The bigger screen is a big difference, it makes it much better for running business apps, like word processors. It’s also a very good book reader, much better than the kindle.
I heard that there are two different types of ipad, one that u can pay monthly to Internet and one that u can connect to wifi and the wifi one cost $499
Volvie: True, I don’t know for certain how the books will look on the ipad, but I do think that the model that Apple has set up for buying books is superior. Also based on the lighting and graphics of all Apple products, I would say it’s safe to assume it will be better for reading books than the kindle.
The Ipad can’t even multitask, except through wacky workarounds (streaming the sound through Safari, for example)
It will be a success, though, just because Steve Jobs made it. But the Android pads will be much more capable. Go for the cheaper, more capable Android OS pads.