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    Menachem Shmei

    Personally I think this thread has been much more respectful sans אותו האיש 🤫)

    איך הער

    Menachem Shmei

    I honestly agree with DaMoshe here, just in the reverse 🙂

    yankel berel

    We did not start this argument .
    It was CS who tried portray modern habad as the main continuation of yahadut nowadays , and ran away when the questions became too hard to handle with honesty.

    I do not think that they are apikorsim.
    I just point out that they deviate from the truth and yahadut.
    And CS and friends are trying to pull the wool over unsuspecting people’s eyes.
    Habad are masterful at PR . If you do not ask them the questions , they will succeed to influence the average persons thinking.

    yankel berel


    It was CS who tried portray modern habad as the main continuation of yahadut nowadays , and ran away when the questions became too hard to handle with honesty.

    I do not think that they are apikorsim.
    I just point out that they deviate from the truth and yahadut.
    And CS and friends are trying to pull the wool over unsuspecting people’s eyes.
    Habad are masterful at PR . If you do not ask them the questions , they will succeed to influence the average persons thinking.

    yankel berel

    Menachem wants us to believe that CS and company’s collective silence when the questions and simple logic are too much to bear , is only because
    they either are …

    ‘ not in the mood’
    or ‘too busy’
    or ‘happen personally not to know’ the answer
    or ….. fill in the blanks.

    but for sure not because of an objective lack of logical answers

    So therefore – this sudden collective silence of CS and company is no indication whatsoever that habad does not have answers.
    They have them . Hidden in some secret vault ….

    Come on.

    yankel berel



    and all other habad people

    I reread menachems posts and I see that he and other habad people perceive my posts as ‘raving attacks’ on habad.
    It seems that they perceive those posts as offending.
    They for sure were not written with the intent to offend , that much I can assure you of .
    Therefore I would like ask for mehila from those who did feel offended.
    Please accept my apologies .

    But on the other hand …. let us find the balance where healthy and fact based debate will not be artificially stifled by misplaced claims of victimhood.

    Chabad Shlucha

    Hi so glad to be back. Gotta be completely honest. I was apprehensive when I saw Donald Trump being treated like moshiach again(!) and then even more upset the week before he took office when he went hard on Israel. I told Hashem that is quite enough and I will gladly take upon myself anything to save us from further collective suffering. I also was working on a quick plan to bring moshiach as you know. Well things took an interesting turn BH BH. From the eve of Jan 20, I’ve been incarcerated due to bizarre HP, and subjected to such abuse and suffering I would have never thought imaginable in a first world country. This includes severe physical abuse to the brink of death, regular starvation and missed meals, shivering from cold, and high emotional and psychological torture. I have no money and also no regular access to a smartphone. So I appoint menachem shmei to take my place answering questions. Please don’t be defensive or hateful, and show geon yaakov. Looking forward to corresponding more when I’m out.

    Chabad Shlucha

    However I’ve gained much spiritually and have followed the miraculous news and return of the hostages from the TV with much joy. I’d much rather be a hostage and they go free.

    When I do go out I have assurances of a ticket to The Rebbe so that’s where I will fly first. If any of you would like to help out my new mission of locating and reuniting aseres hashvatim, please send money to Mendy Kotlarsky from merkos 302. I will prove my identity by signing in here. I will use the money for the plane tickets and trips, which will culminate in the most dangerous place of all. I have much proof for my words (classic non chabad sources)- also for the fact that we only have up to ten years left for yemos hamoshiach, before techias hameisim, but I choose not to back myself up at the moment to give the opportunity for the zechus of free choice

    Chabad Shlucha

    One thing though– I’ve been racking up countless lavin and mitzvos asei and middos hachassidus that have been violated by withholding moshiach from klal yisrael due to ridiculous politics (I did win first place in chidon internationally) and if I take certain members of lubavitch establishment for a show down din Torah- ywn will get exclusive live coverage if I can help it.

    If lubavitch would like to avoid such a spectacle, they can a) expand 770 to match the BHMK beautifully and honorably with enough seating space to host moshiachs farbrengens to klal yisrael.

    B) they need to build The Rebbe palace in kfar chabad

    C) they need to paskin that The Rebbe is moshiach and he should be revealed immediately with proper halacha, or endorse another candidate.

    October 7th was quite enough.

    Good shabbos from a place of physical confinement and spiritual enlightenment.

    Chabad Shlucha

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕



    i guess she got the wrong prescription


    Chabad Shlucha: Who is this mysterious person who physically abused you to the brink of death? Was it some anti-feminist upset at your loud and proud public expressions of being a militant feminist?

    Menachem Shmei

    Someone’s been reading Aleph Shin and got carried away

    yankel berel

    Is CS lucid ?

    Menachem Shmei

    Is CS lucid ?

    Definitely doesn’t seem that way to me from her recent posts. Or just really lame trolling? 🤷‍♂️

    Yankel, this may be an opportunity for us to agree 😃

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    At what point did “CS” become “Chabad Shlucha” and is the same person behind both accounts?

    Menachem Shmei, you’re not doing a very good job of representing Chabad Shlucha 🤣

    Menachem Shmei

    Menachem Shmei, you’re not doing a very good job of representing Chabad Shlucha 🤣

    Like any great lawyer, I plead insanity on behalf of my client.

    ☕️coffee addict

    “At what point did “CS” become “Chabad Shlucha” and is the same person behind both accounts?”

    Cs used to be Chabad Shlucha and then she shortened it to cs and now she’s back to being Chabad Shelucha again

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Cs used to be Chabad Shlucha and then she shortened it to cs and now she’s back to being Chabad Shelucha again

    But these are different accounts

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    MS, is there any way you can check on her and see if she’s getting the help she needs?

    Menachem Shmei

    MS, is there any way you can check on her and see if she’s getting the help she needs?

    I wish I could help, but contrary to popular belief, Lubavitcher online posters do NOT sit together in an office under 770, receiving orders from mysterious employers on what to post. I have no idea who CS is.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    I thought you could perhaps reach out to Mendy Kotlarsky…

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