How are some people ALWAYS so organized???

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    I mean, there’s already threads about mishloach manos! And my married sister has already started pesach cleaning! How do you do it?? (I am a VERYVERYVERY last minute/second person, in case it wasn’t obvious) I need some tips! (It has nothing to do with being on the CR. I was just as last minute before I joined, or when I took breaks.) Suggestions?


    cozimjewish solution to ur problem get a live in maid, that’s what my uncle did


    They are not of this earth, they are from Planet Venus, which they destroyed with their dangerously high level of organization. We must make them disorganized before it’s too late!


    RebYidd23 u are a blast


    Rebyidd – oh phew, I thought you would say something about unicorns ;p


    cozimjewish I thought u would mention live in maids don’t u have a live in maid urself


    I have the exact same issue! I am always one to normally do things last minute- literally. I’ve found keeping a daily planner helpful.


    FFBBT (BTW – Cute name;) ) – Yeah, I tried that. It helped, but the problem is that I got lazy and couldn’t be bothered writing things down… that helped…..Also, I put things in my phone calendar….but I don’t turn on my phone every day; sometimes its off for weeks at a time… yeah…. :S :S i guess there is no hope :p

    Sam Klein

    Being organized is very rewarding.

    I have always been very organized from every expense & paycheck written down to the penny (so I know my balance & net worth by the month & year etc…) to PURIM & other yomim tovim.

    Now for the purim organizing tips

    1)type a list of all people to give mishloach manos

    2)as you give it make different marks or symbols near their name for people who gave or didn’t give back plus other symbols for people who weren’t home or people you wanted to give but couldn’t (for various reasons)

    Next year when you pull out your list you can see how many gave you back so you will know how many you need to buy for cause BOTTOM LINE: if you give 50 people approx. 35 will give you back so instead of buying 50 & having all the leftovers you only make 18 & take the ones you get back & pass those on… by the time you have given all 50 people it will be just perfect & you wont have so much leftovers & you will have saved tons of extra money spent.

    Other tips:

    1)make routes in order of streets & locations of the town you live in & go one location at a time, versus going child by child etc.. & getting all dizzy crossing town 10 times throughout the day of purim.

    2)make you own mishloach manos & make a list of kinds of food & the prices you paid at the cheapest store & save it from year to year to remember the best & cheapest places to get from & what you made & gave each year in your mishloach manos


    save your information from year to year & just look each year who you need to add or take off the list.

    Hatzlacha rabba & a happy purim ahead to everyone


    CIJ: turn off your phone for weeks at a time! how can anybody manage?


    Sam Klien – WOOOOOWWWW!!!! I WISH I was that organized!!!! (Btw – I am a teenager, but I could still use a lot of that!) Thanx for the advice! 🙂

    Showjoe – very well actually 🙂 I have a home phone if I wanna talk, and I can never be bothered texting. Whenever I DO remember to turn on my (cell) phone, it goes CRAZY! It’s pretty funny actually 😀

    Sam Klein


    Its my pleasure to assist any yid in need of help in anyway I can help. Take advantage of the info & start being organized & saving lots of money on your purim spending.

    feel free to copy & paste it to an email & send it to your friends or family


    CIJ: wow i cant relate (to talking on the phone, as opposed to txting, or to shutting it off;))


    I was trying to find my laptop………..

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