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  • #2355346

    Sorry in advance if this is a little aggressive.

    Are Chabadskers in general aware of how the rest of the frum world views them and their beliefs?

    To clarify, on the Moshiach question many Chabadskers would cite numerous practices and statements from gedolim. However, their actions (and their acceptance of the actions of others) are not viewed as within the boundaries of normative Yiddishkeit by the vast majority of frum Jews, especially Rabbonim and Roshei Yeshivos. Like, a Livak may criticize how a Satmarer loves his Rebbe, and the Satmarer may view the Litvak as someone who doesn’t find joy in teffilah, but both of them will be in the same boat when they come across a yellow flagger.

    Menachem Shmei

    Lostspark, don’t believe everything you read. If some things you read cause you to question, I suggest you find a knowledgeable, kind Lubavitcher you could trust to discuss these ideas with and hear his thoughts.

    An example of a misunderstood fact that you mentioned (among others):

    How come the Rebbitzin didn’t wear a sheitl but the Rebbe encouraged all Lubavitch women to do so? How come everyone lies when asked?

    This is simply an error.

    I just spoke to a guy who would bring the Rebbetzin’s sheitel to a sheitelmacher (Mrs. Kugel) all the time. In later years she had a gray/silver sheitel, and she would wear a tichel partially covering it.

    (In the Rebbetzin deposition video, she is wearing this sheitel and tichel, as this man told me – he was present there as well.)


    CS > The Alter Rebbe paskens you can’t daven to a picture (even a mirror is bad),

    a good point. For those who do have rebbe’s picture in front of them:
    if a chosid can daven in front of a picture, then the rebbe should be able to daven in front of a mirror. Is there any evidence that Rebbe davened in front of a mirror? I have a proof that he did not: when Chabad built first girl’s seminary, rebbe came to inspect the building and he suggested one addition: put mirrrors in each room. Evidently men in charge of construction did not think about it. Which proves that there were no mirrors in the rest of 770 complex. See, I can see the lack of mirrors without ever coming inside!

    PS As someone telling a story of Hasam Sofer visiting newly built Vienna shul and commenting on construction remarked: “for some reason, all these stories have a Rav visiting after construction instead of being asked in advance”. So much for daas Torah… Of course, this could be selection bias – only mistakes become stories; shuls built according to daas Torah have no stories attached.


    ard > you consider them apikorsim there is no issur of loshon hora

    so, people standing on street corners trying to find all lost yidden are apikorosim, but those who sit in their chadorim not even noticing the tragedy of millions are the tzadikim allowed to say loshon horo? Olam afuch … As R Soloveichik remarked to the argument that he learns less time than other gedolim due to his interest in philosophy: when they learn, I learn; when they talk loshon horo about me, I study philosophy.


    Here’s a question, since the shlucha asked for it:

    If the Rebbe is atzmus melubash haguf how does he have free will?

    A tzaddik gamur (a given for the sake of argument) has no yetzer hara, this defeats the purpose of bechirah.


    “I’m hoping they’ll actually learn how to read and think critically like me”- you’re a girl who has never learned a gemara, let alone a tosfos etc. what the heck is going on here

    Non Political

    @ CS

    Philosopher asked (Question 2):
    “Do you pray to the rebbe?

    You responded:
    I do what all frum Jews [do], daven to Hashem and ask my Rebbe for assistance via brachos etc. Again PB TANYA”

    Here’s the thing…

    I think that “all frum jews do this” when (1) The Rebbe under discussion is here in olam hazeh bguf v’nefish or (2) the Rebbe was nistalek and the intent in that he be a malitz yoshor on behalf of the mispallel.

    Do you believe either of the above?

    Or maybe you mean that (3) the Rebbe “lo mes” and continues to be present in this world with a guf sheini and it is therefore appropriate to continue to relate him in the same way as one would if he was here in olam hazeh b’guf v’nefish? And by “all frum Jews do this” you mean how we relate to living rebbeim?

    Please clarify

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