Hi I’m back 3.0

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    Hi, I like this forum but I had some issues with it. So I took some time to work on myself (on compassion/ Ahavas Yisrael as well as internet addiction) and now I’m back. I hope I’ll be able to handle insults to my Rebbe more effectively as I do G-d’s work.

    To fix the issues I propose that a general sincere Machaa be made here in the opening post against any bizayon of true Talmidei Chachamim (not necessarily Chabad) so I don’t need to take up post after post with that.

    And my time is valuable (as is every Jews), and since I have limited internet time, I propose to give what comes across as a serious question priority. I won’t pressure myself to keep up with 100 posts at a time, but I will go in order. So if your question is skipped, maybe rephrase it more sincerely because I hate wasting time.

    That being said please feel free to ask all your serious concerns about Chabad or questions about The Rebbe and Moshiach (I’m not here to tell you how to wash negel vasser). Some concerns from 5 years ago were taken on board and I have done my bit to correct some issues internally.

    Yours truly,
    Chabad Shlucha

    Ps. If an answer to ANOTHER person’s question confuses you, it’s likely because you don’t have background info/ education etc that the other person has.

    Good luck to all of us in bringing Moshiach quicker than the last ketz because whoever doesn’t experience personal geula by then is likely to feel like a real lame duck eternally.


    Do you consider another Yid who believes that the Bobover Rebbe is Moshiach or that Rav Shach is Moshiach or that Rav Malkiel Kotler is Moshiach, to be as legitimate and valid a position as a Lubavitcher’s belief that the Lubavitch Rebbe is Moshiach?


    Welcome back,
    likewise feel free to ask me any questions about Bobov and its Rebbeh


    Hi. Welcome back.

    I have some questions regarding the Lubavitche beliefs

    1. Do you believe the rebbe runs the world?
    2. Do you pray to the rebbe?
    3. Do you believe the rebbe is physically alive?


    does chabad teach their girls to be rabbis?


    Hey, CS, I recently had my third coming as well. Also, apparently I’m a Chabad Meshichist nowadays according to some of the posters on here.

    ☕️coffee addict

    How long is this one going to go for before it’s shut down

    Any guesses?


    Is is just a coincidence that this thread gets posted the day after the Court sentencing of six ehrliche chabad “developers” who were arrested in an attempt to dig a tunnel into 770 to expand its capacity? Just seems a bit strange.



    Q: Do you consider another Yid who believes that the Bobover Rebbe is Moshiach or that Rav Shach is Moshiach or that Rav Malkiel Kotler is Moshiach, to be as legitimate and valid a position as a Lubavitcher’s belief that the Lubavitch Rebbe is Moshiach?

    No but I have logical proof why which I’m assuming is what you’re asking for. But I won’t make assumptions. I’ll answer you with a question and if you’re wise you can figure it out yourself: do you think the Tanna in Gemara who said he is humble while the discussion was about how NO ONE in the world Is currently humble, was “stupid” or “delusional” or “arrogant”? Now you can answer your own question. Assuming you’re familiar with this Gemara my current answers are all by heart as I estimate we have about 3 days before the True Moshiach is revealed and I want to reach as many Jews as possible before the time is up. Please assist me in the (true) G-d’s work. Ie not Steve Witkoffs bizarre idea of one. Good luck Mr. Gemara expert.



    Dear CS copycat, no worries, feel free to educate me. Ik R Kanievsky is truly great, as well as SMR, and the Yanuka. Good luck being as witty a copycat.



    Your questions are very deep and so are you my fellow Jewish Princess. Please join the gaveldika Moshiach group currently available on WhatsApp (I’m keeping the rules by not giving the full name) or just look at the DM itself. In case this sounds like Egyptian code, please contact the renowned Rabbi Reuven Wolf of the currently devastated CA.

    Ps. The secret Geula final ketz (which hasn’t happened yet and has also simultaneously passed) can be found in the Zohar regarding Y.M. and its affect. I’m not very smart I just look at great useful code sources like DM where everything becomes clear the more one refines oneself. I’m no better than anyone here. Just a simple Jew who believes her Rebbe



    Nope. But we do learn to be world changing Shluchos (ask Joseph to explain that one. I already gave him info on this years ago)


    CA, hopefully this ongoing never ending discussion can be finally wrapped up within 3 days, because I am very determined and have triple tested the suffering refining process on myself in complete love for your convenience. Good luck helping me to bring it sooner!



    Ps. My physical baby is an excellent teacher and he can’t even speak yet. No worries, his name isn’t Moshe or Yehoshua.

    The vision for this geula is that the entire Jewish nation taps into the truth within three days. Please help me because I don’t think I can do this all alone.




    Anymore questions or can I permanently delete my account as my mission is done?


    Pls. You won’t believe it but most of Lubavitch is more infected with Amalek on this topic than you are so that’s why I can be more open with you. I think whoever is sincere will be most zoche as this geula is not just for Lubavitchers by Lubavitch, but here for the average joe.

    Here’s a tip before the MAGA campaign is finally over ;): help other yidden and you will be helped (old stuff. Actually everything I say is nothing old. I even had someone tell my I’m boring her after I answered her q)

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    You didn’t answer philosopher’s questions.
    Just saying…


    Too long


    This Misnagid says welcome and so long in advance for your short stay.
    I won’t chase you away nor encourage you extend your time in the CR.

    I will relay an anecdote:
    Members of the CR are aware that I have married again and moved to NY this year.
    This month, this month an older brother was. niftar and I sat Shivah with minyanim in my new home.

    Every shul Rabbi in town came to be Menachem Avel during the course of the week which was quite a zchus.
    The Chabad shul Rabbi (who the new Mrs. Has known well for 20+ years and had a brocha under our Chupah) came on day 6. During our conversation he asked why I have yet to daven, even once, in his shul. I explained that when he removed the Melech HaMoshiach banners and pictures of the Rebbe from the Beis Knesset I would be happy to do so.
    I have nothing against the Rebbe, he was a great tzaddik. I had the Zhus to meet him a few times including a private audience almost 50 years ago where I received a brocha leading to the birth of my b’chor; but davening with the portrait of any human hanging in the Beis Knesset smacks of idolatry to me.
    The local Rabbi whispers to me that he’d like to remove the banners and picture and place them in the shul lobby but his funding source would dry up.


    Feel free to delete your account any time you’d like. Your mission was done before you even started. Please try to proselytize elsewhere on whatever chats you have created by your own ANASH.


    CS, my questions are not deep. The answers are either yes or no. But you, like the other Lubavitchers on NEVER answer my simple questions because it brings to light that you are avodah zora worshippers.

    Non Political

    Hi CS,

    I would also encourage you to answer Philosophers question. Based on my recollection of what you wrote on the subject a few years ago I have a pretty good Idea where you stand on this. However, it may be worthwhile for you to respond to this question again because it represents a perception held by a (seemingly not insignificant) number of Yiddin outside the Chabbad community.


    Here is a simple question: why is it that in almost every single picture of rabbi shneerson that shows him wearing tfillin do the tfillin shel rosh droop well below his hair line and on to his forehead?

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