If a pig was genetically modified to chew its cud, would it be kosher?

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    Shulem Lemmer

    If they were to genetically modify a pig to chew its cud, would it be kosher?

    Reb Eliezer

    The Ohr Hachaim says in Parshas Shemini that there will be a new pig created by the redemption that will chew its cud which will be kosher. Aisov who is compared to the pig being fake showing its cut hoofs will repent and therefore it will become kosher.

    Reb Eliezer

    According to the above Ohr Hachaim why do we need to create a new entity let us do a genetic modification to make it kosher?

    ☕️coffee addict


    Why doesn’t genetically modifying make it new?


    1. You aren’t talking about “genetic modification” but rather a total rearrangement and redesign of its internal organs and digestive tract. At that point, it would not be a pig. It goes beyond, even from a science fiction perspective, genetic modification (cf: quotation above showing this can not be done by science but only by a Ha-Shem).

    2. It would have no messorah.

    3. A more reasonable question would be modification of the hoofs of camels and llamas.

    Reb Eliezer

    I remember that a kosher animal that chews its cud has multiple stomachs so I don’t think this is scientifically possible.


    Either way, it’ll be a yotzei min hatomaeh tomeh.


    akuperma, a mesorah is required only for birds. There is no such requirement for mammals, and nobody has the right to invent one.


    Yes, such a pig would be a different species from the treife pig, and it would be kosher. (Every twenty years or so, somebody “discovers” the babirusa pig, which has an stomach similar to that of ruminants, and jumps to the conclusion that it is actually a ruminant pig, and therefore kosher. This causes a huge burst of discussion until someone bursts the bubble by pointing out that it doesn’t actually ruminate, and is therefore treif after all. Twenty years later someone else makes the same discovery and the cycle repeats.)


    Pork, anyone?


    Even if a mesorah were required, wouldn’t the mesorah only have to start with the birth of the first of the species?


    What about genetically combining a pig and a llama?


    The libs are currently working on it. They first have to finish turning a male into a female and vice versa


    If I had wheels, could I be a bus?


    If a human chews its cud are they kosher too . I see it all day long. All that needs to be determined is thier hoof status.


    I like apushyyid’s comment about a bus.

    If you want a kosher pig, it might be easier to genetically modify a goat to have a short curly tail, shorter legs and a shorter snout. Or you could buy those faux bacon chips and sprinkle them on veal.


    there is a chakira whether the simanim are the cause that makes the animal kosher? or its just a sign that the animal is kosher for other reasons?


    If you want a kosher pig, it might be easier to genetically modify …

    What about modifying the pig to have fins and scales, and to live in the sea? That would have the advantage of not requiring shechitah.


    there is a chakira…….

    According to this tzad…”the simanim are the cause that makes the animal kosher”, so, if I would split the hooves of a camel would it become kosher since it now has both simanim?


    What if you lived in a pineapple under the sea?


    I think a Mesorah for animals is debateable. Some will not eat Bison because there is no mesorah for them


    Ok, so I actually dealt with this shailah extensively before. It actually is theoretically possible although it would cost millions of dollars. Once we perfect the reading of genetics (we’ll probably use AI for that) CRISPR will be able to do this. To answer the problem of lol hayotzei min hatamei you would be able to use a kosher animal as a surrogate mother. You would need to modify the genetics and make it chew it’s cud (and not just say kol hayotzei min hatahor) because shua says that if a kosher animal has a child that looks like a bird it’s taref, and the taz I believe (possibly the shach) says that it means if a kosher animal has a child that only has one of the simanei tahara. However, the only problem I did come across was a Ramban (vayikra 19:19) that says that the issur of kilayim by animals is that Hashem created a perfect world and therefore it’s assure for a human to act as God, because you’re showing witg your actions that you think the world isn’t perfect and it’s lacking. However, if a goy were to make the animal then it would be kosher. And in regards to mesorah, that is only by birds as others have commented.
    (Credentials: I’m a shocker and have discussed it with multiple household name gedolim and they told me that in theory it would be mutar, but chances are it would never get a hashgacha)

    Git Meshige

    If a women decides to become a man, can she/he be counted for a minyan? I would answer in the negative. Since she was born a women , her essence is a women. So to with a pig, it was born a pig and will remain a pig no matter the changes


    1st of all I’m meant that I’m a shochet #autocorrect
    2nd, Git Meshige, the point is we’re saying that if you take the somatic cell of a pig, genetically modify it, and implant it into a surrogate kosher animal (let’s say a cow), and the cow gave birth to it, halachically speaking it’s a cow because kol hayotzei min hatahor tahor.


    The origins of a grapefruit is an orange and pamello. Do u call it an orange/ pamello or a grapefruit?


    Beisyosef – Isn’t the Ramban simply giving the taam for the issur klayim? If so, genetic modifications would be assur in the “spirit of the law” but not in the “letter of the law.” And once it’s only the spirit of the law it becomes easier to come up with svaras over why making a treif animal kosher is different, in spirit, than doing klayim.


    zehavasdad, it is not debatable, and those who don’t eat bison for this reason are amhoratzim and are denying the Torah.


    How would the pig of the ohr hachaim be kosher if kol hayotzeh? Would a cow give birth to a cud-chewing pig?

    Reb Eliezer

    LanderTalmid, I think it will be a new creation which will chew its cud as it needs multiple stomachs as mentioned above.

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