Today I was listening to a really weird person talking and I really wanted to lash out and inform him how weird he was but I didn’t want to be oveir onu-as d’vorim so I didn’t know what to do and he kept on getting weirder and weirder and it was getting harder and harder to restrain myself and I found myself with my lips puckered out and my hands clamped firmly on them to keep its contents inside and I was getting really fidgety, which probably looked like some odd dance or something and my mind was in turmoil and then suddenly an awesome line popped into my head, and with it, the solution to my problem. I marched over to the weird one and told him, “You know, you’re the type of person who makes the world go round,” and, weird that he was, he took it as a compliment and so my day drastically improved because nothing was bottled up inside me and I did a big mitzvah, complimenting him, and peace reigned in my world once more.