interesting question

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    is it strange that onlysimchas has a Facebook page (with over 1000 “freinds”)? Is it safe to say that many people who use Onlysimchas, wouldn’t want anything to do with Facebook??


    mike, many people search the latest Simchas on Onlysimchas, and many come from the YU/Sterns crowd and more to the left as well. They have no problem at all with Facebook. Even the Brooklyn-type Modern Yeshivish crowd (mostly the girls) are on Facebook these days.


    I don’t understand your quandary don’t modern orthodox people have simcha’s too?


    the question wasn’t aimed at MO people…It was geared to those who feel Facebook is assur, but feel onlysimchas is not…therefore unknowingly by posting pictures, they are thus associated with facebook…hense the quagmire

    Avram in MD


    the question wasn’t aimed at MO people…It was geared to those who feel Facebook is assur, but feel onlysimchas is not…therefore unknowingly by posting pictures, they are thus associated with facebook…hense the quagmire

    I fail to see the difficulty. If a person has no Facebook account, they cannot see any Facebook content. So even if a site was associated with Facebook, how would the user who doesn’t have a Facebook account be associated?


    Avram in MD…Good question…becasue on the Onlysimchas Facebbok page, they post the simcha news from their site…so If you send in your engagement announcement, your name etc. will now be on facebook…if I dislike something and felt it was assur, I would hate my name to be on that exact thing that I am 100% against…just be ware that if you don’t like facebbok, your name is on it if you submit something to onlysimchas….

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