Is Bubble Gum Tznius?

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    Is blowing bubbles with bubble gum tznius?


    i don’t think that it’s necessarily Assur but it’s just not what a frum person should be doing


    Amazing! I was chewing gum and blew a bubble. I was at home. It made a snap noise too. No one saw. Or heard. But it suddenly felt very untznius! So weird.

    I’ve never even considered it before. If you chew bubble gum (according to what bubble gum used to mean when I was a kid), then the best part is blowing bubbles.

    I doubt girls, or boys, in religious schools would see how big they can blow a piece of bubble gum outside of class (btw gum was also assur in public school). At least it probably was frowned upon or at least not encouraged.


    It’s totally gross.


    Not after the age of five

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “I doubt girls, or boys, in religious schools would see how big they can blow a piece of bubble gum outside of class (btw gum was also assur in public school). At least it probably was frowned upon or at least not encouraged.”

    The boys in my class used to throw spit balls during math. Speaking of gross…

    Something to do with math being bitul Torah……??


    Lol I guess boys are boys no matter what.

    Why? You get better at blowing bubbles with bubble gum with experience.

    Once I went to a camp or something and we played “I never”. I think I was 10. This girl never chewed gum. She was I think 12 or 13. Never even regular gum.

    Needless to say we gave her her first stick of gum right there and then.

    Looking back at it, maybe her parents didn’t want her to chew gum? Dunno. She said that she never had it and no one ever chewed it. I hope we didn’t taint her for life chas v’shalom.


    I think it’s so cute when I see an adult with a lolipop.

    Doesn’t happen often but when it does, it’s so sweet looking. I don’t advocate candy but I think that sometimes an adult can appreciate it more.

    I btw don’t blow bubbles in public. Barely chew gum in public either but sometimes I chew it in my car and spit it out when I get to the place and need to talk.


    A professor taught me that chewing gum was his secret to teaching classes all day, otherwise his mouth gets too dry. Omgosh it really does help if you need to talk for a while and can only do brief water breaks.

    I started to notice that two other professors also chewed gum. They are in their 50’s and it doesn’t look childish. Of course they aren’t blowing bubbles.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    I think that a teenage girl I know once mentioned that her teacher used to chew gum. She explained to her students that it’s because she was on a diet.

    Or maybe I got the story wrong, and that’s why she allowed this girl to chew gum in class. Or maybe it was both.

    a mamin

    It is the unclassy thing I have ever seen!


    Maybe. Personally I think that smoking cigarettes is less classy.

    The good thing is that gum isn’t addictive. Wait. That’s a good point. There is that special nicotine gum. And I def would support someone chewing nicotine gum over smoking cigarettes, even if he/she blows bubbles.

    I started chewing gum again because of the xylitol which neutralizes acids. I eat a lot of fruit. Rinsing your mouth with water works too.


    Does “bubble gum” refer to (i) the food-like, overly sweet ball of wax and near-edible substances that is swallowed by children under 3, or (ii) a hideous form of music from the late 1960’s? The music is definitely not tznius, the other stuff – I don’t know.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “Maybe. Personally I think that smoking cigarettes is less classy.”


    p.s. I hope you are not insulted that you only got one point for that. +1 means “I am maskim” whereas +1,000 (for example) means either that I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart or that I want to compliment you.

    In this case, I want to say that I agree, and not that I am complimenting you or thanking you, so you should not feel bad that you got a +1.

    If you want a +1,000, you will have to either write something really nice to me (that I will want to thank you for) or write something that deserves a compliment.


    huju: When was music called bubble gum? Well you already answered that, in the 1960’s? Interesting.

    No. I meant the waxy sweet stuff that people chew. I’ve never seen a child under three chewing gum or swallowing it. But I believe you.

    Adults swallow gum sometimes too. Yet I think that to hide the fact that they were chewing it in the first place.

    Better to swallow it than put in under a desk.

    LU: Thank you and no offense taken. Thank you for explaining your point scale system.

    I noticed, I think, that you give extra points for Torahdik posts.

    However I did not know that you could be bought with flattery. Somehow I think that you were just saying this humorously because you are wise and surely must award points fairly based on merit.


    Its assur on shabbos. When else do you have gum?

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “However I did not know that you could be bought with flattery.”

    lol. I didn’t mean it that way at all. By the way, that whole thing was meant half-jokingly in any case. I didn’t really think you’d be offended.

    I was referring to the comments on the post about point inflation. Someone made the comment that he is never sure if the points mean agreement, thanks, or a compliment. It occurred to me as I read it that that is why I do not think it is offensive to sometimes give +1,000 and sometimes give +1. I had never really analyzed that much before, but when I read that thread, it occurred to me that that is the difference between +1 and +1,000 and the reason no one should be offended.

    They simply mean different things. +1 means agreement, and +1,000 is a compliment (or thanks). Maybe I am wrong and that is not how I have used the terms in the past. I don’t really remember. But when I read that post, that’s what I thought. And it seemed like a good idea to use them that way.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Shopping – since when is gum special for Shabbos? Actually, it doesn’t seem so Shabbosdik to me. Why can’t you have gum during the week?


    Agreed with the questions to Shopping613.

    I wasn’t sure if that was a statement or a question or both.

    I don’t know if I’ve ever intentionally chewed gum on Shabbos.

    Is it totally assur or just blowing bubbles?

    To me, gum is more of a weekday thing. Shabbos is for treats.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    I think she meant the bubbles.


    Kay thanks LU 🙂

    Lilmod Ulelamaid


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