How Trump can become problematic

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee How Trump can become problematic

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  • #2374041
    Baruch D

    Always Ask: One need not engage in comparison to recognize the harm that Trump is causing the Republican (and Democratic) parties. We want to preserve a Republican party we can support in confidence. Right now, there are so many weirdos inhabiting it (i.e. one of many: MTG) that the party has become quite ineffective in that there is more than one party in one that it becomes difficult to legislate. It may mark the end of the GOP, or at least the party as we know it. The only solution is to make it a totally extreme maga party and that is not one that we will like nor am I convinced that there is a majority in the country that would go for that. It could actually end up with a Democrat pluraity. We make a mistake when we imagine that the religious right are people we can rely on. I could elaborate but this is not the forum. Further, since it is OK to hate Trump then anything he supports is fair ground. He is not the candidate for a Pro Israel spokesman. He actually harms the cause. Trump has actually spread up the radicalization always dormant on the left as well. Were it not for how repulsive it, the anti Israel lobby on the left would not have emerged as fast as it did. Ultimately, sleaze doesn’t appear unless there is a vacuum in our avodah that allows it, so debatably the conversation is merely rhetorical. But regardless, even if you were to argue that the choice is between which is worse, frankly both are horrible. Never before has anti Israel views had such superstar power on the maga right. Personally, I am not convinced that the anti semitic left is worse. But, why go there?

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