How many people are actually doing the Kosher things online?

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    It’s amazing how people get very caught up in the fact that there are millions of amazing things online. Kosher fun, anything from recipes to inspiration and loads of Torah websites to mention a few. But, in truth how many people actually visit these sites? How many Shiurim do the majority of frum Jews download? and How long of your time online is spent on kosher or Torah sites? JUST WONDERING


    besides for gmail, abt 90% of my time


    Do you have to be on Aish to be kosher? Which planet do you live in that you think everyone or most people with an internet connection are visiting the wrong places!?


    Not much since I don’t have much time. I check the news, weather, YWN. Rarely anything aside from that, which is usually a few minutes at a time at work or in the evening at home. Most of my time behind a screen is spent working or studying.


    All I use the Internet for is actually recipes, news, inspiration for work( I am a teacher and there are thousands upon thousands of fabulous lesson plans etc online, ywn ofcourse, that’s pretty much it.


    Agreed!!! Why does everyone need to think SO low of their fellow yidden? I do not have a filter, I am not chassidish I grew up pretty MO, became more yeshivish after hs, but I feel that I am an adult who can make my own decisions so does my husband. If I thought I was going to “abuse” the Internet ( that would be between me and Gd) but then I would have a filter. Whatever happened to giving someone the benefit of the doubt? We are not all animals who use the Internet for “Shmutz and anti Torah”. CV’S we were though.. People have free will and they will have to deal with their own yetzer harah. This probably won’t post but I hope it does.


    HaLeivi +1


    HaLeiVi: It is statistically true for the internet as a whole.


    Does one need a filter if the computer is connected directly to the Coffee Room?


    Maybe I wasn’t very clear in the post. I wasn’t saying that people are doing things that are wrong. When I said “Kosher” I meant Literally Kosher not just to to exclude things that are questionable or shmutz. I meant “Kosher” as in Kosher websites that people usually point out in regard to how many kosher things are online.

    Says Me & The Chasidisher Gatesheader – I am with you on that, I would say 90% as well

    HaLeivi- I think I explained in the 1st paragraph

    MorahRach – point taken but it’s not black and white. There are many points I don’t agree with; such as Internet without a filter because there are many Commandments and basically loads of Halachos on Shabbos that we do or don’t do so we shouldn’t come to do the Aveira. One should not put a stumbling block for others and especially for oneself (talk about self-destructing). More to say but am rambling too much already.

    Sam 2 – seems like statistics are that there are way more Shmutz going on online than other “Kosher” or just innocent things online.

    Zeeskite – Definitely Zees


    I go on Aish all the time.


    i liveo n torahanytime and gmail thats it! best site ever


    Why does everything have to be “Kosher” or “Shmutz”

    There are plenty of Pareve websites like espn

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