Is this acceptable for shalach manos?

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  • #595791
    Bar Shattya

    So I travelled half an hour to pick up my 8 year old son from his mother, and then another half hour to go to his rebbe’s house to deliver shalach manos. My son was dressed up in dirty jeans and a “wife-beater” undershirt.

    First, the rebbe offered me a shot even though I was clearly driving. (He mumbled some excuse about drinking being an ??? and drunk driving being a ?? ????, even if it is dina dmalchusa. I declined since ???? ????? ??? ???…)

    Then, his shalach manos to my son was some orange juice and 2 Ritalins.

    My son was going crazy on the ride back because he didn’t get any candy, and also I didn’t let him eat the shalach manos because the orange juice didn’t have a heimish hechsher.

    My questions are:

    A. Should I complain to the rebbe that he didnt give candy?

    B. Should I complain to the school about the hechsher?

    C. Should I complain to my ex about the costume?

    D. Should I just pass on the shalach manos to someone else?

    Please answer quick. If social services comes, I need the house to seem orderly. Especially since I will be drinking, and my 12 year old daughter will be in charge.


    Bar Shatya: I don’t know.

    But, my daughter is dressed up as queen esther.

    When we went to her ????’s house, she said “Oh! you look so ugly, are you vashti?”

    Now, I know my daughter is not quite a supermodel, but isn’t that a bit over the line?

    always here

    this morning in shul, some women complimented me on my ‘so authentic-looking hippie’ costume!!… only thing is that I was dressed in my normal clothes!! (except for the multi-colored mylar wig w/ flowers in my ‘hair’). ;-D

    Sender Av

    Poppa, are you serious? I feel so bad for your daughter. I would switch her out of that class.


    If you decide to re-gift the Ritalin, can I have it?


    Bar Shattya:

    I find that story quite troublesome for so many reasons. I really think you need to consult your Rav and ask him for advice. Were you serious about the Ritalins? I really hope not.

    always here

    Purim Shpiels, fellow CR-niks!! ;-P

    Sender Av

    I figured as much…or Joseph. I want to know about Poppa’s post





    d-no. take the ritalin & none of the above will bother you.


    Bar Shattya, PBA & Always Here; Your stories are custom made for Purim. If they weren’t true, (Maybe, they’re not.) they would have to be made up. This proves the theory that truth is stranger than fiction. Bar Shattya, there are so many things wrong in the situation that you describe.; 1)Your ex-wife still has some strong feelings (of hate/rage) for you.;(psst. Is it true?); 2) Your son’s Rebbi has a unique (& childish) way of expressing his frustration with your son’s restlessness in class. (He should possibly be reported to the authorities.); 3) Your decision not to let him drink the Juice was right. But not for the reason you stated. It might have been spiked.; PBA. Your daughter has a Morah who shouldn’t be teaching class, altogether. (unless she was “Under the influence” when she made that statement.) She was brutally frank. To hurt someone’s feelings, especially a child, is unforgivable.; Always Here. It says a lot (the “Compliment”.) about the way you dress. A Freilichen Purim.


    PBA- Mazel Tov to your new daughter… When’s the Kiddush?


    one word: WOW!!!! this is a tuffie! but i really think you should talk to the rav and ur ex for that matter


    YEah, and my 4 year old grandson told me, “Bubby, you are SO BIIIIIG!!!!!”

    The Buzz

    Did he really give ritalin? Isn’t that illegal? I would investigate and make sure he’s not giving it to your kid in school!!

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    What hechsher is on Ritalin?

    Sender Av

    When I cant stop fiddlin’ I just take me ritalin, I’m poppin and taking pills (pop pop). (sung to the tune of Popeye the sailor man).


    I went to visit a rebbe on purim and he demanded that I give him my keys. He said, “If you drank, you better give me your keys. If you didn’t drink, then you don’t have a chezkas kashrus and I certainly need to take away your keys!”


    Yitayningwut; I suspect that the Rebbe had one drink too many, and should not be on the road. Whether he’s a “Learning” Rebbi or Chassidic Rebbi, he was already “Be’Gilufin” (Be’gleef’n), even though he still appears to know the difference… between Scotch and Bourbon.


    Lol, yup he was definitely drunk.


    The OJ wasn’t kosher enough for you? Seriously? How can orange juice be non-kosher? There were bugs in it?


    Another example of someone commenting on a 5 YEAR OLD THREAD ad if it is presently being discussed.

    If you would have read the OP carefully it said “without a heimisheh hechsher”. Why are you questioning someone else’s chumra?


    mik, you hold it’s okay to drink OJ that has no hechsher?


    mik, you hold it’s okay to drink OJ that has no hechsher?

    I would, if I squeezed it myself.

    The Wolf


    I meant commercial OJ.

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