I was told by my Rebbi that the Chazon Ish said that one who Daven’s for someone else’s need, accomplishes more than the physical actions one takes to help the person in need. Example, Davening for Shidduchim of other people accomplishes more (down here – in this world) than the one actually putting couples together. HaGaon HaRav Chaim Stein publicly implored people to Daven for Shidduchim of the “Techter” (sisters) who are having trouble finding a Shidduch. This leads to the question directed at everyone: How often do you Daven for the Shidduchim of people having trouble finding their Shidduch and how do you Daven for this (in Shma Koleinu of Shmoneh Esrei or saying Tehillim, etc?). If the answer is “not very often”, please consider doing this more often. I believe that Rav Stein also said the same thing regarding Davening for childless couples.