Heshy HaGever

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    It’s nice to see someone finally stand up against the tyranny of DeBlasio and Cuomo.

    Given that he’s a guarantee in the election, perhaps we will finally have fair representation in the city government.


    He’s a little controversial to some as is apparent and some don’t support him but even if he was a little too loud (which he was modest enough to apologize for) I think at this point everything is out in the open about jews so keeping silent won’t cut it anymore. We just need to fight this tyranny and false representation of us in media and social media. The news outlets and private photographers are relentless and keep trying to photo and document us in order to catch any fault or non compliance whether justified or not. And if they don’t catch us they make a big story out of nothing. So keeping quiet will not stop them quite the opposite.

    So try keeping an open mind. True we were always quiet about things but on the other hand we have gotten so exposed recently (albeit fabricated) that we are the talk of town. So we have to balance it out somehow.


    He’s not doing anything. He’s yelling into a microphone.


    I saw the clips yesterday, his fan club consist of people whos voices have yet to change much less old enough to vote, so if he limits his appeal to 7th graders I am not worried


    I think we need a good advocate for us to speak up. We don’t have a choice. Heshy is good with the media. Yes he got carried away before and apologized for it. But he knows how to deal well with them and it shows In media and radio interviews.

    Reb Eliezer
    Reb Eliezer

    @rebelazar how much did you pay these rabbis to Wright it for you ?
    Perfect for lib and dems

    Reb Eliezer

    Proud Rebublican being in a bubble, you show by your writing your disrespect to gedalim and your illiteracy. On you it is said a coin in an empty container makes a noise. Silence reflects wisdom.


    For starters, it’s interesting you mention Heshy HaGever. You seem to be obliquely referencing Boruch Goldstein, known posthumously to his supporters as Boruch HaGever. Mr Goldstein gunned down 40 innocent Arab men, women and children before being overpowered and killed. His victims were killed while they were praying in the mosque in the me’aras hamachpeilah. It was an egregious and cruel act but it was singularly pointless. It was an act of profound idiocy.

    I don’t support the governor’s and mayor’s actions. I support the right for *peaceful* and respectable protest. The same people now who are defending violence are those people who deplored it during the BLM protests. I don’t care how irritating Kornbluh is – that is not how we deal with challenges. Inciting a mob makes it easy for the politicians to justify increasingly harsh measures. It was singularly pointless. It was an act of profound idiocy.



    There is plenty of evidence that Baruch Goldstein stopped a terrorist attack that was going to target the Hevron community by the arabs. I would rather not have that particular conversation here.


    Goldstein caused Jews to be murdered in revenge for his attack.

    If BLM has a first amendment right to mass protest, Jews have a first amendment right to mass religious prayers and mass religious schooling.

    Tischler is an idiot. But from a legal perspective he has a first amendment right to publicly protest Kornbluh by jeering him as a moser and to protest him outside his home.


    Why do yidden consistently allow the loudest, media-seeking and least intelligent members of the tzibur to establish themselves as the “voice” of the community. Aside from his lack of midos and consistent disregard for the admonitions of gadolim and askanim on a wide range of issues, he has quickly established himself as a clown and bufoon who has no respect among public officials.


    @Gadolhatorah, I assume your talking about Kornbluh because that describes him to the T.


    He and a bunch of others who conflate volume and hyperbole with influence and rational discourse. Displays of bravado from comic figures rarely provides much positive outcome other than reinforcing sterotypes and hardening of positions.


    I was mistaken to support Heshy. I just watched a shuir by Rabbi Yaron Reuven (Jewish HaShkafa PART (21) at around 1 hour 21 mins), and he explains why it’s wrong to support Heshy’s actions. Please accept my apologies for starting this thread.

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