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    I know a guy who is extremely insecure and he doesn’t realize it. Soon he will be going into shidduchim. What can be done to help this guy? And if I get calls about him for shidduchim do I say that he is extremely insecure???


    Never say someone is insecure. Who would ever want to date him? Perhaps he is “reflective, earnest, eager to please…”

    I would have a talk with him, and try to get him a dating mentor/coach.


    From my experience dealing with young people in schools, some people are different in different situations. They may clown around with friends but be staid with “authority” or any combination of things. They may seem sad or troubled because of a home situation, but that part of them does not come out with other people in other settings. People are complex.

    I see no upside to informing anyone that so and so, “Is extremely insecure”. You can ruin it for him.

    My 2 cents is to let the date decide if she sees that trait during dating, and if she does, does she even sees it as a negative?

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