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- This topic has 305 replies, 50 voices, and was last updated 13 years ago by YW Moderator-42.
April 17, 2009 5:06 pm at 5:06 pm #589680BrokerParticipant
Hey everyone,
Imagine winning the jackpot! What would be the first thing you’d do, or buy?
April 17, 2009 5:37 pm at 5:37 pm #859729AnonymousInactiveOf course… You would give it to the hardworking YW CR Mods!
April 17, 2009 5:45 pm at 5:45 pm #859730an open bookParticipantbroker: i think we mentioned something like this before. i said i wouldn’t spend it immediately, i’d keep it until i figured out what i really wanted to use it for.
mod-55: have you checked your email since before pesach?
April 17, 2009 6:00 pm at 6:00 pm #85973122OldGoldParticipantWell don’t you have to give half of it to taxes? Then you have to give Maaser. So afterwards you put a ton in the bank and then go shopping with your friends and buy whatever you feel like.
April 17, 2009 6:13 pm at 6:13 pm #859732YW Moderator-42ModeratorThe first thing you should do is thank Hashem. Then think long and hard about what you want to do. Seek advice from Rebbeim and Financial Experts.
The Gemara in Bava Metzia 42a
says to invest 1/3 in real estate, 1/3 in business, and 1/3 in cash.
April 17, 2009 6:19 pm at 6:19 pm #859733YW Moderator-72ParticipantBroker, maybe I would buy two or three YW Coffee Room screen names…
April 17, 2009 6:37 pm at 6:37 pm #859735shindyMemberI would use the money to help my elderly parents. Get them a nice condo near me.
April 17, 2009 6:46 pm at 6:46 pm #859736AnonymousInactive3 mods have posted on this thread in the past hour. Couldn’t resist making that 4 – even though I have nothing to add to what has been said so far. 🙂
April 17, 2009 7:38 pm at 7:38 pm #859738JaxMemberfor starters, at the seudas hodah to Hashem i would have a Hachnasas Seferei torah! i would love to donate a bunch of sefrei torah all at the same time, like Mishaskim did a few years back!
April 17, 2009 8:13 pm at 8:13 pm #859739kapustaParticipantJax, why do you have to imagine, didn’t you win already? Hows the mansion in Ireland? 😉
April 17, 2009 8:32 pm at 8:32 pm #859740JaxMemberkapusta: very intuitive! good one, good one!
April 17, 2009 8:42 pm at 8:42 pm #859741aussieboyParticipantI dont know what I would buy first but it would be a lot 😉
mod55: Maybe I would but I dont know your real identities. Oh well.
April 18, 2009 8:39 pm at 8:39 pm #859742namelessMemberI like what Shindy wrote:
The obvious fact is that money cant always buy what we need or want, as the following parable will prove:
There were two families in a town both named Klein. One was a very wealthy entrepeneur who did the finest shidduchim with his children and provided them with the best money could buy.
The other was a poor man who always was struggling for Parnosoh(lets call him Yankel).
The town always provided for him so he can offer dowrys for his daughters to marry.
One day, the wealthy man’s wife took very ill. She was constantly in the hospital undergoing treatment and suffered a lot of pain. As her husband once left the hospital, someone approached him and asked his name. He answered’Klein’. Assuming that
people with problems always have more, the man asked ‘are you Yankel Klein?’
to which he quickly responded, ‘Leider nisht'(unfortunatley not)
April 19, 2009 4:01 am at 4:01 am #859743moish01Memberoh and i’m deciding between a Lamborghini and a trip to Hawaii.
April 19, 2009 4:49 am at 4:49 am #859744mdlevineMemberI would settle my tuition bills. if there was anything left over…
April 19, 2009 5:51 am at 5:51 am #859745April 19, 2009 12:03 pm at 12:03 pm #859746charlie brownMemberwelcome back nameless!
April 19, 2009 12:29 pm at 12:29 pm #859747charlie brownMembermdlevine,
I can soooooo relate to that! 🙂
Also, welcome back!
April 19, 2009 12:55 pm at 12:55 pm #859748aussieboyParticipantmoish: Just 2 out of many things I would get 🙂
As much as you want to say that money cant buy everything it can sure buy a lot.
April 19, 2009 3:48 pm at 3:48 pm #859749moish01Memberauss, if we BOTH win the lottery we can do hawii together. that’ll leave some money for our cars. (by the way, which lottery are we talking about?? it’s not all that much money anymore with inflation and all. and now with this new plan of obama’s inflation is gonna go through the roof.)
April 19, 2009 3:59 pm at 3:59 pm #859750aussieboyParticipantIm talking about the mega millions. With the pot being at over 300 million.
April 19, 2009 4:24 pm at 4:24 pm #859751yankeeloverMemberha ha ive been dreaming to win FOREVER! if i won well ya aftere taxes and masser i would buy a massive gorgeous house in florida!
April 19, 2009 4:34 pm at 4:34 pm #859752moish01Memberah – ok. in that case i have other people to go with- as much as you’re my buddy, i’d rather go with someone else… 😉
April 19, 2009 4:41 pm at 4:41 pm #859753aussieboyParticipant“A dollar to dream”
April 19, 2009 4:54 pm at 4:54 pm #859754believerParticipanthey everybody. i have a good joke on this topic:
“Money cant buy happiness, but its definitely more exciting to cry in a BMW then on a bicycle!!!”
April 19, 2009 5:20 pm at 5:20 pm #859755moish01Member😉
April 19, 2009 6:07 pm at 6:07 pm #859756CrashOverrideMemberI would help the yeshivo’s that I learnt in, and move to Eretz Yisroel. As well, help out family members who might need it, and the local community.
Of course, there are the luxuries that one would want in life, but they don’t bring true happiness – that is brought by helping others – a true smile of thanks is worth so much more then a gadget or toy.
April 19, 2009 6:43 pm at 6:43 pm #85975722OldGoldParticipantWhoever said money can’t buy happiness doesn’t know where to shop. Just think even after everything that you have to pay the left over money (a couple of millions) is sure more then you have left over lying around now, so why not splurge? I was thinking of getting a Rolls Royce and buying a house in Israel.
April 19, 2009 7:16 pm at 7:16 pm #859758kapustaParticipantbeliever, just brought up one of my faves…
“A lot of money is tainted. It taint yours and it taint mine.”
April 19, 2009 7:27 pm at 7:27 pm #859759an open bookParticipantha ha 🙂 nice kapusta
April 19, 2009 7:54 pm at 7:54 pm #859760April 20, 2009 3:21 pm at 3:21 pm #859762mepalMemberkapusta: u should just know that your comments put a smile on my face-usually!
April 20, 2009 4:04 pm at 4:04 pm #859763seeallsidesParticipantreminds me of the joke –
winner – first i’ll pay off the money i owe –
friend – and what will you do with the rest?
winner – the rest will have to wait…..
April 20, 2009 5:07 pm at 5:07 pm #859764noitallmrParticipant“oh and i’m deciding between a Lamborghini”
Yeah but you can’t buy a driving license!!! 😉
April 20, 2009 6:04 pm at 6:04 pm #859765mepalMembernoitallmr: at least you’ll have the money to pay for the tickets you’ll get for driving without one!
April 20, 2009 6:06 pm at 6:06 pm #859766moish01Membernoitallmr, thanks but i HAVE a driver’s license already. except it’s a DJ so i gottta wait till my birthday before i can legally drive 😉
April 20, 2009 6:23 pm at 6:23 pm #859767moish01Memberyeah and mepal, i could even pay off the cop to get me off the hook 😉
April 20, 2009 6:28 pm at 6:28 pm #859768mepalMembermoish: wow. You’re efficient.
April 20, 2009 6:49 pm at 6:49 pm #859769mepalMembermoish: that’ll be OK cuz your charm will get you out of any trouble either way(!). So instead, you c/d use the rest of the money to fill ‘er up!
April 20, 2009 8:40 pm at 8:40 pm #859770Feif UnParticipantThe Mega Millions is now $130 million. Imagine having to give $13 million to maaser! (Yes, I know, taxes, etc it’s not $13 million).
I’d build myself a huge house, with lots of bedrooms. My wife and I love having guests over, but unfortunately our apartment is kind of small, and we can’t fit too many people. If we had a lot of bedrooms, we could have guests sleep over for Shabbos without a problem!
If I really had a lot of money, I’d start an exclusive kollel for the elite, the way it’s meant to be. I’d support them properly, so their wives wouldn’t have to work 3 jobs each.
April 21, 2009 3:34 am at 3:34 am #859771yrosMemberfeif un: same to me!!!
April 21, 2009 4:24 am at 4:24 am #859772aussieboyParticipantA guy in lakewood made 400 million over night, thats 40 million that goes to maaser.
April 21, 2009 5:13 am at 5:13 am #859773kapustaParticipantaussie, if you happen to see him around town, (maybe in BMG) you can tell him to head over this way…
April 21, 2009 5:29 am at 5:29 am #859774JaxMemberyou know what i think i’ll give some of the money to the mods & the reast i’ll share with all of my CR buddies! ok it’s official i’m the best CR member!
April 21, 2009 4:51 pm at 4:51 pm #859775AnonymousInactiveJax – when I have cold hard cash in my hand then I’ll vote you best member.
April 21, 2009 7:26 pm at 7:26 pm #859776YW Moderator-39MemberJax, It is so easy to give away theoretical money. Good luck giving actual money away as easily
April 21, 2009 8:34 pm at 8:34 pm #859777areivimzehlazehParticipantlets ask this- what would you do with all that masser???
Honestly- I wouldn’t know the first thing on what to do with so much money! so that’s why I changed the question 😉
PS- Isn’t it a relief to be able to make a decision of where to put the masser vs. taxes you just hand over like a lemmelah and never see it or the results of it ever again ;(
April 21, 2009 8:41 pm at 8:41 pm #859778mepalMemberareivim: you do see it again. Tax returns. 🙂
April 21, 2009 9:37 pm at 9:37 pm #859779YW Moderator-39MemberMa’aser?!?
If all you’re going to give is ma’aser then that’ll be a true loss to klal yisroel
April 21, 2009 9:42 pm at 9:42 pm #859780areivimzehlazehParticipantwhats your problem mod39- who said they wouldn’t give anything else in addition to masser to tzeddakah? We’re first tackling the masser part which is a must- and also happens to be $13 mil now! so one tiny little part of this mess at a time, wouldya? 😉
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