I’m not voting for Harris or Trump

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    XCTL, there is a good reason you did not see any anti-semitic activities, as they were happening in “undisclosed (to you) locations”

    >> Abraham Foxman expressed concern on Wednesday that the situation for Jews in the US had deteriorated to the point that they had to meet in secret at events like the Democratic Party National Convention.


    One can be critical of the dire circumstances that too many Americans find themselves in today, especially the income disparities and lack of access to basic human needs such as housing and medical care, without hating America. Some have adopted the rhetoric and hyperbole of “they hate America’ for everyone who disagrees with their policies but as they may discover in America, that game has gotten really old, really fast.
    It will be an interesting 2 months until November.


    “The Squad” is a conservative media fabrication and doesn’t represent Democratic Party policy on Israel. Arabs and Muslims helped George Bush in and have been trying to screw over the Democratic party ever since.

    Obama fought against Iran’s empire, killed thousands of Houthis and forced Iran into a nuclear deal where the USA could raise a coalition to go to war. Trump and Mike Pompeo negotiated the ceasefire that kept the Houthis in power. Trump cut CIA funding to the rebels in Syria because Putin and Assad asked him to. Please observe what actually happens instead of public statements filtered through layers of BS.


    @fandango, The Iran deal was a terrible deal. It let Iran off the hook just as sanctions were really starting to hurt. Had they waited longer, Iran’s position would’ve been weaker. Trump blew Putin’s Wagner Group to pieces in Syria, and unlike Biden, Trump had world leader’s respect. Just watch the video of Trump discussing Iran vs. Kamala Harris. Trump says something concrete, Harris says “just don’t”. Seriously, I’m sure Iran is so afraid of her.


    gadol > It will be an interesting 2 months until November.

    I know UK and other countries run their elections in weeks, but America has this tradition of vetting candidates over time through primaries, press coverage, debates. Are you comfortable having a candidate that took over the position in some back room deal – when one day Pres B was pressured to quit, and Pres O and others wanted to have a mini primary, and 30 minutes (?) later Pres B endorsed his VP who he did not care for during these 3 years, and somehow everyone got in line. This sounds like CCP election style. And nobody seems to plan to ask her – how did she sit behind a President who is now admitted to have diminished capacity for years, or what her platform is, or how did she succeed in politics via her boyfriend. I don’t think these are partisan points, this is basic stuff.


    I would never confuse assault with harass.
    #1 posted and I questioned about an assault by Democrats on Agudah
    You posted a link to an article that I read. There is no mention that the protesters were Democrats.
    So far all we have is a false claim posted by #1 and your inability to provide verification

    BTW> assault is the instilling fear of imminent physical harm or danger.


    I never posted about anti-Semitic activities.

    I spent most of my two days at the convention in meetings (both National committees such as rules and state delegation), I wasn’t attending any events hosted by non delegates such as Agudah.
    I spent almost no time in the convention floor, those days are long gone for me

    Menachem Shmei


    Are you saying that the Democratic Party (Biden, Harris, Schumer, Obama, etc.) doesn’t actually pressure Israel to ease its fight against our enemies and show ‘mercy’ to the ‘poor Palestinians,’ ch”v, with all kinds of bogus ‘peace’ attempts that only encourage the terrorists to fight more whenever they sense weakness?


    pro-Biden campaigning in 2020 made an explicit reference to him being more understanding of Israel predicament than others in Obama administration.
    Right now, it is official that Iran is against Trump
    Hard to say what will be Ms Harris-Emhoff policy as she did not declare any positions or has any record, but she showed some antipathy to current Israeli policies and leadership.


    @Menachem Shmei

    Why would you even think that an out of office politician (Obama) pressures Israel to do anything?
    He has no governmental power?

    Your question may be valid to ask of Biden, and Schumer who wield some power.
    VPs gave zero power. Harris’ power will arrive on January 20, 2025 when she is sworn in as President.

    ☕️coffee addict


    Do you deliberately misunderstand me (and I’m assuming people in general, I hope it’s not specific to me)

    I NEVER said you don’t know the difference I said 1 was “confusing the difference”

    Did you do this in court too?


    All politicians wield some degree of “power” in terms of influencing public opinion, and consequentially, the decisions of elected officials.

    Right now, the Dems are actually aligned with a large segment of the Israeli electorate that believes Netanyahu is slow-walking the negotiations to bring the remaining hostages home and agree to some cease fire to do so. I am doubtful any cease fire will be lasting, but its the only way to bring home at least a few of the living hostages. Between now and November, there will be almost unanimous agreement among the Dems to both express support for Israel to defend itself while increasingly expressing support for a cease fire.

    ☕️coffee addict

    “ I am doubtful any cease fire will be lasting, but its the only way to bring home at least a few of the living hostages“

    Tell that to Noa

    It obviously isn’t the only way and it probably isn’t the best way either if whoever gets released on the Hamas side will just do it again


    Thieve misunderstandings are a collateral damage of reading the CR in my phone which makes it hard to go back and forth to posts. Also leads to many typos on my part

    ☕️coffee addict

    And it seems like misdirection of comments


    Gadol > Right now, the Dems are actually aligned with a large segment of the Israeli electorate that believes Netanyahu is slow-walking

    We need to keep in mind that Israeli government is actually fighting several wars right now, and need to balance many issues – and often are
    not able to give full information to the public. So we can’t really have a firm opinion about what kind of agreements will work or not.

    So, at some point, we need to give some leeway and benefit of doubt to those who have serious security credentials. And in this, I include people like Bibi, Eisenkot, major generals, (even when they publicly disagree with each other), not minor party demagogues on all sides. They could be wrong, but their opinions are more informed than ours.

    ☕️coffee addict

    AAQ: BY’H, there will be more of these hostage rescues based on on-the-ground intelligence gathering. However, its unclear whether there will be sufficient time to rescue all the 100+ remaining alive if they are being held in different locations absent some negotiated exchange.


    The Iran deal was an enormous defeat for their regime. Again, it gave USA/Israel license to build a coalition if the IRI continued their programs.

    Trump/Syria/Wagner: none of that matters when Republicans blocked Obama from striking Assad in 2013. That alone would’ve solved at least half of Israel’s problems, it would’ve destroyed Iran’s empire and the weapons pipeline from Russia to Gaza. Republicans simulate conflict with Iran/Syria when they are actually allied because they’re anti-liberal first and foremost. Trump admin. gave Israeli intel to Putin who gave it to Hamas and co. Trump let Iran put enemies all over Israel’s borders. Just like Ronald Reagan sold arms to Iran and gave Lebanon to Hezbollah.

    Biden admin is not putting “pressure” on Israel. I know Ben Shapiro pushes that narrative. USA exchanges intel with Israel all the time. Just assume any Biden/Blinken/Harris quote you see in media is taken out of context. There’s like 20 US ships in the Middle East right now in case something goes down. The pressure’s on Iran and Hezbollah (who spectatularly failed the other day). If anything Bibi delayed military action and a possible hostage deal to help Trump’s campaign.

    Keep in mind is that the entire “bipartisan” foreign policy think-tank sphere works for Republicans. Look at how they criticize Biden for being “too soft on Ukraine.” Look how they moved to protect the Assad regime calling the rebels al-Qaeda.

    You might think Israel is better off without US aid at all. You may support Trump and the GOP on domestic issues. But they happen to be friends with Israel’s worst enemies. Really they don’t care, they just want Jewish money and they’ll say anything to get it.

    I know I sound crazy but when you see it you’ll see it everywhere. Trust the Plan.



    More of your inane korporal kapo armchair analysis. You sound sad about the hostage rescue and how it could hurt Brandon’s negotiating a ceasefire behind Israel’s back. Do everyone a favor and go to Gaza as the useless turd’s representative.

    ☕️coffee addict

    “I know I sound crazy but when you see it you’ll see it everywhere. Trust the Plan.“

    You don’t sound crazy, you are crazy

    When Bibi came, Kamala skipped the speech and gave him a stern talking to whereas trump invited him in and they were smiling like old friends (which they are)


    Republicans are old friends with the IRI but no one cares because they’re Real Americans™ and Pro-Israel™.

    Don’t buy tabloid headlines. They take everything out of context to make you think Democrats hate Israel and they’re succeeding. The talks in private are more important. US presence is deterring Hezbo/IRI. I know it seems frustrating but there’s a strategy involved.


    Harris just recently said she would continue Biden’s policy of sending arms to Israel.
    Just a politician empty words? Maybe, but hers is as good as any other politician’s.
    And sending arms to Israel is my number 1 priority. And this administration has come across extraordinarily.
    That’s all I needed to hear – my vote goes to Pamala.
    As for that bumbling old fool with his orange hair – go back to trump towers and take that golden escalator, away from us.


    KAMALA, of course


    yechiell > Maybe, but hers is as good as any other politician’s.

    Not the same. She is mostly known for her political statements, not actions. So, repeated 180 degree turns are jarring. There is no underlying substance there to understand her. for comparison, when Joe Biden says something positive towards Palis, we can go back to his previous relationship with Israel and Israeli leaders and make some conclusions. Mine were that he will generally be helpful to Israel during an acute crisis, but will also try to cover his political bases. With her, I have no idea what positions she will take. And there is no other middos that can compensate – I can’t say – well, she is a smart and honest person so I hope she’ll figure it out. No record there also. So, you are playing Russian roulette here hoping for the best.


    Trump has hinted at dropping support for Ukraine.
    Where is the guarantee he won’t do the same 2 weeks later, to Israel?
    He is too weird to trust mo


    Pali diaspora HATES Kamala. Muslim and Arab Americans have been trying to destroy the Democratic Party for 20+ years because it has real solidarity with Israel, unlike Republicans who gave Gaza to Hamas, Yemen to the Houthis and Syria to Assad. Yet “Obama” is like a dirty word for pro-Israel people.


    you forget that trump dealt with the taliban, and not the legitimate government still in power in afghanistan, as he handed the country over to the taliban.
    now he puts on a show about how much he cares for the afghanistani people.
    feh !

    ☕️coffee addict

    “Pali diaspora HATES Kamala.“

    Just ask Omar and tlaib 🙄

    You have to be an idiot not to realize that the Arabs love democrats


    yechiell > Trump has hinted at dropping support for Ukraine. Where is the guarantee he won’t do the same 2 weeks later, to Israel? He is too weird to trust mo

    you are right, he is not predictable .. when my kids asked me (pre-covid): do you think Trump’s presidency is successful, I answered – yes, so far, ask me on the last day ….

    But the choice is between T who has a track record of doing a lot of stuff right, yes, unpredictably and with a lot of drama, partly generated by him, partly by liars in the media; – and a lady who has no track record other than making her way through politics. She is less predictable.

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