Hiccuping means someone Is talking about you?? – is this true??? From a Torah perspective or a scientific perspective??? What are they talking about you in particular that causes you to hiccup??
Serious answers please! And no trolls allowed on this one!! Really. Thanks.
Silly me… I thought that a hiccup meant that your diaphragm was twitching. If I believe that, that means it’s likely to be apikorsus — so don’t believe it.
I always heard that it was that if your ears tingled, then someone was talking about us. I think that this was invented to discourage kids from saying lashon hora, so that they would think that the person about whom they were speaking would know.
No One Mourns The Wicked -Your post reminds me of all these parents who coming running to the doc if a kid holds their breath or spoil their child- lest the kid holds their breath.
Wake up -you can’t die by holding your own breath. You might pass out, but then you start to breathe again. Don’t fall for this manipulation.