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    Exclamation marks are contagious!

    I discovered a niche where people exclaim a lot. I feel like it’s another planet.

    Recently, I made a professional connection in real life. All of her emails have a lot of exclamation marks.

    Example of exclaiming email, first line:

    Hi Lightbrite!

    Example of emails before meeting the exclaiming person, first line:

    Hi Lightbrite,


    Hi Lightbrite:

    Do you feel like you’re yelling? I don’t anymore. I used to think exclaimation marks are used rarely or moderately. Now I see them and type them frequently.

    The good thing is that I feel like I am being super enthusiastic though. Which is the vibe I get from her. She is very friendly and straight-forward.

    At the same time, just a month or two ago I remember thinking that exclamation marks made some posts sound like shouting. Maybe you weren’t shouting.

    I don’t know. It’s so confusing. Also I like smiley faces way more when they don’t follow exclamation marks. I really mean it when I type a smiley face.

    Do smileys and exclamation marks contradict?

    Thank you! 🙂

    See.. it’s diff than:

    Thank you 🙂

    The whole line makes a bar… but without the exclamation than the U is connected to the smiley’s eyes 🙂

    Little Froggie

    Dont know bout you, I like things dull. (!!!)

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Hi Lightbrite!

    Is she Israeli?

    For Israelis, that is the standard way to address someone – instead of “Hi Lightbrite,”, they write, “Hi Lightbrite!”.

    At least that is what my Israeli family members do. It always makes me feel good, like they are really excited to be greeting me.

    Hope you have a great day, LB!!

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    I often do exclamation points with smileys. I was actually just trying to figure out if it’s a problem or not! 🙂




    When most people see an exclamation point, they assume you are yelling (and rightfully so – that’s the purpose of an exclamation mark).

    If it’s a casual conversation, I don’t see a problem with it. But if it’s anything professional, unless the person with whom you’re communicating knows you very well, I would take it easy.

    Little Froggie

    This!! is my profession!!!

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