Any Ideas for a New Jewish Music CD?

Home Forums Music Any Ideas for a New Jewish Music CD?

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  • #1071798

    ames, get a radio.

    Seriously, doesn’t the Nachum Segal-live radio link on the left side of the page give you music 24 hours a day?


    what does a happy marriage have to do with listening to goyish music? Are you implying that you’re past the stage of being “influenced”? Think again. You’re never past that stage and a person can’t trust themselves till the day they die.

    Plus- do you want this influence in your home? Where the shechina is supposed to rest, where you’re hopefully zoche to raise talmidei chachamim and tzniusdik bas yisroel’s?


    I can’t see anything positive coming out of listening to goyish music. As a side, goyish “love” is not the real thing. (They fall into it, they fall out of it- it’s like this “by chance” thing that you’re “lucky” to get. No! According to jews this is something that needs to be worked on and obtained gradually. Please, don’t cheapen it.)

    I don’t see anything anyone can learn from these songs or themes. I won’t take away the fact that some musical compositions are amazing- chochmah bagoyim ta’amin. But this has nothing to with the influences a jew wants in their home.

    an open book

    jax: thanks but don’t bother. i’d rather have a laptop anyway. i wasn’t complaining, just introducing ames to a different way of life.


    the key word here is “can”- you can and you can not. Why would you want to take such a huge risk that effects your neshoma?


    ames- don’t get me wrong, I fully comprehend the yetzer hora of music. I suggest you tell your husband about your struggle- this will be a first step to keep you from listening. After that you can work on strengthening your resolve not to listen to goyish music (make deals with yourself, stock up on new jewish CD’s, get some inspiration etc.).

    2 thumbs up for making that decision in the first place! Hatzlocha in all your efforts!

    an open book

    ames: yeah but i don’t want one.


    aob- you’re missing out in life

    an open book

    areivim: i don’t run out of the room when music’s playing. i just don’t suffer as much as the rest of the world when it comes to sfira or other musicless situations 🙂

    as long as i don’t think i’m missing out, it doesn’t bother me if you think so.


    Anyone hear heard of two new stars called Describe & Y-Love? I think they’re Lubavitch…


    Just trying to revive an old thread

    Just trying to revive an old thread


    Why is it that everybody is replying to this so-called “ames” and yet not one of his/her posts appear on this topic?


    Why is it that everybody is replying to this so-called “ames” and yet not one of his/her posts appear on this topic?


    It was probably removed by a mod.

    How about a discussion of ideas for a CD to be created, not bought?

Viewing 14 posts - 51 through 64 (of 64 total)
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