- This topic has 19 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 14 years, 11 months ago by YW Moderator-77.
March 22, 2010 4:59 am at 4:59 am #591436asdfghjklParticipant
So what’s the CR got to say on the Health Care Reform Bill, that just got passed?
We all know that the YWN Home Page & CR posters/commentators, more often then not have different views on most topics! So let’s hear what the CR members think of the new Bill!
Let’s hear your views CR Folks!
March 22, 2010 6:27 am at 6:27 am #681979hereorthereMemberI’m sure many Democrats are on the way out with no chance of winning again.
However? the damage they have done is irreversable.
Even if every single Democrat were out this instant and replaced by Republicans, they still would not REVERSE this vote.
Not one single liberal law has EVER been reversed (except slavery and THAT took a civil war to accomplish) .
This country has taken a header over a cliff and absolutely nothing at this point can stop the inevetable total destruction and disintigration when it hits bottom.
There is absolutely no hope whatsoever, anymore.
March 22, 2010 6:37 am at 6:37 am #681980anuranParticipantThere’s already another thread on this topic. I answered in a little depth there. To summarize, it gives way too much to the goniffs in the insurance and pharma industries But with any luck it will be the next step towards a rational health care Beveridge or Bismarck Model system like those enjoyed by every other developed country.
If the Administration hadn’t already cut a deal with the insurers and the drug companies and if Rep. Grayson weren’t right about the Republicans – whose policy for the non-wealthy sick really is “die quickly” – we might have gotten something good. But it’s a first step.
March 22, 2010 12:18 pm at 12:18 pm #681982hereorthereMemberIt is actually the Democrats who are going to tell people to die.
As Obama said about someone grandmother and how her “will to live” could not be factor in determining if they had “the resources” to cover her life saving surgery, and he said “she should just take the pain pill”.
Just like the Democrats had the supposed “war on poverty” and 40 years later there are more poor then ever before this is just another civilization destroying, scam.
March 22, 2010 12:49 pm at 12:49 pm #681983FrummyMcFrumParticipanthereorthere, that was one of the dumbest things ever on this site, and that takes skill.
You bashed without giving reason for your objection, and your other proofs are crooked beyond belief.
>>Not one single liberal law has EVER been reversed (except slavery and THAT took a civil war to accomplish) <<
What made slavery a “liberal” law?
Oh, and any educated person would tell you that the civil war was NOT about slavery.
Once again congratulations on your accomplishment.
March 22, 2010 1:50 pm at 1:50 pm #681984charliehallParticipantIsrael has had a similar system for a long time. Has it experienced “total destruction and disintigration”?
March 22, 2010 2:58 pm at 2:58 pm #681985JoseMemberCharlie,
People go out of the country all the time for health care or use doctors that they have to pay privately, don’t you think that is an indication that it does not work so well?
March 22, 2010 3:50 pm at 3:50 pm #681986PosterMemberI still do not understand exactly what will happen when this goes into effect. What will happen to Oxford? WIll taxes go up?
March 22, 2010 5:42 pm at 5:42 pm #681987jphoneMemberhttp://waysandmeans.house.gov/Media/pdf/111/HCare/2010_IMMEDIATE_PROVISIONS.pdf
This is the Democratic spin on what was passed. Not sure who is expected to pay for it, though. Doesn’t say, but it is usually Joe and Jane Taxpayers who foot the bill for anything the government does.
March 22, 2010 11:40 pm at 11:40 pm #681988hereorthereMemberFrummyMcFrum you are the one bashing and making dumb comments.
You can’t even SAY what I supposedly “bashed” without any reasons.
And I’ll bet you are someone else changing names just to attack me so as to hide your other identity on here.
All oppressive laws are by definition liberal.
Just like Obama wants to enslave us all under his health scam so to slavery in the South was a liberal idea.
Conservatives believe in freedom and liberals are always looking for ways to control people and force them to do the liberals bidding.
Congratulations on exposing yourself for everything you hypocritically accused me of.
And there are plenty of scholars who will tell you it was about slavery, but obviously you only study those who you can use to bash others, with.
March 22, 2010 11:57 pm at 11:57 pm #681989hereorthereMemberIf slavery had never been the law in the South, the South never would have come to the point of wanting to Succeed from the Union which was the direct cause of the war.
Thus slavery was obviously one of the preceeding causes.
Also note I did not even say in my first post about this what was or was not the ’cause’ anyway.
I just said that it took a Civil war to end it.
But some are obviously more interested in finding excuses to attack others then in
actually understanding the points being made or in having a civil discussion.
March 23, 2010 1:19 am at 1:19 am #681990hereorthereMemberAnyone who thinks government controlled health ‘care’ is good, should look at the
political section in the thread titled; Health Care & Pikuach Nefesh.
March 23, 2010 1:20 am at 1:20 am #681991Ben LeviParticipantI would just point out that to that I believe Martin Luther King was a registered Republican (look it up to me) and Abe Linciln was definetley a Republican.
March 23, 2010 3:34 am at 3:34 am #681992dvorakMemberWhat frightens me the most is that with all the pundits talking, and all the ink spilled on this issue (much of which I have read) is that I STILL have no idea what exactly is written in this bill! It seems to me that some elected officials are trying to pull a fast one here. I’m all for changing the system and getting as many people as possible insured, but how do they plan on going about this? I just hope we don’t go the way of Canada.
March 23, 2010 9:17 am at 9:17 am #681993FrummyMcFrumParticipantTo my endarkened fiend hereorthere who is neither here nor there:
1. If the civil war WAS about slavery, please explain to me why five border states who had legalized slavery (Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, and West Virginia) were aligned withe the Union.
2. >>Conservatives believe in freedom and liberals are always looking for ways to control people and force them to do the liberals bidding. <<
Were the Jim Crow laws Liberal or Conservative? Was governor Wallace of Alabama a Conservative or a Liberal?
3. Look up the term Liberal and Conservative, you might actually learn something.
Liberalism : a political philosophy based on belief in progress, the essential goodness of the human race, and the autonomy of the individual and standing for the protection of political and civil liberties; specifically : such a philosophy that considers government as a crucial instrument for amelioration of social inequities (as those involving race, gender, or class)
Conservatism: a political philosophy based on tradition and social stability, stressing established institutions, and preferring gradual development to abrupt change; specifically : such a philosophy calling for lower taxes, limited government regulation of business and investing, a strong national defense, and individual financial responsibility for personal needs (as retirement income or health-care coverage)
March 23, 2010 12:28 pm at 12:28 pm #681994hereorthereMemberTo FrummyMcFrum who is so bankrupt of any logic or reasoning that in typical liberal fashion all it can do is spout typical liberal mindless insults and name calling (which I had thought was not allowed on this site);
Some states were more loyal to the idea of a preserved union then to slavery but you cannot address my point that if there had never been slavery, there never would have been a civil war, because no state would have had any reason to think they should succeed in the first place.
And I notice that in your “definitions” you did not quote where they came from (perhaps because they are fake definitions?).
And if liberlism is so wonderful and so enlightened, how come every single antisemite who posts anywhere on the internet has ALWAYS been a Bush hating America in Iraq hating liberal and NEVER a Bush supporting America in Iraq supporting conservative?
How come Bush had two Blacks in his cabinet and Bill Clintinn never had any despite his label as “Americas first Black president”?
And how come Obama sat for 20 years listening to Rev Wright for 20 years scream about how ‘evil” America and Whites and Jews all supposedly are?
One vicious Bush hating liberal used to brag how his grandfather was a proud nazi serving his Fuhrer in WW2 and how he wanted all conservatives and all Jews dead, and how “right” he thought his fuhrer was.
And youtube is full of liberals attacking conservatibves and Jews and using the “n” word to refeer to Blacks who they also want to re-enslave.
Tell us all about Obama who told Americans enemies that America “has been arrogant” and his friends like Pentagon terrorist
Bill Ayers who said he “did not do enough damage in his treasonous attacks on this country”.
And further; Tell us all about liberal “social justice” when we are all going to be burdened with a corrupt health scam system while those who impose it on us will be exempt for having to participate in their “wonderful system”.
March 23, 2010 2:11 pm at 2:11 pm #681995charliehallParticipanthereorthere,
Clinton’s Black cabinet members:
Ron Brown, U.S. Secretary of Commerce;
Mike Espy, Secretary of Agriculture;
Alexis Herman, Secretary of Labor;
Hazel O’Leary, Secretary of Energy;
Rodney Slater, Secretary of Transportation;
Jesse Brown, Secretary of Veterans Affairs, who was succeeded by Togo West;
Dr. Jocelyn Elders, U.S. Surgeon General, who was succeeded by Dr. David Satcher.
And I see a lot of Patrick Buchanan’s nonsense on the internet. Are you going to redefine him as a liberal?
March 23, 2010 2:13 pm at 2:13 pm #681996charliehallParticipantBen Levi,
Abraham Lincoln was definitely a Republican. He presided over the biggest expansion of government involvement in business, agriculture, and education in the nation’s history up to that time.
Theodore Roosevelt, Richard Nixon, and Gerald Ford were also Republicans. All supported National Health Insurance.
March 23, 2010 3:23 pm at 3:23 pm #681997FrummyMcFrumParticipantHmmm, the definitions came from the place where most definitions come from, something called a dictionary.
But since I need to lay everything out for you, otherwise your revisionist history will claim it was never there.
I also noticed you declined to answer the point about the Jim Crow Laws, or Governor Wallace who stood at the steps of the University of Alabama to prevent the segregation of the school.
When you have an intelligent point to make, I’ll address it, until then I’ll ignore your hot air.
March 23, 2010 9:51 pm at 9:51 pm #681998YW Moderator-77MemberFirst of all, all of us would like to SUCCEED. However, what the Southern states did was SECEDE. There is a difference.
Second of all, there is just way too much bashing going on in this thread. It is hereby closed.
- The topic ‘Health Care Reform Bill Got Passed, What's the CR's take on it?’ is closed to new replies.