How do you put pressure on someone in a nice way?

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    I spoke to someone on a Sunday regarding doing something for me and he said that it would be done by the end of the week. By the end of the next week it still wasn’t done and I was annoyed.

    The problem is that I see this person often and we are friends and I dont want to make a fuss about it but I want that thing done. Its already over a month later and not done yet entirely.

    How do you get people to do things in a timely manner without coming across too aggressively and not ruining the relationship?

    Thanks for the opinions.


    Speak very softly, and make him an offer that he can’t refuse.


    put a gun to his head, smile and tell him that its not personal–just business.


    It has been a month; have you reminded him at all? What did he respond?

    If you have been reminding him, and he hasn’t done it, then it is probably time to ask someone else. If you haven’t reminded him, then probably he just forgot.


    You can’t get people to do things in a nice way in this case.

    You have to send Vinnie “The Nose” Boombaatz.

    The job will get done!


    I was going to use GAW and /or Soliek’s line, but I was not fast enough.

    Ok, so I’ll go the serious route.

    Ask, “Any progress on the XYZ project?” The answer will most likely be, “Uh, no not yet” (which means they forgot, or did not even start).

    The next step is crucial. Say, “Is there anything I can do to help you move things along? I’m soon approaching the deadline (or whatever is an appropriate phrase to use, considering the job requested)

    That way, it gives them an easy out, and you get to “remind” them without seeming pushy.

    Vinnie. Hah!


    I did remind him along the way. Its just that I dont want to make an issue with the guy over it.

    So the only way is calling Vinnie, Johnnie or Tony?

    I said I want to do it in a nice way. Not looking to hurt anyone. 🙂


    I dont own a gun anyways 🙂


    Oh! I forgot all about it. Sorry. Ok. You’ll have it by Tuesday.


    I was going to say smile as you turn the thumbscrews, but looks like I got here too late.

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