Is the enthusiastic sholom aleichem a new thing?

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    Ephraim Becker

    Is the enthusiastic sholom aleichem and the hard pat on the back a new thing? I here a lot of orthodox people said things like “back in my days, we didn’t have autism and things like that”. I’m seeing these days that old people are calm and everything and that teenagers and young adults are being in people’s faces and being cool about everything which I’m annoyed and sensitive about. Was there always the enthusiastic sholom aleichem or is this a recent thing?


    Its a relatively “new” thing. In the Alte heim, one yid meeting another might inquire ? וואס מאכסטו or other variations of “How are you doing bro? or”How are you?”.. What might be interpreted as a perfectly innocent question in English could simultaneously be deemed a provocation in Yiddish, a lashon which does not lend itself to happy talk. “How SHOULD I be?” might be a fairly neutral answer to the question. While theoretically possible to say “gants gut”, I don’t think I’ve ever heard that response.
    If you are a non-conformist, perhaps initiate the greeting with “aleichem shalom”, leaving the bewildered respondent to figure out whether he should revert with a “shalom aleichem” (which should have been your initial greeting” OR just echo your aleichem shalom and continue on his way trying to figure out whether he had just been dissed.


    I think Rechnitz composed it.

    TS Baum



    Where I come from if your Rebbe pats your back it’s called a “Tzitzis Check”


    Rabbi Hunah says: If one greets another with peace and that person does not return the greeting, the person is called a robber [robbing the other of a greeting of peace].

    — Talmud, Berachot 6b


    follick: So would you agree that a GREETING of “Aleichem Shalom” would not make the GREETER a Ganov under Rav Hunah’s pshat?? Either combination of the words would appear to satisfy the obligation of bestowing peace on the other party although not necessarily in proper grammatical format.

    Reb Eliezer

    There is a story where one slapped the back of someone with a shalom aleichem thinking that he was his long seen friend. He said, sorry I thought that you were an old friend of mine. So the guy said and if am your old friend, you can hit me so hard? He answers him it is not your business how I act towards my friends.


    in my shul, no one ever says hello or anything to anyone, except for their close buddies.
    i find that disgusting – chaveirim kol yisroel? hah !!!


    Shoolem Alichem!!

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