How much do you spend per person for shabbos food for 3 meals?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee How much do you spend per person for shabbos food for 3 meals?

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    Thought it would be interesting to hear the answers.


    For this exercise to be useful, you’ll also need to specify if you purchase ready made or make your own meals.


    As well as how many people you’re feeding, as the more you’re feeding the lower it costs per person.


    And what you’re serving ( im. Meat or chicken )


    And what you’re serving ( im. Meat or chicken)

    Or dairy or vegan.


    The Shabbos day seudah is likely your most expensive meal of the week assuming a menu of fish,liver and eggs, fleishig chulent an assortment of cold deli meats plus veggies, challah, dips and wine. the single most surprisingly expensive food is a properly prepared chicken soup[ not hot dirty dishwater eith a spoon of osem]

    hachareidy hoamity

    shabbos meals are “on the house” they dont cost “you” you are lending the ribono shel olom the money enjoy!!



    Glad you mentioned the cost of good chicken soup. I use 10 pounds of chicken to make a 12 quart soup. No powder or frames fro me. I then use the soup chicken for making knishes, chicken croquettes or chicken salad later in the week.

    We don’t buy or use prepared food with the exception of Challah in warm weather (we do bake Nov-April). We are down to 4 adults in the house and I figure that we spend approx $25 per adult per Shabbos excluding wine. We do not generally make cholent, Warm weather Shabbos lunch main course is generally a salad topped with cold grilled chicken or beef, lamb or veal shishkebabs. I smoke my own deli meats (the joy of living in the country with a small smokehouse in the yard). We also do not serve both fish and liver at the same meal. One Friday night, one Shabbos lunch.



    no cholent!! apikoires!!!!


    Fathousewife, your menu explains your name.



    Apikores? No Misnagid yes

    My mother Z”L was of German descent (I’m 5th generation born in America) and never served cholent. I only make it in the really cold weather if the sons-in-law and grandchildren will be here for lunch as they are accustomed to it.

    My wife and daughters like to keep their trim figures and avoid the starches that comprise most of cholent. They’d rather I made a good Boeuf Bourgignon or Veal stew with mostly root vegetables than some glop made of potatoes, beans, barley, kishke, kugel and one hunk of fatty meat for flavor.


    shabbos meals are “on the house” they dont cost “you” you are lending the ribono shel olom the money enjoy!!

    Then everyone should serve Baron Rothschild wine , Chilean Sea Bass with some Sushi and turducken since its all paid for anyway.

    ED IT OR

    How much do you spend per person for shabbos food for 3 meals?

    you are 100% correct, however you do have to do the lay out…

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