Im Going to Uman.I will pray for you there.

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    Hi. I dont post here so often but around this time of the year lots of people talk about Uman and rant about why people shouldn’t go or whatever. I have been going to Uman for Rosh Hashanah for 8 years bh and ive only seen good there. Maybe 5 percent of the people that go are going to party or to do whatever but the rest of them are there to connect to Hashem and to be by Rebbe Nachman for Rosh Hashanah. Its really hard to explain if you have never been but ive been and if you walk into the tziyon before RH all you will see is people davening or learning. There’s people dancing and being happy all over. There is tons of chesed going on there.its to much to explain even. Anyways if you want to put your names down here ill bli neder daven for you at the tziyon erev rosh hashana which is the main time to daven by Rebbe Nachman. Also ill answer some questions about Uman if anyobody has any. Ill just say that my wife encourages me to go and is happy that i do.


    You’re going to a war zone? How about WE’LL daven for YOU.


    The war is far away.


    How’s the political stability, right there?


    Until it is not.


    I’ll be davening at a regular shul in the US for Rosh HaShanah. I think 0% of the people there are going to party. Everyone is going to daven and get close to Hashem. I don’t think there are people dancing, because of the awe we all have.

    If you want to put your name here, I’ll B”N daven for you. I happen to be a shliach tzibbur as well, but I don’t know if that may count for more.


    Elisheva Chedva Bas Sarah for a shidduch

    Thank you


    Rebbe Nachman is dead. How can you “be by Rebbe Nachman for Rosh Hashanah”?


    Please daven for Yaakov Avraham ben Michleh and Dov Nechemiah HaKohein ben Rochel Chaya Sorah, both for a refuah. I don’t question WHO davens for someone. We never know whose tefilah Hashem is Cheshboning at any given moment. The more, the better. So thank you for asking and have a safe and meaningful Rosh Hashana and gebensched year.


    ?????? ???? ???? ?????? ???? ????


    I didn’t know chesed was measured in pounds/tons. Interesting. How many litres of Torah will they be learning? How many yards of Tefilah?


    I really believe in the power of Tefillah – anyone – anywhere- Please daven for a shidduch for Elisheva Chedva bas Sarah.

    Thank you

    Wishing you a Good Gebentched year.


    Does anyone know what Elul stands for



    V’ eshti

    L ‘ Horim


    good stuff. keep the names coming.


    I’ve always figured it stood for





    Weird, I guess it was wrong, but it always made sense.


    can you please daven for chaya leah bas naomi devorah for a shidduch


    So, how old are elisheva chedva and chaya leah and what kind of young men are they looking for? learning, working, a bit of both, ones with a pulse??


    i dont know if its right for me to post those sort of things on an open forum.


    And maybe they are looking for old men?


    TTJ – you know, it really is not disgraceful if they are looking for (GASP) working boys….


    I will daven bli neder for ALL those in need of a shidduch, my daughters included. May Hashem send all of them their proper zivugim, THIS coming year, and may they all recognize that these ARE their proper zivugim.


    Amein oomis! I will pray for all those who are unmarried and will be made to feel like incomplete humans unless they have a spouse, dont let society define you you dont have to be a nebbish pity case, neither do divorcees find purpose in life do what gives you joy.


    BoysWork: did i say it was a crime to marry a working boy? from your username i can see you work?!! are you self conscious of the fact that you do??. DONT BE :-)!!! Some boys are just not cut out to learn a whole day.

    what i am saying is that, I am not posting peoples’ personal information on a public forum for everyone to comment on. For these people if they want a shidduch they can go about it the right way daven ( or in this case ask people to daven on their behalf) and go to shaddchanim.


    Can someone explain this whole Uman thing? Why do you have to shlep to Ukraine to daven? There are plenty of good minyanim around the world.


    Can someone explain this whole Uman thing? Why do you have to shlep to Ukraine to daven? There are plenty of good minyanim around the world.

    REally? Apparently boro park doesnt have even one!


    Popa, I was looking for an answer, not a sarcastic on liner.

    Letakein Girl

    Please daven for Chaya Esther bas Rochel to find her zivug bekarov.

    Thank you!

    catch yourself

    ????? ???? ?????? ?-??? ????? ????? ???? ????”?

    This is the reason not to go to Uman.

    Makom Kavua is worth more than anything else.

    The ???? is quoted by Meforshim to the Ein Yaakov (on the above referenced Gemara in Berachos) that although Avraham Avinu had already discovered that the entrance to Gan Eden was at the Me’aras Hamachpeila, Yitzchak Avinu davened at Be’er Lachai Roi because that was his Makom Kavua.

    Enough said.


    My makom kavua is standing in front of my fridge. So I don’t even need popas vacation excuse. Thanksomuch


    So, are chaya leah bas naomi devorah, Elisheva Chedva Bas Sarah, and Chaya Esther bas Rochel engaged or married yet?

    Yaakov Avraham ben Michleh and Dov Nechemiah HaKohein ben Rochel Chaya Sorah are alive, albeit not well (or at least in the latter’s case, news of his death [chas v’shalom] is not on Google, but it sounded like his treatment was expected to take more than a year – hence my two assumptions).

    catch yourself:

    What would you say to a Breslover who told you that his makom kavua for davening on Rosh Hashono is “in Uman?”


    catch yourself

    I said catch yourself, not trick yourself…


    Many many sincere serious people do have a makom kavua in Uman on Rosh hashana. And I hope you were bring facetious but praying for someone is not a vending machine. You don’t always see instant results.



    I think Catch Yourself meant a place where you daven every time you daven (size: four amos by four amos?).

    But presumably one can have different places in different locations – surely having a makom kavua does not mean never traveling?! (Unless it’s simply a matter of whether you daven in that place every time or not…) So you’ve got a point, but your argument is with CY, not me. (If you indeed meant that part for him, it should’ve been separated from the other part.)

    As for the shidduchim, it’s been a month, which is not insignificant – except that I’d forgotten that the month in question was Tishrei, which is a rather busy time. Oops…

    You got me! Congratulations!

    Still, asking about results after only a short time does not necessarily imply that the lack of such results invalidates the means (in this case, tefillah) being used.

    (By the way, you once mentioned that no one would guess why you chose your name. Does that mean it wasn’t because of any common meaning or use of the word?)


    Much more mundane than that…. Ill tell you the major secret. When I logged in for the first time I looked up from my keyboard to think of a username and there was a bottle of ivory dish soap in the counter.


    Btw how do you remember this?


    Yiden ought to daven with their Rav and it’s a shame that the people going to Uman do not have a warm Rav to be with.


    1. Does every yid have a warm rav or any rav for that matter?

    2. Many breslove go with a rav or mashpia


    Yiden ought to daven with their Rav and it’s a shame that the people going to Uman do not have a warm Rav to be with.

    Not sure where you got this idea from….

    My husband goes to Uman and his Rav also goes.

    catch yourself

    Learn the Maharsha that I referenced in my earlier post in this thread. Of course we know that people travel (including, by the way, Avraham Avinu, the paragon of Kove’a Makom L’tfilaso). The point is that by having a set place to daven, one expresses the fact that HKBH is All-Powerful, and above any sort of influence whatsoever. This is why the Gemara says “Elokei Avraham Be-ezro.” The G-D of Avraham (who was the first one to teach about the omnipotence of Hashem) will help a person who davens in a way which expresses this idea.

    Traveling out of necessity is one thing; traveling so as to daven in what is considered a particularly auspicious place undermines the message of Avraham Avinu.

    Again, I want to stress that this is not me talking – it is the Maharsha.

    [It would seem that this applies only to mandatory tefillos, as we know that all Gedolei Hadoros were (and are) in the habit of davening al kivrei Avos and at the Kosel.]


    A Rav or Rebbe normally has his own K’hillah and does not leave them.


    Takes along his kehila


    cherrybim OK so don’t go to Israel and daven at the kotel. Forget any other vacation, even to be with your children or parents for pesach in Florida. Daven with your rav at all times.

    Letakein Girl

    Maybe there is something to this Uman thing! Or maybe Astrix is a real lamed vavnik? Either way, chaya esther bas rochel had a shidduch suggestion come up for the first time in nearly two years! It didn’t work out in the end, but hey- shes one step closer to finding her shidduch!

    Please continue to have her in mind in your tefillos.

    Thank you!

    vayoel moshe

    for those unable to go to uman I would suggest to go to the satmar rebbes keiver in Monroe amazing tzadik and

    And not so far

    Letakein Girl

    Ok, vayoel. We get it. You’re either a troll posing a satmar guy, or… Well, actually I can’t think of another option. Kindly stop spewing your obsessiveness in the cr, or my opinion on satmar men will be negatively influenced.

    Seriously, it’s annoying. Please do not hijack threads.

    vayoel moshe

    I actually am satmar and why is that trolling all I did was suggest a closer keiver to people who can’t go to uman tell me how’s that annoying??

    vayoel moshe

    Ur upset because I made fun of your thread (which no one else replied to) I apologized there so you don’t have to rant here k?



    Btw how do you remember this?

    Unanswered questions or mysteries stick with me.

    As it turns out, of course, you were wrong…

    catch yourself:

    Acknowledged. Well expressed – I’m happy to see that

    from a rebbi*. 🙂

    Is reading your post enough, though,

    or do we still have to learn the Maharsha?

    [Interesting. Is this your own explanation? And did and do the Gedolim refrain from davening any mandatory tefillos at kevorim (and the Kosel, if they do not always daven there)?]




    Yiden ought to daven with their Rav and it’s a shame that the people

    going to Uman do not have a warm Rav to be with.

    They might have one and choose to go to Uman anyway.

    Also, I think some of them would disagree with you, and say

    that not only do they have one, they are with him. 🙂


    Yiden ought to daven with their Rav and it’s a shame that the people

    going to Uman do not have a warm Rav to be with.


    1. Does every yid have a warm rav or any rav for that matter?

    2. Many breslove go with a rav or mashpia

    1. Presumably you mean that he’s singling out Uman-goers,

    but they’re the subject of the discussion. He might well feel that

    it’s a shame for any Yid not to have a warm Rav.

    (I’m not sure it’d matter if he was actually accusing Uman-goers of

    not having a Rav (as a “sin” of omission). Even if he was singling them

    out (see above for justification), it’s a valid accusation – other people

    having the same problem doesn’t justify them, although you could

    possibly lessen the severity of the “offense” by pointing out that it is

    common practice.)

    2. Good point.

    (Credit to PAA for some logic: )



    Yiden ought to daven with their Rav and it’s a shame that the people going to Uman do not have a warm Rav to be with.

    arifree: cherrybim OK so don’t go to Israel and daven at the kotel. Forget any other vacation, even to be with your children or

    parents for pesach in Florida. Daven with your rav at all times.

    He could well have meant “ought to daven with their Rav on Rosh Hashana.” Perhaps if you’d have been paying attention*,

    you’d have asked yourself: “Surely by davening with your Rav, Cherrybim does not mean never traveling?!”



    Yaakov Avraham ben Michleh and Dov Nechemiah HaKohein ben Rochel Chaya Sorah are alive”

    B”H yes both are alive tzu longer yohren, but both are seriously in need of tefilos and refuos. I believe with all my heart, especially in the case of Dovi, that everyone’s tefilos are what have kept him alive for the past year and a half with a very rare Stage 4 cancer, that is simply not responding to treatment, and for which there are no known successful protocols.

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