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- This topic has 53 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 1 month ago by Reb Eliezer.
January 17, 2020 12:38 pm at 12:38 pm #1823720klugeryidParticipant
to the impeachment
I think he should take the actual articles of impeachment, (or a copy of them), frame it and hang it in the oval office.
It would show ultimate disdain for the partisan shenanigan, while making them totally berserk with fury.
”here! You think you got me with your dumb games? I’ll proudly hang it where everyone can see it! ”It’s like when an anti semite calls you ”dumb Jew ” in public.
If you straighten up and loudly and proudly respond
That’s right I’m as Jewish as can be and I’m proud of it !”
It takes all his sting and venom out. (it may not be wise to do in my example because the guy might respond by assaulting you, but In trumps case, he really has nothing to lose. Anything they can throw at him, they already are. So it’s just a game of one up manship.)How would you advise him to respond?
January 17, 2020 2:15 pm at 2:15 pm #1823834RebbeDebbieParticipant“How would you advise him to respond? ”
Do the honorable thing and resign. He’s had four years to do teshuvah, yet his meshuganas keeps getting stronger.
He has not kept his promises, and continues to show his horrible middos.
Would you honestly tell your children that Trump is a role model, and someone to seek to be like?
It’s too bad Joe Lieberman is not running for President. That’s a mentsh that we all can agree would be a great model, great president, and someone that has great middos. Bonus: He’s a frum Yid too!
January 17, 2020 2:17 pm at 2:17 pm #1823830lowerourtuition11210ParticipantLet his legal team handle it especially the newer additions Dershowitz and Starr.
January 17, 2020 2:36 pm at 2:36 pm #1823849akupermaParticipantWhile the probability of conviction is non-existent, Trump needs to use the trial to not merely prove is “innocence”, but to prove that the Democrats tolerate corruption when they were in power by not even being concerned about the Ukrainians offering a “job” to Biden’s son. This is probably Trump’s best chance to make a case in a way that won’t be filtered by the left wing media. He needs to not merely win on impeachment, he needs to cripple the Democrats’ strongest probable candidate and to cripple the party. If he merely is content to have the charges dismissed as a matter of law (since they clearly don’t constitute an impeachable offense), he is likely to at best be able to squeak in for re-election, and not have the Congressional majorities to pass his agenda (though so far he has managed to restrict immigration, improve employment for his “deplorables” base, and appoint judges somewhat to the right of Karl Marx).
January 18, 2020 6:51 pm at 6:51 pm #1823860Reb EliezerParticipantklugeryid,, I applaud you. You did not feel that trump deserves a capital letter in his name.
January 18, 2020 6:51 pm at 6:51 pm #1823862klugeryidParticipantRebbeDebbie
Why would it be honorable to resign
Imagine I hired 500 people to stand outside of your house with signs chanting ”RebbeDebbie ”stole this house.
And then we would all 500 of us vote if we believed that. And amazingly would have a unanimous vote that says you stole the house.
Would you do ”the honorable thing ” and just walk away from your house that you bought honestly???January 18, 2020 6:52 pm at 6:52 pm #1823865DovidBTParticipanthe needs to cripple the Democrats’ strongest probable candidate and to cripple the party
That’s negative campaigning. He should take the high road and continue to show why he should be the nation’s leader, and not get dragged down into the gutter tactics used by the leftists.
January 18, 2020 6:52 pm at 6:52 pm #1823866Reb EliezerParticipantIf he is innocent, let him disprove the accusations.
January 18, 2020 6:52 pm at 6:52 pm #1823867Reb EliezerParticipantSimilar to edim zomemim he should show that he could not have done it.
January 18, 2020 8:55 pm at 8:55 pm #1823985klugeryidParticipantReb Eleizer
Why should he disprove it.
What’s wrong if he did it?
So he asked for a corruption investigation.
What’s wrong?
He should proudly admit it.January 19, 2020 5:30 am at 5:30 am #1824016jackkParticipant“So he asked for a corruption investigation.
What’s wrong?
He should proudly admit it.”
The alternative universe that Fox viewers and trump supporters live in is on full display.
We are completely fine with the president using his power to persecute his political rival so that he can win re-election. He can even illegally hold up funds from another country to persecute his political enemies.
That is not the malchus shel chesed that we live in. That is Russia, China and Venezuela.This is exactly why he he is a danger to our democracy and was impeached and should be immediate;y removed.
January 19, 2020 5:30 am at 5:30 am #1824015Reb EliezerParticipantklugeryid, the problem is that he did not hold aid back before this new president Zelinsky of Ukrane when there realy was corruption there, so it looks like the aid currently was not held back because of corruptiin.
January 19, 2020 9:34 am at 9:34 am #1824032klugeryidParticipantTwo things
Firstly I was not aware that hunter Biden was his political opponent.
Secondly, who cares what it looks like. Since when did ”it looks like ” become an impeachAble offense?
Yes he did not ask for a needed corruption investigation until he realised that it may ALSO help his political career (I am not saying this is true, I’m granting it for arguments sake). So what? You think anything is not done with ulterior motives?
When Obama gave cash to Iran, you think he didn’t think that would help him politically??
So should he have been impeached for using billions of American tax dollars to give himself a leg up on his political rivals?
The bidens were involved in massive corruption.
Joe himself bragged that he actually did what trump has now been accused of and trump has denied doing. Yet according to Jackk and Reb Eleizer and Rebbe Debbie and all the other cool aid drinkers it’s trump who should be impeached and Biden who should be elected.
Another reason for trump to proudly admit it. It seems it is only being accused of such behavior that is impeachable. Actually admitting to it creates impunity.
As I said he should proudly admit to it. And frame and display the impeachment paperwork.January 19, 2020 9:35 am at 9:35 am #1824034chugibugiParticipantFirst of all President Trump and all republicans should start calling these traitorous marxist socialist’s DemonRats swines by their real name ,”the new Marxist Socialist party”,it’s no more a democratic party,they have morphed into a marxist socialist America hating and Jew and Israel hating gangster organization.
A large percentage of these marxist DemonRats have a pathological hatred for their own country and want it destroyed,these swines have morphed into a one world government ideology,which states that no country has the right to draw borders and keep out any one that wants to enter,that is why these traitorous criminals don’t want a wall,plus they want to take down the walls that we have already,that’s why some of these sewer rats want to completely abolish ICE,these filthy gangsters want to flood this great country of ours with literally hundreds of millions of third world people,and turn in into another third world hell hole.
This is exactly what the republicans should harp on and articulate for the next 10 months till the elections,to make sure the American people will vomit out these these traitorous marxist anti semitic America hating sewer rats .
CHAIMJanuary 19, 2020 9:35 am at 9:35 am #1824035chugibugiParticipantHe should completely ignore these DemonRats and go about doing his great work so far in making America great again
January 19, 2020 12:29 pm at 12:29 pm #1824103HealthParticipantAfter listening to CNN interview with Dershovitz, it proves that this is only Political game. They claimed that you can’t interpret the constitution only the way they do! Dershovitz must be Republican, not a Demoncrat, because he thinks Trump didn’t violate the Constitution!
January 19, 2020 12:30 pm at 12:30 pm #1824067Reb EliezerParticipantAccording to the Constitutiion Article II, the president is suppose to execute the laws enacted by Congress, except if he vetoes it and the Congress can’t override it, and not twarth it.
January 19, 2020 12:30 pm at 12:30 pm #1824044iacisrmmaParticipantWell Jackk: I see you have swallowed the democrats kool-aid……The transcript states that President Tump asked “Do us a favor” not do me a favor. How is this a persecution of a political rival? Biden is obviously a crooked politician who reaped every benefit from his political positions.
January 19, 2020 12:31 pm at 12:31 pm #1824053Reb EliezerParticipantHe violated the law by holding back aid that Congress appropriated showing that he is not a president but a monarch above Congress.
January 19, 2020 12:34 pm at 12:34 pm #1824062Ex-CTLawyerParticipantThe Adulterer in Chief, Liar in Chief wouldn’t know how to do an honorable thing. It is time for him and his despicable fractured family to pack up and leave the country. Let his buddy (puppeteer) Putin resettle them in Siberia
January 19, 2020 1:17 pm at 1:17 pm #1824122hujuParticipantctlawyer: If Trump is convicted of crimes and sentenced to jail in any jurisdiction of the US, I am sure that Putin will help resettle Trump in Russia.
January 19, 2020 1:25 pm at 1:25 pm #1824117🍫Syag LchochmaParticipant“It is time for him and his despicable fractured family to pack up and leave the country”
haha, looky there! CTLawyer has started advocating for deporting immigrants!!!
January 19, 2020 4:41 pm at 4:41 pm #1824136Reb EliezerParticipantOnce Trump gave aid, he showed that he approves the appropriation of Congress and therefore he violated their enacted law.
January 19, 2020 4:41 pm at 4:41 pm #1824137klugeryidParticipantCT lawyer
שנאה מקלקלת את השורה
Instead of your most of the time reasoned posts
Here it’s just hate.
Added nothing to the discussionJanuary 19, 2020 4:41 pm at 4:41 pm #1824138klugeryidParticipantSyag
Nope. Trump is not an immigrant.
Like most liberals. He only has disdain for AmericansJanuary 19, 2020 4:41 pm at 4:41 pm #1824148Ex-CTLawyerParticipant@huju
If Trump was convicted he would not be sentenced to prison. He’d cut a deal with Pence (as Nixon did with Ford) and be pardoned in advanceJanuary 19, 2020 4:42 pm at 4:42 pm #1824149Ex-CTLawyerParticipant@Syag
I never used the term deport………………
I said he should pack up his fractured family and leave the country.
Deportation is government action. I’m calling for all of them to go voluntarily, and not at taxpayer expense.Let his shiftless sons spend the rest of their days hunting in Siberia. Maybe Melania could finish that college degree she claimed she had and didn’t.
January 19, 2020 6:21 pm at 6:21 pm #1824214klugeryidParticipantCT you write as if there is a value in a college education besides giving you the skills to ”succeed ” In life.
For as to success, Melania has done pretty well for herself
Why would she want to go to college now????January 19, 2020 7:12 pm at 7:12 pm #1824217👑RebYidd23ParticipantPeople used to at least pretend that college was for learning.
January 19, 2020 7:13 pm at 7:13 pm #1824219Ex-CTLawyerParticipant@Klugeryid
I don’t hate Trump
I hate his actions and words
Big differenceJanuary 20, 2020 12:26 am at 12:26 am #1824247MilhouseParticipantThe whole premise is ridiculous. Running for president doesn’t give someone immunity from investigation. Nobody knows that better than Donald Trump, after 0bama sicced the FBI and CIA on him while he was running for president. So there’s no reason in the world why Trump should not have asked the Ukraine, where the Bidens’ corruption took place, to investigate it.
As for his temporarily withholding the aid, the hypocrisy of the Democrats edited on this forum is astounding. This aid was so important, so vital, that 0bama and the Democrats refused to give it at all. Trump was the one who decided to give this aid in the first place, so he was surely entitled to delay it if he was concerned about anything going on there.
CTLawyer, you should take your whole family and go live in some hell-hole. Trump has done a lot more for this country than you have.
January 20, 2020 12:27 am at 12:27 am #1824248MilhouseParticipantThe bottom line is clear: Burisma hired Hunter Biden and paid him at least</i> $50,000 a month (and perhaps almost twice that) when the only thing he could possibly do for it was to use his father’s influence to protect it. So when his father openly bragged about doing just that, it creates a very strong presumption that he was delivering the goods he was being paid for.
Supposing Eric Trump had been in that position, paid $600K a year by a company for doing absolutely nothing, I have not the slightest doubt that CTLawyer would be howling for Trump to recuse himself from any decision even remotely connected to that company. And if Trump had then threatened to withhold a billion dollars in aid if a prosecutor investigating this company were not fired, CTLawyer would be the first to accuse him of corruption. But because Biden is a Democrat, CTLawyer sees no evil. This is not law, it is evil.
January 20, 2020 5:20 pm at 5:20 pm #1824516Ex-CTLawyerParticipantMillhouse……………
I do live in a hellhole…Trump’s America, but with G-d’s help his days are limited to no more than 8 years as specified in the Constitution.My family has lived here generations longer than the Trump family. My grandfather was not a saloon keeper and brothel owner as grandfather Trump in the Yukon. My wife did not come in on a visitor’s visa, work illegally and lie about her education. Mrs. CTL is a native born citizen with legitimate education credentials. I pay all my workers and contractors. I’ve had one wife and not committed adultery. My sons don’t hunt live animals. I haven’t been banned from running a phony charity and the list goes on and on.
If you think this thrice married adulterer, bankrupt liar is a proper role model for the country I feel sorry for your lack of morals.
January 20, 2020 5:21 pm at 5:21 pm #1824526Reb EliezerParticipantAs mentioned on the other thread about USA Today article October 3,. 2019 google or go to the USA Today website titled Explainer – Biden, allies pushed out Ukrainian prosecutor because he didn’t pursue corruption cases.
January 23, 2020 12:45 pm at 12:45 pm #1825433Reb EliezerParticipantTrump got himself into this predicament because of his gaiva. When it came to his inauguratiin, he needed to have there more people than any other president. He could not accept that Russia had an influence in being elected president and there might be a question about his legitimacy. so he says Ukraine was involved in helping Hillary. For this coming election, he must destroy his opponent Biden to make sure he will win. He has an inferiority complex. You don’t need to shout when you have arrived.
January 23, 2020 8:48 pm at 8:48 pm #1825581som1ParticipantRebbi debbie:”trump doestn keep his promises” #dumbest quote of 2020
Trump is the only president that keeps his promises!!
“Jerusalem is still the capital of Israel and must remain an undivided city accessible to all,” he said in 1992. Clinton even went after former President George H.W. Bush for keeping the embassy in Tel Aviv instead of Jerusalem and then promised to move it.In 2000, Clinton said:
“I have always wanted to move our embassy to west Jerusalem. We have a designated site there. I have not done so because I didn’t want to do anything to undermine our ability to help to broker a secure and fair and lasting peace for Israelis and for Palestinians. But in light of what has happened, I’ve taken that decision under review, and I’ll make a decision sometime between now and the end of the year on that.”
He never delivered.
Former President George W. Bush
“As soon as I take office, I will begin the process of moving the United States ambassador to the city Israel has chosen as its capital,” he said in 2000. Bush added that he would “start the process as soon as I’m sworn in.”He never delivered.
Former President Barack Obama
“I continue to say that Jerusalem will be the capital of Israel, and I have said that before, and I will say it again,” he said in 2008. In another speech that year, Obama stated, “Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided.”He never delivered.
In contrast, President Trump made a promise during his campaign in 2016 to “move the American embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem.”
Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images
In 2017, Trump made the first step and announced that “it is time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel”:“While previous presidents have made this a major campaign promise, they failed to deliver. Today, I am delivering. I’ve judged this course of action to be in the best interest of the United States of America and the pursuit of peace between Israel and the Palestinians. This is a long-overdue step to advance the peace process and work towards a lasting agreement.”
Then, of course, on Monday, the U.S. Embassy was officially opened in Jerusalem.
Promises made, promises kept, just as Trump said during his campaign.
and he did!!
Trump promises to end Dumb IRAN DEAL
and he did!!
and he did
and he did
TRUMP PROMISES TO Ask countries we protect to pay more for joint defense
and he did
Trump promises TO Create private White House veterans hotline
trump promises Slash federal regulations
trump promised to Place lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying for foreign government
trump promised to Nominate someone from his list of justices to replace Antonin Scalia
trump promises to Keep Guantanamo Bay Detention Center open
trump promised Cancel the Paris climate agreement
trump promised to Suspend immigration from terror-prone places
#thank you trump for all you do for america,Israel,jews and the world!! TRUMP 2020
KEEP AMERICA GREATJanuary 23, 2020 8:48 pm at 8:48 pm #1825585som1ParticipantTo all you self hating anti trump Jews who say he should be impeached:
impeachment hoax is total garbage: besides the fact that the claims are not true, even if it was true; “abuse of power” is not a crime(let alone a high crime or misdemeanor), AND there is no such thing as “obstruction of congress”, EVERY TIME A PRESIDENT VETOES A BILL HES OBSTRUCTING CONGRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!January 23, 2020 8:48 pm at 8:48 pm #1825588som1ParticipantTo all you self hating anti trump Jews who say he should be impeached:
impeachment scandal is total garbage: besides the fact that the claims are not true, even if it was true; “abuse of power” is not a crime(let alone a high crime or misdemeanor which, is needed to impeach a president),
AND there is no such thing as “obstruction of congress”, EVERY TIME A PRESIDENT VETOES A BILL HES OBSTRUCTING CONGRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!to reb elezar:” If he is innocent, let him disprove the accusations.” 1 innocent until proven guilty 2 hes not eve bieng acused of a crime like a stated above
January 23, 2020 8:48 pm at 8:48 pm #1825593som1Participantmoderator are you going to let my comments going through??
January 24, 2020 8:52 am at 8:52 am #1825624Reb EliezerParticipantsam1, you don’t know your constitution when you say, ,anytime the president vetoes a bill is obstruction of congress. These is part of checks and balances where congress has the opportunity to override the veto.
January 24, 2020 8:54 am at 8:54 am #1825640Reb EliezerParticipantsam1, I was very careful not to say, prove your innocence. I said disprove the accusations whidh becomes necessary under the current circumstances.
January 24, 2020 8:58 am at 8:58 am #1825652klugeryidParticipantReb Eleizer did you know that your great grandfather was a hose thief in ”Der heim ”?
Oh you say he wasn’t?
OK let’s see some proof.
While your at it some proof you actually paid for the clothes you are wearing. I thing you just walked into a store in your skivvies and got dressed and walked out fully clothed. Maybe prove that I’m wrong.
I could go on and on but I hope you get the point
You can’t just hurl random accusations and then ”prove” their veracity by me not disproving themJanuary 24, 2020 8:59 am at 8:59 am #1825668Reb EliezerParticipantsam1, look at the Constitution of the US, Article I, Secttion 7,2 about a veto ( self understood without the word)).
January 24, 2020 2:30 pm at 2:30 pm #1825728Reb EliezerParticipantklugeryid, Maybe you should change your name? There is a mountain of evidence against him. I am not talking about frivolous ,accusations.
January 24, 2020 2:31 pm at 2:31 pm #1825772Reb EliezerParticipantThere is a hungarian saying., whoever has butter on his head should not go under the sun. The problem is that trump does not know that he has butter on his head. He thinks he did the right thing.
January 24, 2020 2:32 pm at 2:32 pm #1825781som1Participantreb eliezer: of course vetoing is not a crime but neither is obstruction of congress a crime, so when trump stops funding approved by congress its just as much obstruction of congress as vetoing a bill approved by congress
January 25, 2020 7:43 pm at 7:43 pm #1825819Reb EliezerParticipantsam1, Once Ccongress approriates funds, it is against the law not to distribute it except for valid reasons as corruption.
January 25, 2020 7:52 pm at 7:52 pm #1825817Reb EliezerParticipantsam1, obsttucting impeachment is a crime. The Constitution Article II Section 2 gives the sole power of impeachment to Congress and if they can’t investigate, they can’t impeach. So if there is a suspicion of wrong doing, the president must cooperate as SCOTUS ruling by Nixon with the tapes. He can stop funding for corruption, if the US has a benefit in it, but not for his self interest to undermine his opponent. He provided aid previously when there was more corruption, so the question is what made him stop?
January 25, 2020 7:54 pm at 7:54 pm #1825822Reb EliezerParticipantThe law is that withholding funds appropriated by Congreess must be notified to them.
January 25, 2020 7:56 pm at 7:56 pm #1825820klugeryidParticipantReb Eleizer, personal insults don’t really further your arguments.
That being said.
Mountains of evidence? Really?
Were talking about 1 phone call.
Mountains of evidence?
If so, something tells me most of the evidence is manufactured.
So I guess there is corruption after all. Just not by trump. -
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