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- This topic has 141 replies, 90 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 7 months ago by y1836.
July 16, 2013 8:04 pm at 8:04 pm #1165180ItcheSrulikMember
I respect the old American amei ha’aretz for sticking to mesorah and building the framework for everything we have today despite having no clue what it was about. Salute to a vanishing breed.
July 16, 2013 8:05 pm at 8:05 pm #1165181newyawkerMemberI am sitting on my couch, working on my laptop, when I decide to glance at the headlines and peek in the coffee room.
This thread brought tears to my eyes and chills down my spine. Look Hashem! Look at us!! Your children!!
With all our differences, with all our disagreements, WE ARE LOVING BROTHERS!! We earnestly want to be close to one another, its just so hard sometimes. Hashem, please let us really see each other as loving brothers and sisters who care deeply about one another,as different shevatim who all want to bring You Honor, and let this be the last Tisha B’av for all eternity. Amen.
July 17, 2013 6:56 pm at 6:56 pm #1165182ItcheSrulikMemberWho do you all respect now that it isn’t tisha b’av?
(Popa, am I doing it right?)
August 5, 2014 12:11 am at 12:11 am #1165184popa_bar_abbaParticipantThis tisha b’av I respect the chayalim who risk their lives to protect our people.
I respect the “chilonim” who I saw singing “mi shemaamin lo mefacheid.”
I respect the 20,000 who came to the levaya of a chayal boded from America.
I respect the thousands of people who stood outside the Goldin house, H”yd and sang tefilah l’ani.
“Al taster paneicha mimeni, b’yom tzar li.”
August 5, 2014 12:28 am at 12:28 am #1165185Sam2ParticipantPBA: You remind me of something R’ Schachter is fond of saying. He points out that Ben Gurion claimed to be an atheist. R’ Schachter notes that he certainly wasn’t Frum, but no one who quotes Tanach so much in daily life could be a real atheist. K’pelech HaRimon Rakasech…
August 5, 2014 1:11 am at 1:11 am #1165186no longer need seminaryMemberI respect the Jewish Soilders from all backgrounds serving in the IDF. Who constantly put their life on the line for us.
August 5, 2014 2:35 am at 2:35 am #1165187RachelleTMemberIDF soldiers both frum and non frum
August 5, 2014 3:41 am at 3:41 am #1165189the dudeMemberI admire BMG for creating a place where anyone can come and learn just about any area of Torah for 5 minutes or 5 hours
August 5, 2014 9:40 am at 9:40 am #1165191IvduEsHashemBsimchaParticipantI admire the people who posted about people they admire.
August 5, 2014 7:20 pm at 7:20 pm #1165192writersoulParticipantI respect the chayalim (including my friend’s brother) who are quite literally (and, in my friend’s brother’s case, voluntarily as an American) willing to give up their lives to ensure the safety of their brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisrael and, really everywhere else as well.
I respect the bnei yeshiva (including my cousins) who are staying in their yeshivos in Eretz Yisrael and learning and amassing zechuyos for all of us, especially the soldiers out on the front.
I respect the people of Eretz Yisrael, on every side of every major conflict or petty tiff, who have ignored all of these barriers in this eis tzarah and are standing together.
As a girl in the US, I’m currently on none of these sides, so according to the technical rules of this thread I can respect all :).
July 26, 2015 5:11 pm at 5:11 pm #1165194popa_bar_abbaParticipantBump
July 26, 2015 5:39 pm at 5:39 pm #1165196Torah613TorahParticipantI respect the men who spend Tisha B’Av taking care of their children so that their wives can fast.
July 26, 2015 5:43 pm at 5:43 pm #1165197JosephParticipantI respect the women who spend Tisha B’Av preparing a sumptuous feast so that their husbands can break their fast in fashion.
July 26, 2015 6:15 pm at 6:15 pm #1165198sushibagelMemberI respect you all for taking the time to think about how you can respect others. ?? ???? ?????
July 26, 2015 6:45 pm at 6:45 pm #1165199OURtorahParticipantI respect the Jews who take opportunites to respect other Jews despite their differences in Hashkafic and Halachic view. Sometimes reading the CR makes me very sad, but reading this thread has drawn a new perspective to me.
Thank you.
July 26, 2015 7:13 pm at 7:13 pm #1165200Kvod ShamayimMember#respectalljewsregardless
August 14, 2016 5:09 pm at 5:09 pm #1165201YW Moderator-127ModeratorBump
August 14, 2016 5:30 pm at 5:30 pm #1165202☕ DaasYochid ☕ParticipantI admire g’virim ba’alei tzeddaka for supporting mosdos which are vital to klal Yisroel.
August 14, 2016 5:57 pm at 5:57 pm #1165204SparklyMemberi admire the gedolim of this generation.
August 14, 2016 6:50 pm at 6:50 pm #1165206Lilmod UlelamaidParticipantSparkly – that was a good one!
August 14, 2016 6:53 pm at 6:53 pm #1165207Lilmod UlelamaidParticipantI respect all of the kids-at-risk whether they are OTD or not, for trying their best to survive and thrive despite the difficult lives they have, and in most or many cases for trying to keep whatever Mitzvos they can. I respect EVERYONE who has a difficult life but keeps trying to survive and hold on and do the best they can.
August 14, 2016 10:31 pm at 10:31 pm #1165218gofishMemberThis thread is a breath of beautiful fresh air.
I respect all Yidden whose zeal and religious sensitivities don’t override their humanity, and use it to become kinder, more sensitive people.
I respect those who have had the courage to form their own relationship with Hashem and create their own path after suffering from abuse in the name of religion.
I respect those who can peel away the chitzonios and find the pnimiyus within Yiddishkeit.
I respect every person in the world who uses their struggles and challenges to make the world a better place.
August 15, 2016 12:43 am at 12:43 am #1165219Lilmod UlelamaidParticipantGofish – while I think some of what you wrote is beautiful, I do have to make a couple of important corrections:
1. Everything is in the Torah – there is nothing but Torah. Jewish religious zeal always makes one a kinder, sensitive person. If it doesn’t, it not true religious zeal.
2. Writing “whose zeal and religious sensitivities don’t override their humanity” implies that there are two truths – the truth of Torah and the truth of humanity and we can’t let the first override the second. As I wrote above, everything is in the Torah- we don’t need humanistic values – if they are part of the Torah, they don’t need to be mentioned separately, and if they are not, then they are not a good thing.
3.”I respect those who can peel away the chitzonios and find the pnimiyus within Yiddishkeit.”
We should NOT be peeling away the chitzonius. We need both the Chitzonius and the pnimius. They are supposed to go together! I think that you meant to say that we have to be careful not to get so caught up in the chitzonius that we forget about the pnimius, or forget that the main point of the chitzonius is to bring us to the pnimius.
However, we also have to make sure that we don’t get so caught up in the pnimius that we forget about the chitzonius. That was the philosophy of the early Reform movement as well as of the Yidden who came to the US and wanted to just be Jews-at-heart. This is NOT our philosophy!!! We believe you need both. They must go together and can NOT be separated!!!
“I respect every person in the world who uses their struggles and challenges to make the world a better place.”
I wholeheartedly agree, but it must be done according to Torah!!
August 15, 2016 1:23 am at 1:23 am #1165220SparklyMemberlilmod ulelamaid – thanks.
August 15, 2016 1:56 am at 1:56 am #1165221gofishMember1- There is true religious zeal, and there is the zeal which masquerades as kaanus LaHashem when it really stems from the yetzer hara. No need to go into detail motzai tisha ba’av.
2- See #1. True Torah and true humanity are one and the same. The problem is when the yetzer hara presents misguided zeal.
3- By peeling away, I do not mean discarding. Although – sometimes there is chitzonius which is narishkeit and should be discarded.
4- By that, I was actually referring to all people, not just Jews.
August 15, 2016 2:03 am at 2:03 am #1165222Lilmod UlelamaidParticipantSparkly – my pleasure!
July 31, 2017 11:23 pm at 11:23 pm #1330198JosephParticipant<bump>
August 2, 2017 12:58 pm at 12:58 pm #1330832I. M. ShluffinParticipantI spent my tisha b’av sitting on the floor and watching hundreds of Yidden on the Kotel cam, men and women who filled the plaza at every hour of the night and day, praying for you and me, praying for the geulah, singing niggunim in unison and with heartrending beauty and simplicity. I respect each and every Jew who is praying for others, saying hello to them, and encouraging his or her brothers and sisters. Mi k’amcha Yisrael.
August 2, 2017 1:34 pm at 1:34 pm #1330853PosterGirlParticipantI respect those who can respect and love all other jews regardless of having a different derech of serving hashem.
August 11, 2019 3:58 pm at 3:58 pm #1772278JosephParticipantI respect Sephardim for their strong Kavod HaRav and unquestioning deference to their Rabbis.
August 11, 2019 3:59 pm at 3:59 pm #1772286☕️coffee addictParticipantI respect the yidden that try to find the good in everybody
August 12, 2019 7:37 pm at 7:37 pm #1773081Reb EliezerParticipantI respect Torah education in Yeshivas, so eveyone should write a letter of his yeshiva experiences at voice.pearlsny.org.
August 14, 2019 8:02 am at 8:02 am #1774592anthenaiterParticipantI respect Chevra Kadisha.
And they do it for FREE. I am sure most people could not do this
August 14, 2019 12:11 pm at 12:11 pm #1774678Reb EliezerParticipantI respect Hatzala and Misaskim for their devotion to help.
August 5, 2022 6:09 pm at 6:09 pm #2112603ujmParticipantI respect Teimanim for maintaining tradition.
August 5, 2022 7:12 pm at 7:12 pm #2112616Menachem ShmeiParticipantI respect Yidden who are so diverse and strong minded, yet are able to come together beautifully to show their respect to others despite our (sometimes major) disagreements.
This is great relief from other parts of the CR. It shows us that after all, we are still brothers.
Thank you ujm for bringing up this thread.
Hashem, see the achdus of Your children, ברכנו אבינו כולנו כאחד with all of the berachos, first and foremost – the brocha of the גאולה האמיתית והשלימה so we will be able to dance into Tisha B’Av as one and celebrate it as the greatest Yom Tov!
[Additionally, today I feel a special respect for our dear soldiers in Eretz Yisroel who are right now putting their lives at risk to be Hashem’s shluchim for the protection of millions of our brothers and sisters. Kol hakavod, may Hashem be with you]
August 5, 2022 7:13 pm at 7:13 pm #2112617Menachem ShmeiParticipantI respect the woman who I met today who was raised as a devout Christian but a few weeks ago learned that her mother’s mother was Jewish and completely concealed her Jewish identity after surviving the Holocaust.
She is ready to drop everything and learn what it means live like a Jew for herself and her son. This is the power of a Yiddishe neshoma!I respect the young bochurim whom I deal with daily who constantly put tremendous effort into holding onto & improving their limmud hatorah and Yiddishe behavior despite the immense struggles and challenges which they go through as a teenager in our day and age.
August 6, 2022 10:36 pm at 10:36 pm #2112632RatingStheRumpusParticipantI envy Chabad’s burning impatience for moshiach! Though they really do need to be just a little more patient…
I’m impressed by the yeshivish world’s close adherence to every detail of halacha except yoshon and their passion for learning.
I admire Open Orthodoxy’s efforts to stay in touch with yiddishkeit even while their assimilated lives and krum worldview pull them away.
August 7, 2022 12:23 am at 12:23 am #2112732ujmParticipantI respect Sefardim for their unity.
August 7, 2022 8:42 am at 8:42 am #2112738yungermanSParticipantI respect chassidim for being more religious then other levels of Judaism
August 7, 2022 8:47 pm at 8:47 pm #2112880KuvultParticipantI respect the Conservative and Reform Jews for all the Tzedakah and operational talent they provide to the Frum to make sure the our community stays strong and keeps growing.
August 7, 2022 10:11 pm at 10:11 pm #2112905KuvultParticipantYungernanS,
Chasidim are not ‘More” religious. They are “Differently” religious. That’s neither good nor bad it’s just different.August 8, 2022 6:50 am at 6:50 am #2112961commonsaychelParticipantI repect the trolls for the tenacity in posting drivel over and over and using different user names to make it seem like it different people.
I repect the users for the most part in see thru all of that.
I repect the mods for doing a very difficult thankless job.
I respect the people on the other side of the political spectrum such as CT Lawyer, Jackk, Reb E, Charlie etc. who are accomplished intellligent people with a different take on an issue.August 11, 2022 10:44 pm at 10:44 pm #2114518Reb EliezerParticipantI respect CS for seeing through and recognizing trolls.
August 12, 2022 2:08 pm at 2:08 pm #2114605Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantI respect the lurkers who have enough seychel and self constraint
not to say anythingAugust 13, 2022 10:29 pm at 10:29 pm #2114873y1836ParticipantI respect Satmar for the tremendous Chesed they do,
I respect Chabad for bringing Torah to places which are full of darkness.
I respect Breslov for their empathis on Emunah Peshutah as well as Simchah.
I respect Chareidim for their focus on intense Limud Hatorah, and their willingness to insulate themselves from negative influences.
I respect DL for their empthasis on Yishuv Eretz Yisroel (which is Shekulah Kniged Kol Hamitzvos), and on learning Tanach.
I respect MO for adressing question in Emunah/morality which other segments of Yiddeshkeit are afraid to address. -
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