Internally inconsistent peace plan

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    I don’t see how the US can even ask for Israel to agree to. It’s crazy peace plan, which is really not a peace plan. It’s a suicide plan. The u s admits that Hamas Represents a viable threat to israel and therefore, it is reasonable that israel would want them to be destroyed. Yet they ceasefire, and certainly. A permanent cease fire would again lead to Rearming of, and more attacks from, Hamas. Duh…


    Mr Kirby, for his part, said that US intelligence now believes that Hamas has been militarily degraded to the extent that it can no longer repeat an attack such as that which its fighters conducted on 7 October.

    “We’ve not said that they don’t still represent a viable threat to the Israeli people. Of course they do,” he said. “But they don’t have the military capabilities to do what they did.”


    As a ceasefire plan it is ridiculous for the reasons mentioned in the OP . As a peace plan if Hamas is on board then it is a wonderful. But of course Hamas is NOT on board


    not a peace plan, an election plan.

    Sam Klein

    Let’s get one thing straight and clear

    “Hamas and neither any other Muslim Palestinian group rather terrorists or not will NEVER make peace with Israel”

    due to the truth and religion they believe in. Just like we believe in the mitzvah to destroy Amalek-which even woman are responsible to keep, and have a Torah responsibility to hear Parshas Zachor every year- Muslim’s are bnei Yishmael and in their Bible study are raised in which one of the sentences mentions “there’s a rock behind you,kill him” and are brought up in life to believe that the word Rick refers to a jew. And this is why there’s so much terrorists from the Muslim people aiming straight at klal yisroel.

    May we all do teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation so Hashem can send mashiach already bkarov


    For a peace plan to work (meaning, to end the war once and for all), it will need to get the Palestinians to recognize that the Jews are the indigenous people of Eretz Yisrael and have a right, that they need to respect, to live there with at least complete security and autonomy. It also requires the Zionists to pacify the Arab Muslims, who after all had been the majority in Eretz Yisrael for over 1000 years (along the situation in North America, where those we call the Americans were the majority in much of the country only since the 19th century).

    Given the the Zionists and the Palestinians can’t stand each other, a consistent peace plan is impossible. When the Hareidim become a majority, probably in the life time of those know in Heder, the situation might change since the Chareidim could give up some aspects of sovereignty such as having an Israel team compete at the Olympics or have a Zionist flag at the United Nations, as long as our rights to be frum, and secure, were respected.

    ☕️coffee addict


    They won’t stop until they rule ALL of eretz yisrael

    They view it as their land and we stole it from them

    It doesn’t matter sports teams or flags

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