Imagine if in all Shul’s the openly strong supporters of opposite parties could get along & Daven together.
Imagine if instead of “rubbing it in” the winning side took the time to feel the pain of a fellow Jew & be there to listen, console & empathize.
From a Shul Ruv in Baltimore:
One of the most vocal Democrats in our shul was visibly in distress throughout Shacharis this morning.
While we were wrapping our tefilin, one of the staunchest pro-Trump congregants slowly made his way across the shul.
My back arched. This will not be pretty.
Mr. Pro-Trump walked up to the distraught Democrat and put his arm around him. “I’m so sorry. This must be really hard for you.”
He then spent the next few minutes as his fellow Jew unloaded and he listened with empathy.