Mods, Why was my response to you deleted?
Here is part of your response:
“I will not post the exact IP to protect his/
her privacy. But this is what I found on
Country: Australia
State/Region: Victoria
City: Melbourne
how very kind of you for not doing so.
this is also very interesting information,
as this is not exactly the place where I
am located, I will be looking into this
very seriously.
My response: IPs do not give an exact location. That is why I felt it was ok to post the information. The point is that you are located in Australia and therefore were not mechalel Shabbos. And either way, you are claiming that you are not Ice Cream and this info waas from ice cream’s post, not yours, so lishitascha, it makes sense that it is not your info.
As to your claim that you only had one screenname until we blocked “Half”. That may be. We can’t be sure. But all of the accused screennames had IPs in Australia and have similar styles, real-brisker noticed it fairly quickly.
And even if you are telling the truth that you are not them, that doesn’t stop you from being an annoying troll like them, and that is the point mate!