One of my long-time hobbies has been composing songs. Many years ago I even had two songs appear on a cd, but I didn’t really have time to do more with it then.
For Parnassah reasons, I would like to see if I can sell any more of my songs now, but have no idea who to contact, and who may be interested.
You need to put your songs on some sites (I dont think itunes takes everyone, but other sites do)
and then PROMOTE PROMOTE PROMOTE and get people to download your song
Be aware the market for jewish music is small and most of the money is made on the “simcha Circuit” meaning weddings and Bar Mitzvahs etc.
The only musician who really made it from the jewish music was Matisyahu. People like Avrham Fried makes his money from the simcha circut, not his CD’s
But there are other frum Singers or musicians who have done well such as Alex Clare or Andy Statman (A true world class musician who performs with a yarmulka and his tzitzis out).