How Popa vanquished the Chicago people

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    This morning I davened at beis Ushi. I came at about 9:20.

    When I got there, the minyan in the main room was in the middle of shmone esrei, and there was another minyan forming in the shteibel. So I joined the new minyan forming in the shteibel, which ended up starting at about 9:30.

    Then, when I finished shmone esrei, I heard the other minyan taking out the torah, so I jumped in there and chapped leining.

    Then, I ran back to my minyan, and got kedusha, and chazaras hashatz. Then, I just davened hallel, and done.

    Popa 1, chicago people 0.


    But Bais Ushi is on the disabled list! If you beat someone when their at half strength only due to construction, is that really a win?!

    And besides, Hallel is likely the most important thing to be said b’tzibbur. Aniyas Hahallel is integral to the hillul. It is muttar to skip pesukei dezimra to catch the responsive parts like Hodu and Ana Hashem as much as tefila b’tzibbur, and according to some poskim, even more so.


    I got hallel with a minyan.

    And Ushy on DL still has more people davening there than any other shul in chicago.


    popa- I do that every day.

    Bar Shattya

    midwestrner why do you make stuff up.

    The Heir to the Shattya Dynasty calls your bluff.

    Where is this mentioned l’halacha?


    The result of delving into sugyos off and on over the years. Exact chapter and verse will have to wait. I am not at a place and time where I can answer things that need to be looked up.

    ED IT OR

    I’m not sure what exactly this is all about,

    but what about todir vesheinoi…..


    The definition of Hallel, as learned from Shiras Hayam, Shiras Habe’er, and from sugyos in asiyas korban pesach, includes aniya. B’zman habayis, the shatz would say pesukim of halel, and the tzibbur would respond Hodu L’Shem Ki tov, etc. (Gemaros in Pesachim) This has gotten watered down to nowadays when we only say 4 pesukim in that format. It is the way hallel is recited. Nothing to do with sequences, as in tadir v’sheino tadir.

    Bar Shattya


    If I listened to everyone who taynahed taanas “I know everything”…


    This reminds me of a virtual “where’s waldo” game. Everyone is trying to seek Popa out.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    always – no, that was the last thread. This one is about fulfilling mitzvos with out letting the mitzvos fill you *sigh*


    I will get you sources. Feel free to ignore me until then. However, take a look throughout shas and shulchan aruch. You will find the unique lashon of aniyas hahalel applied all over the place. Rarely does it say amiras hahalel. Aniya is integral to the process. Difficult to quote sources when on the road. But the mehalech hasugya has become a part of me.


    OC 422


    pba – What you did has a name for it, its called “minyan hopping”.


    rb: I call it pulling a zichron moshe.

    YW Moderator-42

    There is actually a shaila l’halacha whether you say a bracha on Hallel when davening b’yichidus. Lemayseh we hold that you do say a bracha b’yichidus but it is better to say it with a minyan to be yoyzei the other shitta.


    Onegoal- your are truly a funny guy;)


    pba – Your entitled.


    under the OP it says 1 day ago. Umm, why hallel and done? What happened to mussaf? I know its not yontiff but does popa not believe in rosh chodesh?


    One day ago means somewhere between 24:00 and 47:59 ago. At 48:00 it will say 2 days ago. This was put up originally on Sunday morning, less than 48 hours ago. But keep an eye out. Very soon it will change to 2 days!

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    midwesterner – Wow! Your knowledge base knows no bounds! 😀

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