Hiddur mitzva in bedikas chametz

Home Forums Yom Tov Pesach Hiddur mitzva in bedikas chametz

  • This topic has 3 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by WIY.
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  • #608763

    The appropriate way to do bedikas chometz, is to have gone on a snowboarding trip the week before and not empty your bag afterwards.

    Gee, do I need to take the boots out of this knapsack and look inside? I know I emptied it out before I packed the boots in. I guess I should. Grum grum grum.

    Hey look, a peanut butter sandwich!

    Bar Shattya

    Big deal peanut butter is only Kitniyos you dolty twit!


    By my house, the cleaning Lady cleaned our car. She vacuumed it spotlessly- not a trace of a crumb.

    In a neat, separate compartment that she arranged in the armrest,

    we found a box of cookies.


    Bar shattya

    Most sandwiches contain bread!

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