Help! My child can't fall asleep at night

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    melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland of the brain and has effects on other hormones of the body

    “The effect of melatonin on reproductive systems can be summarized by saying that it is anti-gonadotropic. In other words, melatonin inhibits the secretion of the gonadotropic hormones luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone from the anterior pituitary. Much of this inhibitory effect seems due to inhibition of gonadotropin-releasing hormone from the hypothalamus, which is necessary for secretion of the anterior pituitary hormones.”


    by the way adorable melanin and melatonin are two totally different things

    melatonin is a hormone that is probuced in the brain and circulates throughout the body

    melanin is a pigment found predominantly in the skin.


    you really want to give that stuff to your kids because they have trouble falling asleep lately?

    even if the nature magazines ARE full of glowing testimonials (and hugely marked up prices)


    “It’s true. They are not afraid of me. I’m not thrilled with the idea of potching. I’ve done it in the past, only to feel horrible afterwards. I need to find ways of motivating them without hurting them. I always thought I’d potch only for dangerous behavior like touching a stove, etc., but now I find myself wanting to potch for repeatedly not listening and chutzpah.”

    Then your kids’ sleeplessness is the least of your problems. Don’t think you’re wiser than Shlomo Hamelech: ???? ???? ???? ???. Chutzpah and lying should be punishable by petch. If your kids know that you have this option, you won’t have to potch too much. I’ve potched my kids no more than several times in their life, but they know it’s a weapon in my arsenal. If you feel horrible, you need help. Perhaps you’ve read too much Dr. Spock and his ilk. Read – no, LEARN – The Delicate Balance, by S. Ch. Radcliffe, for a sensible, Torahdik approach to chinuch.


    80- he told me there is something that the body produces on its own and melatonin is the unnatural pill that puts you to sleep. too much melanon causes black dots (can cause rather) on the skin


    my thought on this topic,sleep verses meds/vitiams, verses natrual, is: if your boby could do it on it’s own,(and it could, everyone knows that) then go for it. but if the kid does not want to fall asleep or because it can’t or because it doesn’t want to, then there are other stuff to do, like have a chat with the child about the goodness and how important,going to sleep on time is or a talking tape(slow story with headphones.)or maybe a night light(b/c it’s scared of the pitch dark?)or maybe he/she needs to go to the rest room? and then, if all doesn’t work,i would recommend a (little one)patch at a time. b/c by then, the kid is testing you!!!! wow! what interesting ideas ppl have……..


    just run around with your child all day shopping and making phone calls and all that stuff and trust me by the time your child hits the pillow he will be bombed. At least those days i dont have a hard time falling asleep!!!!!!!


    80- did you read my post?


    i did

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