AVD: Cafe Zamir & Sushi Kosher Restaurant in Budapest…a few blocks from the InterContinental by the Danube River.
P.S. Good option if you’ve just had your dental implants done and are on a soft food diet for a few days.
Back in my younger days, every morning after shacharit the oldish men would put herring on stale kichel left over from Shabbat, and wash it down with a shot or two of cheap rye whiskey. Then they’d go off to work. Now that I’m their age, I have yet to duplicate that feat.
You are old father William , the young man said
And the hairs of your head have turned white
And yet you incessantly stand on your head.
Do you feel at your age this is right ?
“And on we worked, and waited for the light
And went without the meat, and cursed the bread”
It was because they didn’t have herring.
With herring, even bread without meat doesn’t require cursing.
At least if you have a little Bromfin to go with it.