I'm not a Chillul Hashem; they're just racist

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    So there I am walking down the hall, and I see these Secret Service people. So I’m wondering who is here. But I donno.

    Then I go to the bathroom, and two of them are standing right outside. So I ask them who it is, but they ignore me. So I try to go in, but they stop me. And then ignore me.

    Meanwhile, two of my friends come and are also waiting. So I start making jokes and wondering who it might be, etc. Not like ha ha funny jokes, but like popa-funny jokes.

    So then the guy comes out, and I have no idea who it is. So I say “hello sir”, and he says “hello gentlemen”. But doesn’t chat with us, he just starts walking on his way. So I call after him, “And who are you?”, but he just walks away.

    So my friend tells me I am making a chillul Hashem.

    But that is ridiculous. Nobody rational could possibly look at me and think that the reason I say ridiculous things is because Hashem’s torah isn’t good. They should just think that I am an immature jerk.

    If they start stereotyping based on me, and attributing it to all frum jews, and by extension to the Torah, that is just them being racist.

    I’m not a chillul Hashem; they’re just racist.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    If being an immature jerk is not what Hashem wants from you then perhaps that would be reason to consider it a chillul Hashem. I don’t think it’s about them stereo typing, I think it’s about whether or not you are properly representing Hashem’s people.

    Either way, what do you gain from it anyway? Are your friends immature jerks too?


    Nah, even if it is not what Hashem wants, it is ridiculous to ascribe every immature jerk to the Torah; some people are just immature jerks.

    What do I gain from what?


    Popa–didn’t follow your story. How is it you were supposed to have made a chilul Hashem??


    PBA: You’re missing the point that we’re expected to be better. That’s why it’s a Chillul Hashem when we’re not.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    Sam2 – thank you . that is what I said too, isn’t it?


    Expected to act better than what? We’re expected to act as best we can.

    And since it is normal for some people to be immature jerks, nobody will know it isn’t as best I can. So no chillul Hashem; they’re just racists.

    And apparently so is syag.



    On what authority could that security dude bar you from entering the bathroom?


    Again…I feel like there’s either a joke or a backstory that I’m not getting here. Popa: what chillul Hashem were you accused of making? I’m legitimately confused here.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    I am soooo NOT a racist. I just don’t like immature jerk-ish type behavior. And either way, by your response it is obvious that you didn’t understand what I said anyway so it wouldn’t be fair for you to judge me.


    He was Gil Kerlikowske, the Drug Czar.

    On what authority could that security dude bar you from entering the bathroom?

    I think the secret service guy was a mod. I was afraid he’d delete me.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    that was very funny. and not at all immature or jerkish.


    It may have nothing to do with Jewishness. Secret Service or police or protective agents will not tell you who their “Clients” are. They clearly needed the person in the restroom alone so that there is no interference. It is protective. Someone could pass them information, a weapon or attack the person. the restroom was treated like protected area.

    celebrities in manhattan will not answer the question of WHO ARE YOU. If you dont know who it is, maybe you do not need to know. its that simple. Its all in the name of their work.


    They were on duty, and can only divulge details on a need-to-knoe basis. Clearly you didn’t need to know. You’re lucky you didn’t get arrested for obstruction of justice. But you weren’t, so clearly they are not racist. LOL

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