- This topic has 167 replies, 47 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 1 month ago by ☕ DaasYochid ☕.
November 26, 2012 10:21 pm at 10:21 pm #606675ShalomToYouMember
I’m wondering about this for YEARS! I keep reading in the Yated etc about the THOUSANDS of girls who have alle mailos and unfortunately cannot get a date and the boys are all married right away. I am a 29 year old Bachur in Shiduchim for 6 years. I know plenty of guys who are having trouble. WHERE ARE ALL THE THOUSANDS OF GIRLS? I haven’t gone out in 6 months!
November 26, 2012 10:27 pm at 10:27 pm #1137059shmoelMemberIf the “age gap theory” is correct that there are more girls than boys in shidduchim, the best solution is to reinstate polygamy.
November 26, 2012 10:32 pm at 10:32 pm #1137060akupermaParticipantEvery unmarried young adult, in all cultures (gays excepted) feels their is a shidduch (or at least, a marriage) crisis. They have always felt this way. Strangely, the crisis seems to be resolved when they get engaged. Even Adam ha-Rishon has a shidduch crisis for a while.
Absent a disaster that kills most of one gender (such as war with only male casulties), the problem usually resolves itself.
If there was a “crisis” – within a few years we’ld hear about wedding halls going broke, and heddarim closing for want of students.
November 26, 2012 10:52 pm at 10:52 pm #1137061YoseyParticipantThere most certainly is a Shidduch crisis! The fact that B’chesed Elyon there are hundreds and thousand of your people getting married all the time and the fact that Boruch Hashem they are zoiche to have children does not contradict this!
I cannot tell you how many young ladies I personally know that either are not married yet, or were married and are divorced. (I will not go into the reasons for the divorces. Even if the divorces are all “no fault” the fact is there are many single ladies)
My personal experiance is that as girls grow older they become more accomplished and, unfortunately the proportion of Bochurim that grow and accomplish proportionately to the females is very small. How many guys stay in yeshiva and really accomplish. But they do not want to leave for many reasons, even if they should. (There are those in Kollel that should no longer be there, but there is no purpose in discussing that)
There is a crisis, period. I will get frum here, and say when the RBSO resolves it, it will be resolved. Until then, it is incumbent on peole to do what they can. If you know any singles, THINK! Would any of them be Tzu Gepast for each other. If you only know Single boys, (Liek a rebbi in a yeshiva) Speak to peole and find out who the girls are and try to make shidduchim.
If you are a shadchan try to redd anyone you meet a shidduch, not just those where the reward for success is a motivational factor. (Trust me many shadchonim are pleasantly surprised when redding middle class shiudduchim, and disappointed when they expect to hit the jackpot!)
November 26, 2012 10:59 pm at 10:59 pm #1137062SaysMeMembera 29 year old bachur and plenty of similar friends? Where are you guys hiding out???? There are many more single girls than boys of the same age over 25 or whatever. But anyhow, i myself know so many single girls 25+ but the boys seem to be hiding out! When a boy begins dating, often he is bombarded with names of girls anywhere in age from 2 yrs older to 10 yrs younger. Girls tend to start dating earlier, but there arent so many boys dating at 19, so their choice at that point is smaller.
But if you havent gotten suggestions in 6 mths, get your name out there, cuz there isnt a shortage of girls looking.
November 26, 2012 11:04 pm at 11:04 pm #1137063popa_bar_abbaParticipantIf there was a “crisis” – within a few years we’ld hear about wedding halls going broke, and heddarim closing for want of students.
Does that make sense? No. So why are you saying it?
Chadarim would close down if there were progressively less kids. In fact though, the principal theory for the shidduch crisis is that there are progressively more kids.
In any event, to address OP: There is a numbers crisis, and there are more girls than guys. That doesn’t mean all the girls are open to dating all the guys though, for better or for worse. But nor does it mean all the guys are open to dating all the girls.
November 26, 2012 11:06 pm at 11:06 pm #1137064SaysMeMemberyosey- if you are a shadchan , do NOT try to redt everyone u meet, or you’ll soon realize how many people avoid you. The majority of people i know (yes there are exceptions) do not appreciate it when someone who didnt know they existed 5 minutes ago suddenly knows ”the perfect match for you!!”. If you’d like to ask someone what they’re looking for, first ask if they’d like to share, and then dont just pull a name out of a hat cuz, hey theyre both tall! Be considerate- the shidduch scene isnt an easy one, and the less unthought out dates someone has to endure, the better. Imo
November 26, 2012 11:12 pm at 11:12 pm #1137065shmoelMemberAs I said, we need to take the Teimani (and some Sefardim) Yidden’s minhag of polygamy across Klal Yisroel to resolve this number crisis.
November 27, 2012 1:11 am at 1:11 am #1137066Torah613TorahParticipantI think PBA is correct. And a key factor is his second point – for all our worrying about the crisis, most girls have a very narrow range of who they’re willing to date.
November 27, 2012 1:46 am at 1:46 am #1137067ShalomToYouMemberSaysMe-I wonder if you actually can make a list of more than 10 or 15 single girls you know. A shadchan told me “I know hundreds of girls over 23” She has yet to redd me some of them. I believe people over-exaggerate the situation. I challenge anyone out there to make a list of all single girls they know. See if its more than 10 or 20
November 27, 2012 1:48 am at 1:48 am #1137068ShalomToYouMemberAs for my friends,where are they hiding? How about BMG? One friend is 24, hasn’t gone out in months, not being redd, another friend was in BMG 3 years till he got engaged at 27. Bottom Line- PLENTY OF BOYS
November 27, 2012 3:06 am at 3:06 am #1137069No One Mourns The WickedMember“As for my friends,where are they hiding? How about BMG? One friend is 24, hasn’t gone out in months, not being redd, another friend was in BMG 3 years till he got engaged at 27. Bottom Line- PLENTY OF BOYS”
With all due respect to you and your friends (I am not judging, but rather making a shrewd observation) perhaps it is time to get out of the BMG and get yourself into college so that the 26 year old female doctoral student that you guys will need to support you will actually WANT to go out with you…
As someone else mentioned above, girls as they get older get more accomplished, many want college educated boys like themselves…
November 27, 2012 3:13 am at 3:13 am #1137070farrocksMemberA 26 year old female doctoral student is under-qualified for a Yeshiva guy. A Yeshiva guy is on a much much higher level than any doctoral student could ever hope for. And the longer he stays in Yeshiva the more qualified he becomes.
P.S. And it is the girls that are desperate to go out with the guys. Not vice versa.
November 27, 2012 3:35 am at 3:35 am #1137071SaysMeMemberi said where are they hiding in jest. But meant just like you’re askin where the girls are, the girls can’t see to find boys to date. In BMG yes, but have they gotten their name out that they’re looking, beyond the 2 official bmg shadchanim. as for a list, i’ve got 18 girls on the top of my list. And thats not an exclusive list. 3 are 24, the other 15 are 25-34. Boys? I’ve got 5 names, of which 3 are not open to most suggestions. So hence my common teasing refrain, where are all the 27+ boys hiding?
November 27, 2012 7:54 am at 7:54 am #1137072yael.eParticipantdouble thumbs up to farrocks! The girls who think they are better than the boys because girls have more secular knowledge have a completely krum and twisted hashkafa.
(And for the record, this comment is coming from a well educated highly intellectual female who works in the secular world – and whose husband learns in kollel)
November 27, 2012 12:03 pm at 12:03 pm #1137073more_2MemberThis thread is a ‘troll thread’ I don’t believe the op… A guy not getting a date that’s impossible.
November 27, 2012 12:46 pm at 12:46 pm #1137074Torah613TorahParticipantI think there’s truth to both.
We all agree that Torah is the highest form of knowledge.
However, girls don’t know enough about what the boys are learning to respect it. Also, the competition of the outside world tends to make them more sophisticated and articulate about their fields.
November 27, 2012 1:03 pm at 1:03 pm #1137075KGHMemberShalom to you–Be in touch with the NASI organization. Their Shadchanim have met dozens of the most wonderful girls to be found. They’re not hiding. They’re really there, and want to meet appropriate young men.
November 27, 2012 2:30 pm at 2:30 pm #1137076pet peeveMemberummmm….my list of single girls over 23 is way over 10 or 15. its more like 40.
November 27, 2012 7:00 pm at 7:00 pm #1137077ShalomToYouMembermore_2- Look how brainwashed you are with the constant refrain of the ‘Shiduch Crisis’ now that you actually found a guy who’s single you can’t believe it.
KGH- It’s my impression that NASI deals with the less yeshivish people although I could be wrong about that.
I was recently redd to a 29 year old girl (older than me). I agonized about it for a while then said yes. The girl still hasn’t gotten back to me. You would think she’d be jumping at a chance to meet a normal guy
November 27, 2012 8:49 pm at 8:49 pm #1137078AZParticipantThis following article appeared in numerous nationwide publications:
If i was asked to give it a title i would call it
Age Gap for Dummies
here goes…
Shidduch Crisis- Explained
Recently there has been some discussion and request to lay out the hard facts of the shidduch crisis. Here they are:
Definition of the problem:
The number of Orthodox non-chassidishe young women who have been dating five years or longer and are still single is greater – by the thousands – than the number of Orthodox non-chassidise young men who have been dating five years or longer.
That single statement defines the shidduch crisis.
It is difficult, if not impossible, to perform an accurate head count for numerous reasons, and there might be some people who would thus choose to be in denial about the above statement.
However, conversations with people involved in shidduchim, ranging from shadchanim and roshei yeshiva to principals and those running frum dating sites, indicate that the above statement is painfully and tragically true.
Unfortunately, it is painfully obvious that they simply don’t exist in mass numbers. Of course, there are some young men who have been dating for more than five years and are still single, but the number of such young men is miniscule when compared to the number of young women in that category.
So those are facts.
But it tragically is.
Is there anyone out there who denies this reality?
Having established clearly that in our communities we find the sad situation of the number of young women who have dated 5+ years and are still single outnumbers the young men who have dated 5+ years and are single by the thousands the question that begs to be asked is
Are there hundreds of more girls born every year than boys?
Do hundreds of boys die before they reach shidduch age?
Do hundreds more boys than girls off the derech never to return and marry within the community?
The answer is no no and no.
So how could it be?
The answer is as follows.
Step one:
Yes or No
Even if every girl is poor, not pretty etc, there is simply no way for more boys on the island to get married than girls.
Step two:
If on that island at the beginning of the year instead of 100 girls and 100 boys, we place 150 girls and 100 boys,
How many girls will FOR SURE be unmarried at the end of the year?
Obviously 50
If some of the guys choose not to get married, then for every unmarried guy, there will be another unmarried girl. If 20 guys are still single then 70 girls will be single.
But no matter what, 50 girls will NOT get married.
Even if every girl is rich, pretty with personality and every other silly thing that is perhaps valued in shidduchim, a minimum of 50 are NOT getting married.
Step 3:
Which grade is larger counting both boys and girls
Kindergarten or 3rd grade
Which grade is larger, 5th grade or 9th grade.
5th for the same reason as above
Which is larger 9th grade or 12th grade,
5th for the same reason as above
We have now established that the younger grades of both boys and girls is far larger than the older grades.
But how does that create the shidduch tragedy?
Step 4:
At what age do boys-non chasiddishe- (in the US) start shidduchim 22/23
So if in the year 2012 every girl on her 19th birthday gets a passport to Shidduch Island and every boy in 2012 on his 23 birthday get a passport to shidduch island,
Question: in 2012 on shidduch island are the number of girl/boys who come onto the island the same or are there more of one gender.
Hopefully by now every reader understands, that there are more young wome entering shidduch island. MANY more.
Well next year a who new shipment of boys come to shidduch island, but a whole new shipment of girls comes as well, and once again the new girls outnumber the new boys by a few hundred each new year.
Disclaimer: the numbers 100 young men/150 young women were illustrative only. In reality, it is approximately 2200 young women entering shidduch island each year and 2000 young men.
This dear reader is what has been ongoing in our community year after year after year for way to long, with somewhere in the vicinity of 200 girls per returning from seminary – condemned to never get married.
But this is only the beginning.
Can you even begin to imagine the sheer terror of a young woman and her family when she realizes her current situation in life.
Which girls will be the unlucky 200 from 2012? No one knows. Certainly many silly factors play into which girls perhaps have a better chance to be from the lucky 2000 instead of the tragic 200. But all those factors simply determine which girls will be sacrificed they don’t change at all how many.
I think now we can agree that it is high time our community took this issue seriously- VERY seriously.
The good news is that there is a real viable and implementable solution to this problem. It has the capability to greatly eradicate the problem going forward that no young women coming home from seminary should suffer what their older sisters/neighbors/relatives have and continue to. In addition it will afford many new shidduch opportunities to large numbers of the young women who have been dating for quite a few years and are still single.
All that is needed to make it happen is an iron clad commitment on the part of the community to get it done. We need a sense of urgency to insist that we will no longer allow our daughters to suffer.
Baruch Hashem, recently there has been a awakening in the community as more people have begun to give this issue the importance that it requires. YES there IS a light at the end of the tunnel.
Unfortunately we haven’t reached the point that the hamon am is on board and determined to change the current situation.
When we do we will save thousands of girls.
November 27, 2012 10:29 pm at 10:29 pm #1137079shmoelMemberAZ: According to your numbers close to ten percent of all young girls today will never get married. Really, is it 10%? 2000 married and 200 never to get married? As many as it is, it sure does not seem that high — that 10% of all new, frum, Bais Yaakov girls today are never getting married.
November 27, 2012 10:36 pm at 10:36 pm #1137080SaysMeMemberaz- thanks, well explained.
Shalomtoyou- the non-replies and pushing off bothers me immensely too. Interestingly i find it a lot more common from the boys. But perhaps she’s busy but waiting to see where it goes before saying no and losing her chance, or doing a lot of researching. Hope she will send a reply soon though. Noone enjoys being left hanging. And my best advice is still to get your name out there. To different cities and states too. A good friend of mine hasnt had even 8 dates in 6 years so i get it. Hatzlocha.
November 27, 2012 11:32 pm at 11:32 pm #1137081ShalomToYouMemberAZ- Thanks for posting that article. Every time I see it it makes me want to scream. That’s why I started this thread
November 28, 2012 2:01 am at 2:01 am #1137082frumnotyeshivishParticipantAZ – From article: “Is there anyone out there who denies this reality?
Clearly there is. Now the question is: is there any objective proof? Any? Having established that there is none…
BTW I believe that there is a crisis, I just think that the article is missing the OP’s (wrong) point.
Any proof?
November 28, 2012 2:31 am at 2:31 am #1137083AZParticipantShmoel- Tragically correct. The sooner the “oilam” is awakened from their slumber, the sooner the solutions will be able to be implemented.
Solutions, no matter how simple and how effective they might be, they can not be implemented against the will of the people. When the “oilam” asks for them to be imlemented, they will
but not a day before.
Part of the difficulty in bringing the :oilam” on board, is that they confuse the micro with the macro.
Everyone who knows a older single girls (or 30 of them) thinks they can point to each one and say. “This is why she is single or that is why she is single.”
“If she would have done or been more x y or z, then she would’ve been married”
and they have “proof” “look, she dated x amount of guys, so obviously she had her chances”
This perception is commonplace amongst parents, shadchanim, mentors etc. Their connection to the shidduch scene is on the individual level.
What they don’t grasp, is that even if everyone one of the older singles they know would have married the first guy they dated we would still have just as many older single young women, it would just be different ones who are single.
All the reasons in the world why a specific young woman is still single can perhaps (and usually not) explain why she is part of the unlucky 10%, but they do nothing to explain nor alleviate why we find ourselves with the tragic reality of around 10% remaining single.
As for people like Shalom, all i can say is the facts on the ground indicate otherwise. Most any normal frum 29 year old single guy has a opportunity to date 2 girls each night of the week. You write that you are 29 and having dated in 6 months. something sounds fishy….
Are their boys who are single after dating 5 years. Of course. That was discussed as well in the article I posted.
With regards to your comment about the NASI org, it is incorrect.
November 28, 2012 4:30 am at 4:30 am #1137084shmoelMemberAZ: Thanks for that information. But can you please share where, specifically, you got those approximate annual numbers of 2000 girls able to get married while 200 will never be able to get married. Where did that particular figure come from and how was it derived?
November 28, 2012 5:52 am at 5:52 am #1137085SaysMeMemberwoh AZ now ur getting judgemental. Not ‘everyone’ has that perception. Occasionally it actually is true too. And there’s nothing ‘fishy’ about not having dated in 6 months. There still are less singles in that age group than 19 year olds, and its true that older singles for that reason are sometimes overlooked. They may not be being redt what they are looking for. There might not be enough people who know what they’re looking for to redt them shidduchim. There may be less girls looking for someone still learning at that age. I’d be completely surprised if a 29 year old who’s been dating for 6 years got 2 dates a week, simply because those who know him have likely suggested those they thought appropriate already, and have no new names to suggest. Yes, thats where my opinion of getting your name out comes from. Though after bad dating experiences, some singles are only open to hearing suggestions from those who know them. Dont accuse the single boys because he gets less dates. Thats not so fair.
November 28, 2012 6:55 am at 6:55 am #1137086the voice of reasonMemberI don’t get it,
there are a number of assumed facts floating around here that are presumed to have a connection
1.there are thousands of older single girls (the official number is 3000 between the ages of 25-40)
So the girls are at a clear disadvantage (even thought no one has any idea how many single guys there are but we will say less than 3000)
2. the guys and girls are in different envoirments(Yeshiva and secular workforce respectively)
so the girls don’t respect the guys(it seems to be assumed that a yeshivish type guy would both respect a girl who has adopted the conventions of secular society and would feel comfortable with her)
3. everyone is entitled to marry someone who is exactly what they are looking for.
I really think that #3 is the root of the shidduch crisis. but more on that later.
Hence we have 3000 girls looking for husbands among less than 3000 guys, many of whom are learning and the girls NO LONGER (many went to school to be able to support a husband who is learning) want a guy who is doing that because of XYZ.
so the assumed crisis has TWO parts. One which could be addressed easier than the other (that’s right: clone THE working ben torah who learns many hours a day and works in investment banking)
Now back to number two.
many of you assumed that because a girl is more polished or has a more defined accomplishment (they don’t give PHDs is yeshiva) or overpaid to have a few letters to put after her name, she will not respect a guy who is learning (seriously).
Is she looking for a co-worker or a husband?
I suspect that the two do not require the same skill set (unless you say that the decline in marriage and high unemployment are related- regardless employment is still way ahead – 92% vs 50%)
So IMHO if we do the old tired thing of focusing on what is important in a marriage we might have more shidduchim
November 28, 2012 10:13 am at 10:13 am #1137087fiddlesticks88MemberYou know why there’s a shidduch crisis? It has nothing to do with numbers. It has to do with the ridiculous expectations that both sides have-boys (and their mothers) demand a girl who’s skinny-which automatically knocks about half the eligible female population out. There are boys that demand the girls father run himself into the ground supporting his daughter’s growing family.
There are girls that demand that their husband be only of a certain look, certain yichus. There are girls that want to sit all day and drink ice coffee while their husbands slave away to make ends meet, or live off their father’s credit card, depending on what stream they are.
I’m not saying that everything that I listed above is describing every single girl. But as a single girl over the age of *gasp* 23, these are my experiences.
If someone finds out where the good guys are hiding out, let me know! The problem is that the guys that ARE around my age are generally not interested in a girl that’s older then 21, at the most. Of course, you hear stories of guys and girls that are around the same age. But for the most part, the guys are looking for the girls that have no life experience, whereas the girls that are still looking are left in the dust.
November 28, 2012 11:43 am at 11:43 am #1137088uneeqParticipantI don’t believe in this whole shidduch crisis thing. But I’m not an expert and lets say AZ is right. If so, there should be any easy way to solve the whole thing:
Start a kiruv organization that focuses only on boys. Boom! Just like that, the whole imaginary shidduch crisis is solved!
November 28, 2012 2:04 pm at 2:04 pm #1137091yehudayonaParticipantSaysMe, are you saying there are singles who accept suggestions (for shidduchim, I assume) from people who DON’T know them?
November 28, 2012 4:48 pm at 4:48 pm #1137092MCPMemberThe Holocaust was a CRISIS. Girls being unwilling to settle for a guy who’s not rich, charming, and handsome but getting offended when guys say they want a skinny girl is an ISSUE. Of course every girl deserves the perfect life. But, and this may come as a major shock to you, NOT EVERYONE GETS A PERFECT LIFE. Stop raising children who expect the world to be handed to them and raise children who are willing to work to get what they need (not what they want) and who understand what is important. Then we can talk about it being a “crisis”.
November 28, 2012 9:00 pm at 9:00 pm #1137094ShalomToYouMemberMCP- Well said!! And you do bring up another issue. Many guys, myself included, simply aren’t attracted to heavy girls. Yet we read how shallow and superficial we are.
Hashem made all types of people. What one person does not find attractive, someone else does find attractive.
And don’t worry who will marry the heavy girls. I went out with a girl and was turned OFF by her looks, my friend went ahead and married her. So yes, my mother does ask dress size because if the girl is heavy, ITS A WASTE OF TIME
November 28, 2012 9:09 pm at 9:09 pm #1137095WIYMemberFunny, we are superficial because we want a slim girl, but the fat girls aren’t superficial in that they cant stop fressing fattening food and monitor their food intake?!
November 28, 2012 9:15 pm at 9:15 pm #1137096uneeqParticipantI don’t believe in this whole shidduch crisis thing. But I’m not an expert and lets say AZ is right. If so, there should be any easy way to solve the whole thing:
Start a kiruv organization that focuses only on boys. Boom! Just like that, the whole imaginary shidduch crisis is solved!
November 28, 2012 9:45 pm at 9:45 pm #1137097farrocksMemberAnd you do bring up another issue. Many guys, myself included, simply aren’t attracted to heavy girls. Yet we read how shallow and superficial we are.
Hashem made all types of people. What one person does not find attractive, someone else does find attractive.
And don’t worry who will marry the heavy girls. I went out with a girl and was turned OFF by her looks, my friend went ahead and married her. So yes, my mother does ask dress size because if the girl is heavy, ITS A WASTE OF TIME
Many guys simply aren’t attracted to brunettes. Yet we read how shallow and superficial we are.
Hashem made all types of people. What one person does not find attractive, someone else does find attractive.
And don’t worry who will marry the brunettes or redheads. So, yes, mothers should ask if she is a blonde, because if the girl isn’t blonde, IT’S A WASTE OF TIME.
November 28, 2012 9:47 pm at 9:47 pm #1137098popa_bar_abbaParticipantNovember 28, 2012 10:07 pm at 10:07 pm #1137099WhiteberryMemberNovember 29, 2012 12:45 am at 12:45 am #1137100popa_bar_abbaParticipantStart a kiruv organization that focuses only on boys. Boom! Just like that, the whole imaginary shidduch crisis is solved!
My rosh yeshiva had a better idea. We could simply take the extra amount of girls each year, and kill them!
See, if we kill them, we only take away their olam hazeh. But if we neglect to teach them torah, we take away their olam haboh. I’m sure they’d rather just lose the olam hazeh.
November 29, 2012 1:01 am at 1:01 am #1137101emanParticipantLet’s look further into Shiduch Island. The 100 boys graduate High School and 10 go to work or college and 90 go to Yeshivah.
The 100 girls graduate High School and 10 go to work or college and 90 go to Seminary.
3 years later, of the 90 boys 30 want to learn in Kollel, 30 want to be learner earner(intending to be a Ben torah) and 30 will be frum, but not really be “into learning”.
3 years later of these 90 girls,80 want to marry a ben torah, but only 60 boys qualify for that criteria. 10 might marry a boy like that hoping she can change him but that leaves some more girls out(actually a higher percentage than the age problem). Also a large percentage of these girls want to marry the Kollel boys or the higher echelon learner-earner (emphasis on the learner part).
That my friends is the essence of the Shiduch Crisis.
November 29, 2012 1:12 am at 1:12 am #1137102chassidishY.U.typeMemberThen why is the crisis among the non-yeshivish as well?
November 29, 2012 1:23 am at 1:23 am #1137103SaysMeMemberyehudayona- who dont know them well, yes. Who dont know their personality. Or havent spoken to them for more than 30 min. Or only ‘know’ them from the piece of paper and rave they heard from the single’s aunt’s cousin’s son-in-law. ohhhhhhhhhh yes. in fact, thats what most people who go to meet a shadchan are doing, is it not?
November 29, 2012 2:32 am at 2:32 am #1137104farrocksMemberAZ:
If the Chasidishe are the only frum demographic that doesn’t have a shidduch crisis, then perhaps they are on to something we can learn from.
November 29, 2012 3:12 am at 3:12 am #1137105emanParticipantfarroks- we can learn from the Chasidim. A Chadishe girl does not reject a male. A Yeshivishe or modern will.
November 29, 2012 4:51 am at 4:51 am #1137106farrocksMembereman: What do you mean? (Both parties [guy and girl] have veto over a shidduch by Chasidim.)
November 29, 2012 6:21 am at 6:21 am #1137107ShalomToYouMemberPopa Bar Abba- What in heavens name is wrong with you and your RY? I know you’re a senior CR member but please Rachmana Litzlan, as my grandmother used to say “nisht afilu far a joke” Besides the fact that the post didn’t make any sense
November 29, 2012 8:02 am at 8:02 am #1137108fiddlesticks88MemberFunny, we are superficial because we want a slim girl, but the fat girls aren’t superficial in that they cant stop fressing fattening food and monitor their food intake?!
oh, of course. Because we all know that the only reason that people aren’t skinny minis is because they don’t eat properly. Of course. Because genetics aren’t involved. And body build. Clearly we’re all supposed to have the exact same toothpick body and people just grossly abuse it.
How many of these skinny girls stay that skinny 10, 20, 30 years down the line? Are their husbands suddenly going to divorce them because they’re not the same size 2 they were when they got married? Hopefully their relationship is a little more solid then that. People that nix someone only based on their size without meeting the person and trying to get to know them are extremely shallow and superficial, yes. If you’ve given it a real shot and you still can’t past it, then that’s something else. But to ask that question before you’ve even met the girl and base your decision on that is just beyond me.
November 29, 2012 1:27 pm at 1:27 pm #1137109popa_bar_abbaParticipantShalomtoyou: Maybe if you didn’t understand it, that is why you think it is offensive…
November 29, 2012 2:32 pm at 2:32 pm #1137110AZParticipantfarrocks:
we most certainly can (and should).Their secret is that they don’t have a age gap.
that’s all there is to it…. (actually they have a slightly reverse problem of too many boys, for the exact same reason that the non chassidic have to many girls.)
but i won’t bore you with the details.
Just remember this phrase
Age 22 will save 1000 girls
Age 23 will ensure another 1000 older single girls in the next decade or so….
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