How many cats does it take

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    For it to no longer be your house.

    One is probably enough.


    Nine. One for each life.


    That would be 81 lives.


    You know, now that your getting into it rebyidd, the gilgulim of cats are actually quite complicated. You see when a cat dies, the nefesh and ruach of it seperate while the neshama stays in the guf. There is a giant din in shamayim whether or not the cat is allowed to come back to olam hazeh because of its life and the nefesh and ruach have witnesses for their good deeds and their bad deeds. If the din is successful, the cats nefesh comes back, while if the din is unsuccesful the ruach comes back. After the ruach comes back, the cat lives a life of agony and depression where it looks into suicide and eventually ends its own life. But if the nefesh comes back then this process is repeated 9X.

    I hope you take all of the above seriously. When mashiach comes, you will be tested.



    Are you a cat?

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