Hester panim

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    Why is it that in a generation when there is so much Torah learning that there also seems to be such a tremendous rise in antisemitism, brutal attacks and Hester panim?

    It doesn’t make any sense to me.


    There is less anti-semitism today and attacks that ever, however the differnce is you hear about it. In previous generations when it happend news didnt spread as fast


    No one likes the “Goody Two Shoes,” and that is how the immoral velt views frum Jews. it makes the rest of the world feel guilty when they see what following a Torah-true lifestyle makes of us. When you were in grade school, didn’t you hate the kid who raised his hands at dismissal, to remind the teacher he forgot to give homework? We remind Sonai Yisroel that the Teacher has Given them a lot of homework to do, 7 Noachide Laws to be exact, and they resent us for the reminder we contantly present to them just by our mere existence, that they are not handing in their assignments or even reading the Directions.

    Letakein Girl

    Because we’re getting closer to Mashiach’s coming.

    And so that we’ll be able to have bechira. If it was black and white (lots of torah learning= peace and stability, lack of torah learning= antisemitism rises) then Hashem wouldn’t be able to reward us for keeping the Torah, because the yetzer hara wouldn’t have enough power that it would be a nisayon for us.

    And as a side point- BH we are blessed and for the most part, our day to day lives aren’t fraught with danger.


    There is so much Torah learning, a lot remains lacking in terms of emunah and bitachon. Also the quality of Torah learning is a far cry from what it should be.

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