Is Meor changing this year?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Is Meor changing this year?

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    Did anyone hear about Meor seminary changing this year? I was nervous to apply cuz I heard the crowd was jappy but my friend heard that they’re looking for new kids. What type do they want this year?


    Me’ohr is looking for girls that are tznius, whos skirts cover their knees, are not interested in bringing Iphones and blackberries to inhibit their year of growh. Me’ohr might finally be instituting a dress code. I think that R’ G will be looking for a different crowd as you say, less jappy.

    Don’t NOT apply just based on girls this year, because then all the “good” girls won’t apply and then this cycle will just repeat itself.

    plus i happen to know of some awesome girls applying, and really i mean awesome. it would be such a shame to lose out on them!!! hatzlacha raba with applying and everything, i know it can get pretty stressful


    My sister went There last Year, And shes really shtark. From what she Told me its an amazing place, and has a great reputation!!


    What is Meor like now? What types of girls. Im a chilled kid…..Is it academic?


    (Seriously, what was the mod thinking?)

    WITP, if the last thread on the topic was long enough ago that no one is likely to remember it, it’s okay to start a new one.

    3, maybe 4 months old would definitely be long enough, forget about 2 years.

    Mods, please change the title of this thread to “Is Meor changing 2 years ago?”. 🙂


    Cut the kid some slack. She googled the school she’s researching before applying and found this old thread so became a member here and asked her question.

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