as can be seen with their alphabet that’s based on Greek. He also said that Germany is amalek at a time when Germany was friendly to yidden; that’s why Rav yosef chaim zonnenfeld hid himself when kaizer wilhelm passed by yerushalayim, because he didn’t want to have to give sholom to an amaleki king.


    I know no one here are נביאים

    And how do you know that?? Some of the CR geonim have a reasonably good track record on their geopolitical prognostications.


    Patience. This is more like the conquests of Manchuria, Ethiopia and Czechoslovokia (for WWII examples). If the British and French had responded to the invasion of Poland with sanctions, and telling Hitler he couldn’t have a bank account in London, or go sightseeing in Paris, imagine how that would have turned out?

    Sam Klein

    If we start doing serious Teshuva as one loving nation together then Hashem can answer our tefillos and IYH accept our Teshuva to be worthy of the coming of Mashiach bkarov

    Let us all start doing Teshuva together now and not wait any longer if it can bring Mashiach to come faster


    rav Fish has a beautiful collection of Midrashim that connect perfectly to these current events you can listen at צפית לישועה 97226647979 in easy Hebrew

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