Is it healthy for yehiva bochurim to learn from a artscroll?

Home Forums Controversial Topics Is it healthy for yehiva bochurim to learn from a artscroll?

  • This topic has 53 replies, 23 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by GAON.
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  • #1674533
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    The question was about “yeshiva bochurim”. Not one yeshiva bochur who can’t develop the skills to learn gemara as it’s written. That would be a tiny minority.


    My yeshiva days were before Artscroll, but the library had the Steinsaltz gemoros on those mesechtos that had been published. Before each zman the Rosh Yeshiva would remove the mesechta we were going to be learning from the set and lock it up in the office. We were allowed to use the other volumes to look up references that came up in the course of learning our mesechta, or for independent learning of other mesechtos, but for the mesechta that we were officially learning we could not use Steinsaltz.

    He also did not approve of our using the Otzar Meforshei Hatalmud (by Mechon Yerushalayim), calling it “spoon-fed meforshim”. (I once asked him the difference between that and Shita Mekubetzes, which does the same thing to the rishonim, but I don’t recall his answer.)

    As for Jastrow, we were expected to first try looking up words in the Oruch, but if we still needed help after that then we could use Jastrow.


    Bar-Illan CD, Otzar, HebrewBooks; how do these fit into a Yeshiva bochor (or kollel yungerleit)’s use in learning?


    “difference between that and Shita Mekubetzes, which does the same thing to the rishonim, but I don’t recall his answer

    Huge difference, asides that the shitah is in itself like a rishon, the Shitah is quoting the entire text of the rishonim and, many times Rishonim that are not even available.

    Nothing of the יגיע or of the process is lost in its qoute..
    Whereas, Otzar is just summarizing various meforshim.

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