Home › Forums › Decaffeinated Coffee › I guess ChaBaD is Zionist now?
- This topic has 145 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 3 months ago by qwerty613.
December 12, 2023 9:09 pm at 9:09 pm #2246384Menachem ShmeiParticipant
During times like these we need some kind of public display that’s a symbol . What would you suggest we use?
Authentic Jewish symbols which have been our symbols for thousands of years. מצוינים במצוות.
This week – a menorah.
Generally: Tefillin, Mezuza, Tzitzis, Shabbos candles, etc.Judaism is not the language we speak, the flag we wave, the land that we live in, or the falafel that we eat.
The more we wave the flag, the more we fool people that this secular, nationalistic, cultural nonsense makes them more Jewish.
The world must know that their Jewish identity is ONLY EXPRESSED through the tools that Hashem gave us to express our identity – Torah and mitzvos.
Those who use a flag say היינו ככל הגוים (ch”v); if the Americans, Italians, French, etc. express their identity through a flag and a culture, why can’t we?
The answer is that we are completely different than any nationality. We are not just another nation with nice rituals and cultures that hold us together, rather a nation chosen by Hashem to serve Him in the way that He decided. Only those mitzvos should be used to express what makes us special as a nation.
December 12, 2023 9:12 pm at 9:12 pm #2246385sechel83Participantyes go learn chassidus is a good answer, because i realized im dealing with people who don’t talk the same language as me.
whats atzmus umehus?, whats shituf? whats a rebbe? whats atzilus? whats a neshama?
btw in 5752 vayera the rebbe says every jew its atzmus umehus, also a maamer in 5712 i remember, also bahaloscha 5751. the point is as already stated, it says it in tanya and in chassidus all over, thats one of the reasons why the misnagdim then burned tanya, cuz they said its apikorsus. the alter rebbe wrote a letter to the misnagdim about this idea printed in igeres hakodesh (4th part of tanya) chapter 25. its based on kisvei ari zal. and it has to do with how to understand the tzimtzum. see tanya shaar hayichud veemunaha bracha from a tzadik?! kefirah! a”z! its via a tzadik vda”l
ad on the side of this page “touro takes you to the top”!? hashem does! a”zDecember 12, 2023 9:59 pm at 9:59 pm #2246392qwerty613ParticipantTo the group
Sechel83 said that misnagsim burned the Tanya. I’ve never heard thst before. Is it true?
December 12, 2023 11:32 pm at 11:32 pm #2246395AviraDeArahParticipantI believe that happened with the toldos, which was a much more cryptic sefer.
Kedoshei elyon burned the moreh nevuchim too; this isn’t very surprising.
And those who burned the moreh under the guidance of their rebbe were rewarded for doing so, just as those who learned it because their rebbe told them to would receive the same schar.
December 12, 2023 11:32 pm at 11:32 pm #2246397Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantIs flag such a goyishe idea? Shvatim had flags. We didn’t need flags for a long time that we didn’t have an army so the idea became foreign. Also, we should appreciate tzionim for their position:
1. Original flag had 7 golden stars for a 7 hour work day… at least not 7 work days … I guess they couldn’t agree on number of work hours, so then they grasped for talles colors
2. Compare with bundists who were as non religious sans EY
Their flag was half red, half black, a bilbul of communists and anarchistsDecember 13, 2023 7:34 am at 7:34 am #2246485qwerty613ParticipantTo the group
The last time I checked Israel was a country. It’s a democracy with a Knesset the whole nine yards. Now we have a group of American Jews who want to tell Israel how it should be run. That’s a terrible Chutzpah. One of Rav Shach’s main complaints against the Rebbe is that he tried to “Mish Arein” into Israeli politics from Brooklyn. We’ll have a Torah-based society when Moshiach comes, but for now, we should keep our mouths and Seforim open.
December 13, 2023 4:44 pm at 4:44 pm #2246563Menachem ShmeiParticipantIs flag such a goyishe idea? Shvatim had flags.
Flags themselves are not the issue (at the Chabad Lag B’Omer parade, there was usually an American flag, Tzivos Hashem flag and Mesibos Shabbos flag).
The zionist flag however was made specifically as part of a general movement to create a secular brand of Judaism, the flag is part of the symbols that we can be ככל הגויים ch”v.Now we have a group of American Jews who want to tell Israel how it should be run.
It is the obligation of every Jew, especially a majorly influential Jew, to do everything in his or her power to ensure the spiritual safety and physical safety of the Jewish people anywhere in the world, especially in Eretz Yisroel which is every Jew’s homeland.
December 13, 2023 5:10 pm at 5:10 pm #2246637qwerty613ParticipantTo .Menachem Shmei
Yes Chabad is going to use its connections to eliminate Israel’s flag and replace it with the Chsbad flag. That should really go over well with the freier.December 13, 2023 5:41 pm at 5:41 pm #2246691AviraDeArahParticipantRav shach would consult rav moshe frequently on political issues; it’s not only that the Lubavitcher rebbe was in Brooklyn. Rav Moshe was in Manhattan, which is a few miles further from eretz yisroel.
Those who hold of being involved in the government believe in trying to make it as close to judaism as possible, not a separation of church and state. Even rabbi yoshe ber soloveitchik said that a state that will not become religious isn’t worthwhile. The Lubavitcher rebbe presumably would want the state to be run according to halacha too. Whether that makes us “no better than Uganda” is not a logical, Torah based argument.
December 13, 2023 9:00 pm at 9:00 pm #2246708sechel83Participantfuny how people try to make up history today instead of reading books and seforim printed from the time.
בראשית רבה צח, ג
רבי פנחס אמר אל הוא ישראל אביכם מה הקב”ה בורא עולמות אף אביכם בורא עולמות מה הקדוש ברוך הוא מחלק עולמות אף אביכם מחלק עולמותעט. ח
וַיַּצֶּב שָׁם מִזְבֵּחַ וַיִּקְרָא לוֹ אֵל אר”ל ויקרא לו אל אלהי ישראל אמר אתה אלוה בעליונים ואני אלוה בתחתוניםDecember 13, 2023 9:44 pm at 9:44 pm #2246728qwerty613ParticipantTo sechel83
Funny how you can’t spell “funy”. What is your point? Maybe others understand your postings but I rarely do.
December 13, 2023 11:19 pm at 11:19 pm #22467315783ParticipantWhat’s your point from that מדרש obviously it’s a בחינה not כפשוטו ח״ו
December 14, 2023 12:55 am at 12:55 am #2246743Menachem ShmeiParticipantLet’s not get into this endless topic which has merited countless posts in the CR.
Make another thread for it.December 14, 2023 12:55 am at 12:55 am #2246742mdd1Participant5783, it just shows in plain sight what happens when people who are not holding by it learn Kabbola.
December 14, 2023 9:36 am at 9:36 am #2246838qwerty613ParticipantTo mdd1
You’re absolutely right. Kabbalah is for a select few. Definitely not for the masses.
December 14, 2023 8:20 pm at 8:20 pm #2246990sechel83Participant@5783 thats my point, don’t attack someone who says something you don’t understand. and if you think that saying something like that deserves attack, well attack the medrash rabba then.
@mdd1 and qwerty613: its a medrash not kabala. and btw here is a clear gemarah bavli מגילה יח,א: מנין שקראו הקב”ה ליעקב אל שנאמר ויקרא לו אל אלהי ישראל דאי סלקא דעתך למזבח קרא ליה יעקב אל ויקרא לו יעקב מיבעי ליה אלא ויקרא לו ליעקב אל ומי קראו אל אלהי ישראל
we should’nt learn kabala?! where do you come from? ברעיא מהימנא פרשת נשא: ״והמשכילים יזהירו כזהר הרקיע״ – ״בהאי חבורא דילך דאיהו ספר הזהר… ובגין דעתידין ישראל למטעם מאילנא דחיי, דאיהו האי ספר הזהר – יפקון ביה מן גלותא ברחמים, ויתקיים בהון: ״ה׳ בדד ינחנו, ואין עמו אל נכר
In Raaya Mehemna, section of Nasso, (it is stated): “‘And they that are wise shall shine as the splendor of the firmament’ with this work of yours, which is the Book of Splendor (Sefer HaZohar)…Because in time to come Israel will taste of the Tree of Life, which is the book of the Zohar, and through which they will leave their exile with mercy. And through them shall be realized that ‘The L–rd alone will lead him, and there is no strange god with Him.’
כמ”ש האריז”ל דדוקא בדורות אלו האחרונים מותר ומצוה לגלות זאת החכמה quoted in tanya igeres 26 see there.
the gra in his pirush in mishlei also writes about the need to learn kabala.
on the contrary you need to learn chassidus otherwise you may understand it litterly, and by not learning kabala, you dont solve the problem, as mentioned its in medrash, gemara, and even in chumash there are pesukim like “under (hashem’s) feet, if you dont learn chassidus, how you you understand it? litterly? that contradicts one of the 13 ikrim! oh so dont learn chumash either?!!!??December 14, 2023 9:42 pm at 9:42 pm #2246996sechel83ParticipantVilna Gaon on learning kabalah:
He that is able to understand secrets of the Torah and does not try to understand them will be judged harshly, may G‑d have mercy. (Even Shlema 8:24)
The Redemption will only come about through learning Torah, and the essence of the Redemption depends upon learning Kabbalah. (Even Shlema 11:3)
All those who don’t understand the secret meaning [behind something], do not grasp even the simple meaning. (commentary on Proverbs 5:18)
The Evil Urge is unable to overcome all who occupy themselves in the hinting and secret [levels of Torah]. (Ibid.)
December 14, 2023 9:44 pm at 9:44 pm #2246997commonsaychelParticipant@83. still waiting for the answer to my question
December 14, 2023 10:11 pm at 10:11 pm #2246998qwerty613ParticipantTo sechel83
“Why shouldn’t we learn Kabbala?” For many reasons. Edited But let’s not get personal. In the aftermath of the Shabbetai Tzvi debacle, an edict was established for Ashkenazic Jewry that only those who are forty, married, and fully versed in Nigleh can then take on esoteric Torah. Chabad violates this Psak so they are Chotim. And we’ve seen throughout our history the danger of Kabbalah in the wrong hands. It started with Yoshke, continued with Shabbetai Tzvi and now we have ignorant children in Crown Heights who consider themselves Mekubalim. There you have my answer. edited
December 15, 2023 7:23 am at 7:23 am #2247035qwerty613ParticipantTo sechel
I’m impressed that you’re such a fan of the Gaon. edited. Yes the Gaon knew Kabbala, but that’s because he knew everything. But his focus was Nigleh so no he wouldn’t advise six year olds to close their Gemaras and study Arizal. The Gemara says that Torah can be a Sam Hachaim or a Sam Hamoves. When people learn Torah that’s not appropriate for them it’s a Sam Hamoves.December 15, 2023 8:58 am at 8:58 am #2247054Menachem ShmeiParticipanthe wouldn’t advise six year olds to close their Gemaras and study Arizal.
Factual correction for readers who may think that there’s truth in what Qwerty is writing. Let’s break this down:
“study Arizal”
Chabad yeshivos don’t teach kabbalah (Arizal, Zohar, etc.).
They do teach chassidus (the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov, Baal HaTanya, etc.) – much of which is based on kabbalistic teachings, but taught in a way that is meant to be more understood for the common folk (with a proper teacher and background).“six year olds”
The average Chabad yeshiva begins teaching chassidus to bochurim who are about 15 years old or older. Before that, they only learn Gemara, Mishnayos, Chumash, halacha, etc.“close their Gemaras”
The average Chabad yeshiva (15 years old and up) has about six hours a day of Gemara and three hours of chassidus (as well as halacha, Chitas/Rambam, sichos, etc.)December 15, 2023 9:15 am at 9:15 am #2247081LostsparkParticipantMenachem isn’t Chassidus sourced from a higher level than Kabbalah? Yechidah vs Sod?
December 15, 2023 1:55 pm at 1:55 pm #2247087qwerty613ParticipantTo Menachem Shmei
Your point is well taken. I was simply addressing sechel who never tops touting Kabbalah as the answer to all questions. If Lubavichers supplement Gemara with Chassidus that’s great, but if everything is Kabbalah not so much. Btw the Rabbi I generall. Turn to when I need clarification in the Gemara is Rabbi Zajac Chabad of La Cienega who’s an i credible Talmid Chachsm and a wonderful person. As for my remark abput 6 year olds I was speaking Lav Davka to make a point.December 15, 2023 1:55 pm at 1:55 pm #2247107mdd1ParticipantSechel83, there are statements in Medroshim and Gemoros which are Kabbola-based.
Gemora in the second perek of Hagiga is very clear that Kabbola is to be studied only by people who meet a number of strict requeirements.
Those who understand the sources that you brought down literally are minim whose wine is yain nesech etc.
Menachem, it is enough Kabbola for people to stumble in as we see here and elsewhere among the the Chabad people.December 15, 2023 2:08 pm at 2:08 pm #2247111Chaim87Participant@Menachem Shmei,
I am not convinced that the Israeli flag is not for torah and mitzvos just like the tzvios hashem flag. There is kedushas haretz and alot of mitzvios that apply in EY. Now it is true that once upon a time it was used by rashim like Ben Gurion YMS to say we do not need to observe mitzvahs CV’s because we have the medina. And we intentionally only wnat things to be secular to the point of kidnapping immigrants and snipping their peyos off. However, that is no longer the case. We live in a post zionist world. The flag has no come to represnt a simple unity among jewish people. Furthermore, even if its not as “jewish” as a menora, at a time of epic tragedy like this and when it is exactly threatening Jews of Israel for river to sea …There is a justa time and oplace and you can’t just bring a defrence from a sicha said 60 years ago.
As a side note yes the reba z’l was human to and at times changed his opinion too. I know for a chosid that may be kefria but for us layman its the turth. it doesn’t degrade the person to say that. We know he went to college but was anti college too. And no i don’t buy that he went to college for chasdic purposes but would have never gone if not. Thats baloney. he went because that was the mood at the time. But as time evloved he shtigged like we should all be. He realized that engineering is not important in life and then told chasdim not to attend college. My point is things chnage as time elvolves and the same with the flag.December 15, 2023 2:09 pm at 2:09 pm #2247116qwerty613ParticipantTo lostspark
Newsflash. You’re on planet earth. The moshol of Yaakov’s ladder is that the Tzaddik reaches the heavens. But only if his feet are planted on the ground i.e. he’s normal. Those who met Gedolim like Rav Moshe and Rav Yaakov come away most impressed by their normalcy.
December 15, 2023 2:11 pm at 2:11 pm #2247120Menachem ShmeiParticipantMenachem isn’t Chassidus sourced from a higher level than Kabbalah? Yechidah vs Sod?
Discussed in קונטרס ענינה של תורת החסידות
https://hebrewbooks.org/pdfpager.aspx?req=58874&st=&pgnum=268&hilite=December 17, 2023 3:29 pm at 3:29 pm #2247456sechel83Participant@mdd. thats my point if you only learn medrash and gemara and chumash, you may understand it litterly (why not?) if you learn chassidus, its explained starting with tanya perek 2 and there is a clear maamer of the rebbe rashab – הקבצו תרסח – printed in המשך תרסו, thats explains these maamarai chazal.
also not thinking about hashem may not couse you to view him in a tzuras haguf etc, but it also dosent cause you to love and fear him and know him (3 mitzvos temidios – see rambam hilchos yesodai hatorah)
@qwerty the gra came after shabsai tzvi, and wrote about the obligation to learn kabala. and everyone agrees you can learn kabala after 40. even those who said not to younger.December 17, 2023 4:56 pm at 4:56 pm #2247490sechel83Participant@qwerty The Gemara says that Torah can be a Sam Hachaim or a Sam Hamoves. When people learn Torah that’s not appropriate for them it’s a Sam Hamoves.
interesting how you explain this gemarah. the arizal explained that without learning torah with love and fear of hashem which comes from learning kabalah or chassidus, and contemplating on the ideas then torah is sam hamaves, lo lishma. see קונטרס עץ החיים
see mifarshim on chagigah. the mishnah also says not to darshen on arayos to 3 people. so dont learn anything basiclly. no chumash, mishnah on arayos, no gemarah – cuz youll bump into that gemarah in megillah, no medrash?? sounds like the yevonim!December 17, 2023 5:02 pm at 5:02 pm #2247493qwerty613ParticipantTo sechel83
The problem with Chabad is not that you learn Kabbalah although it ‘s insanity that you encourage kids to do so. The problem is your attitude towards learning. Instead of looking for truth you cherry pick Chazal to prove that the Rebbe is Moshiach edited
December 17, 2023 7:00 pm at 7:00 pm #2247533qwerty613ParticipantTo sechel83
You state that Arizal said that one must learn Chassidus or his Torah is a Sam Hamaves. Arizal preceded Chassidus by 200 by 200 years so he obviously never said that. I do agree that one must learn with Ahavas Hashem and Ahavas Torah and I do that when I learn Gemara. Just as important Torah must bring o e to truth. You guys brag that you make a Siyum every year on Rambam But you don’t accept his teachings.Rambam clearly states the criteria for Moshiach and the Rebbe hasn’t met any of the requirements. But you dismiss Rambam because of some speech the Rebbe gavevin 1951December 17, 2023 9:15 pm at 9:15 pm #22475465783ParticipantFrom what I understand it’s mutar at least according to חסידים to learn Zohar and its actually encouraged just קבלת האריז״ל you have to be ראוי for because he writes in a way that’s hard to understand and you could be מגשם it. I heard a story that the בעש״ט had ״טענות ״ why the אריז״ל explains the ספירות בפרטי פרטיות with משלים from גשמיות which could lead a person to think he understands Hashem with his mind and the אריז״ל told the בעש״ט that he’s right and if he would live longer he would teach differently not על דרך השכל. so because of that חסידים don’t learn כתבי אריז״ל unless their ראוי and are able ״להפשיט הדברים מגשמיותם״.
December 17, 2023 9:17 pm at 9:17 pm #2247552mdd1ParticipantSEichel, for crying out loud! Azahorah shamanu not to understand those statements literally. The Christians went down that path!
You can love and fear HKBH even without learning Kabbola. And it is better to loose out on a portion of a mitsva than to end being a min!!!December 18, 2023 8:32 am at 8:32 am #2247673qwerty613ParticipantTo the group
I think we should understand why studying Chassidus and Kabbalah is so important to Chabad. I used to listen to Rabbi Butman when he was on the radio on Motzei Shabbosim. On numerous occasions, he said that when Moshiach comes there will be no more conventional Talmudic study, rather we’ll only learn the Kabbalistic interpretations of the Gemara. Since Lubavichers believe that we’re already in Yemos Hamoshiach they’re trying to replace Talmudic study with the study of Chassidus. Last week my son met a Lubavicher who told him, “Learning Torah without Chassidus is like ordering a steak meal and only getting served french fries.” edited
December 18, 2023 8:33 am at 8:33 am #2247658LostsparkParticipant“The problem with Chabad is not that you learn Kabbalah although it ‘s insanity that you encourage kids to do so.”
Last I checked my son didn’t have a Kabbalah shuir @ his mesivta….so what are you talking about.
I still can’t wrap my mind around why you attend a ChaBaD Shul if you obviously have so many issues with it.
Besides all of this I’m still curious to know if ChaBaD has been influenced by Zionism in a negative direction.
December 18, 2023 9:54 am at 9:54 am #2247680qwerty613ParticipantTo Lostspark
“I still can’t wrap my mind around why you attend a Chabad shul.” It:s not a Chabad shul. It’s a shul whose Rabbis are Chabad. We get along because they don’t push their beliefs on me and I don’t challenge their beliefs either. That thisvis hard for you to understand is a strong indicator that you’re an in your face Lubavicher who demands that every Jew accepts the Rebbe. Not aall Lubavichers are like that.
December 18, 2023 2:19 pm at 2:19 pm #2247699LostsparkParticipantIf could read minds like you can I would be spending my time on more constructive endeavors than trolling in the CR.
December 18, 2023 2:20 pm at 2:20 pm #2247748ARSoParticipantAny chance of the mods starting a thread with all the stuff deleted from qwerty’s posts? edited
December 18, 2023 2:35 pm at 2:35 pm #2247759qwerty613ParticipantTo 5783
If I undwrstood you correctly you said that the Arizal and Besht conversed. Arizal died about a 100 years before rhe Besht was born. So perhaps you need to do some fact checking.
December 18, 2023 5:04 pm at 5:04 pm #2247780qwerty613ParticipantTo ARSo
There’s nothing earthshattering to what they delete. It’s just the mod’s view that a statement crosses the line. I don’t Chas V’shalom use inapproriate language.December 18, 2023 6:09 pm at 6:09 pm #2247791sechel83Participanta few parts הקדמת ר’ חיים ויטאל על שער ההקדמות
וכן בהפך בהיותו עוסק בחכמת המשנה והתלמוד בבלי ולא יתן חלק גם אל סודות התורה וסתריה, כי הרי זה דומה לגוף היושב בחושך בלתי נשמת אדם נר ה’ המאירה בתוכה, באופן שהגוף יבש בלתי שואף ממקור חיים, אשר זהו ענין אומרו במ”א ההוא הנ”ל, וז”ל, דאילין אינון דעבדי לאורייתא יבשה ולא בעאן לאשתדלא בחכמת הקבלה וכו’.באופן כי הת”ח העוסקים בתורה לשמה ולא לשמו לעשות לו שם, צריך שיעסוק בתחילה בחכמת המקרא והמשנה והתלמוד כפי מה שיוכל שכלו לסבול, ואח”כ יעסוק לדעת את קונו בחכמת האמת, וכמו שציוה דוד המלך ע”ה את שלמה בנו ‘דע את אלהי אביך ועבדהו’. ואם האיש הזה יהיה כבד וקשה בענין העיון בתלמוד, מוטב לו שיניח את ידו ממנו אחר שבחן מזלו בחכמה זאת ויעסוק בחכמת האמת, וזהו שאמרו כל ת”ח שאינו רואה סימן יפה בתלמוד בחמשה שנים שוב אינו רואה.
הנה נתבאר במ”א הזה כי עון אדם הראשון בעץ הדעת טוב ורע, הוא שלא בחר להתעסק בעץ החיים שהיא חכמת הקבלה, וזהו עצמו עון הערב רב האומרים למשה ‘דבר אתה עמנו ונשמעה’ בעץ הדעת טוב ורע, ‘ואל ידבר עמנו אלהים פן נמות’ בסתרי תורה, כסברת הטועים קצת בני תורה אשר בזמנינו זה המוציאים שם רע על חכמת האמת חיי עולם…
וזה סוד מה שאמרנו לעיל כי הקורא במשנה ובתלמוד נקרא עבד המשמש את רבו על מנת לקבל פרס, מה שאין כן בחכמת האמת, כי הוא מתקן כביכול, ונותן עוז וכוח למעלה וזהו נקרא עוסק בתורה לשמה בלי ספק
(i wrote kabala or chassidus, to love and fear hashem, you need to think about him not just halachos)
rambam hilchos yesodai hatorahperek 3
האל הנכבד והנורא הזה–מצוה לאוהבו וליראה ממנו, שנאמר: “ואהבת את ה’ אלוהיך” (דברים ו ה; דברים יא א), ונאמר: “את ה’ אלוהיך תירא” (דברים ו יג; דברים י כ). והיאך היא הדרך לאהבתו ויראתו? בשעה שיתבונן האדם במעשיו וברואיו הנפלאים הגדולים, ויראה מהם חכמתו שאין לה ערך ולא קץ, מיד הוא אוהב ומשבח ומפאר ומתאווה תאווה גדולה לידע השם הגדול, כמו שאמר דוד: “צמאה נפשי לאלוהים לאל חי” (תהלים מב ג).
and he goes on to talk about maase brashin and maase merkava perek 4
הלכה יב
בזמן שאדם מתבונן בדברים האלו ומכיר כל הברואים ממלאך וגלגל ואדם כיוצא בו ויראה חכמתו של הקב”ה בכל היצורים וכל הברואים מוסיף אהבה למקום ותצמא נפשו ויכמה בשרו לאהוב המקום ברוך הוא ויירא ויפחד משפלותו ודלותו וקלותו כשיעריך עצמו לאחד מהגופות הקדושים הגדולים וכ”ש לאחת מהצורות הטהורות הנפרדות מן הגולמים שלא נתחברו בגולם כלל וימצא עצמו שהוא ככלי מלא בושה וכלימה ריק וחסר.
when i was i child, no one told me to learn kabala, tanya baal peh thats all (extra curriculum – at home). we started learning chassidus and 12 very basic conceps of chassidus, which as know to anyone who learns chassidus, sometimes chassidus brings kabala to explain a point, and it explains ideas in kabala in a way that an average person can understand. and in derech mitzvosecha mitzvas tefillah there is a whole introduction, about how to understand the kabalistic way of talking about hashem, so no one makes a mistake)
@mdd ridiculous comment, basicly youre saying just do mitzvos for gen eden gehenom. take hashem out of the picture, cuz you may understand him wrong, that dosent make you a believer either, just because you never think of him lest you imagine him in some kind of form.December 18, 2023 8:10 pm at 8:10 pm #2247802mdd1ParticipantSeichel!!! Becoming a min, a kofer is not serving HKBH!! You show what is wrong with the Chabad approach indeed!!
December 18, 2023 8:11 pm at 8:11 pm #2247803qwerty613ParticipantTo sechel83
“I wrote kabala or chassidus”. Wrong you said thatArizal said that one who doesnt learn Chassidus or Kabbala his Torah is Sam Hamaves. When I called you out for being an inveterate liar you changed your story.
December 18, 2023 8:35 pm at 8:35 pm #2247854Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantI understand why people want to get to the higher level quickly, but you may be underestimating prerequisites … people talk about age, knowing halocho, but look at Kiddushin 71: The forty-two-letter name of God may be transmitted only to one who is discreet, and humble, and stands at at least half his life, and does not get angry, and does not get drunk, and does not insist upon his right
Are you even at minimum level in these middos? Are you saying that your rebbeim figured out shortcuts to skip these? If yes, why are you so interested in taking these shortcuts instead of working on yourself? This is like running a marathon and getting a ride for a part of it.
December 19, 2023 7:23 pm at 7:23 pm #2248090sechel83Participant@qwerty ok i made a mistake. the arizal talks about kabala. this is why we learn chassidus which includes (but not only) kabala – explains many concepts to even lower level neshamos – simple people.
besides its a clear rambam that the way to love and fear hashem is by thinking and contemplating about him. (just like you wont like anything (even in this world) before knowing what it is, basic concept no need to explain) this is not jumping to higher levels, the rambam hilchos tshuvah perek 10: הלכה ה
כל העוסק בתורה כדי לקבל שכר או כדי שלא תגיע עליו פורענות הרי זה עוסק שלא לשמה וכל העוסק בה לא ליראה ולא לקבל שכר אלא מפני אהבת אדון כל הארץ שצוה בה הרי זה עוסק בה לשמה ואמרו חכמים לעולם יעסוק אדם בתורה ואפילו שלא לשמה שמתוך שלא לשמה בא לשמה לפיכך כשמלמדין את הקטנים ואת הנשים וכלל עמי הארץ אין מלמדין אותן אלא לעבוד מיראה וכדי לקבל שכר עד שתרבה דעתן ויתחכמו חכמה יתירה מגלים להם רז זה מעט מעט ומרגילין אותן לענין זה בנחת עד שישיגוהו וידעוהו ויעבדוהו מאהבה.הלכה ו
דבר ידוע וברור שאין אהבת הקב”ה נקשרת בלבו של אדם עד שישגה בה תמיד כראוי ויעזוב כל מה שבעולם חוץ ממנה כמו שצוה ואמר בכל לבבך ובכל נפשך אינו אוהב הקדוש ברוך הוא אלא בדעת שידעהו ועל פי הדעה תהיה האהבה אם מעט מעט ואם הרבה הרבה לפיכך צריך האדם ליחד עצמו להבין ולהשכיל בחכמות ותבונות המודיעים לו את קונו כפי כח שיש באדם להבין ולהשיג כמו שבארנו בהלכות יסודי התורה:
another clear halacha in sh”u hilchos tefillah siman 98:
המתפלל צריך שיכוין בלבו פי’ המלות שמוציא בשפתיו ויחשוב כאלו שכינה כנגדו ויסיר כל המחשבות הטורדות אותו עד שתשאר מחשבתו וכוונתו זכה בתפלתו ויחשוב כאלו היה מדבר לפני מלך בשר ודם היה מסדר דבריו ומכוין בהם יפה לבל יכשל ק”ו לפני ממ”ה הקב”ה שהוא חוקר כל המחשבות
וכך היו עושים חסידים ואנשי מעשה שהיו מתבודדים ומכוונין בתפלתם עד שהיו מגיעים להתפשטות הגשמיות ולהתגברות כח השכלי עד שהיו מגיעים קרוב למעלת הנבואה ואם תבא לו מחשבה אחרת בתוך התפלה ישתוק עד שיתבטל המחשב’
ויחשוב קודם התפלה מרוממות האל יתעלה ובשפלו’ האדם ויסיר כל תענוגי האדם מלבו
chabad and many other Chassidim (maybe non chassidim too – but in order to think about the greatness of hashem you need to first learn about it (one can see some greatness of hashem in the creation but that leads to a limited love and fear of hashem, chassidus and kabala teaches much more about the graeatness of hashem) are very careful in this halacha in shulchan aruch. and therefore learns chassidus – רוממות האל – and causes not to desire pleasures of this world, (and can even bring a person to the level of nevuah see rambam hilchos yesodai hatorah, (btw about nevuah today, the rambam clearly writes in igeres timan תחזור הנבואה לישראל בשנת ארבעה אלפים תתקע”ו ליצירה ואין ספק שחזרת הנבואה היא הקדמת משיח) for an hour or 2 before davening.
i was never tought hashems 42 letter name and i dont know anyone who was.chas vishalom chabad was not influenced by zionism at all.
December 20, 2023 6:32 am at 6:32 am #2248143qwerty613ParticipantTo sechel83
Who ever said that they teach Hashem’s 42-letter name in Chabad Yeshivos? -
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