Have we gone too far with fashion?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Have we gone too far with fashion?

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    I will admit that I dress up-to-date, however I need to point out the ever growing need in the frum com unity to wear designer labels. And I don’t mean Hilfinger and Ralph Lauren–I’m taling about Gucci, Farragamo, Dior, Brioni etc..

    I once visited a very high-end mall and all of these stores were full of frum people. Yes some were just “looking” and asking a million questions. However many were buying. Don’t you think we have gone too far??


    No. People can buy whatever clothing they want. It’s not for me, you, or anyone else to judge.


    People can buy what they can afford, but the moment the label becomes more choshuv than the affordability, functionality, and necessity of the item (let alone attractiveness within the parameters of tznius), it has crossed the line.



    people buy already way more then they can afford & then they wonder why they are broke R”L

    “put your family first with their food, clothing & tuition before going to get fantasies”


    @matan1 No one is judging anyone–if you realized, I asked a question. Please feel free to answer it.

    holy brother

    Yes, of course you are right. Do you honestly doubt it? Obviously people that are “under the influence” will not agree. Now the question is how to rectify the issue, and how to influence others constructively.


    No, we have not gone to far.


    @matan1; OK thank you! now if you can please explain why you feel that way. Also pls explain at which point would you say it is indeed too far.

    thanks so much..


    Ever heard of peer pressure? Sometimes people have no choice and need to live on the same level as their peers even though they are not as rich to afford such expensive clothing and fancy Simchas .


    the rule says don’t judge a book by it’s cover. The problem is we do.

    When a person looks at you . You only have a few seconds to make a positive impression on them. As the saying goes “you never get a second chance to make a first impression “


    If it is not tznius, we’ve gone to far. But labels and price tags have nothing to do with tznius.


    It’s ridiculous to spend more money for something that does not have more value.


    “But labels and price tags have nothing to do with tznius.”

    Wrong. Tznius is much more than how much skin you cover up.

    Abie Rotenberg’s “Wedding Song” comes to mind

    Git Meshige

    Matan1, we have gone too far. Life is not about Designer Clothing and fashion. When people put a stress on that it shows the wrong signals and the wrong message to our youth. We are just passing through this world and the areas that should be highlighted should be Spiritual not Physical. Yes you are right, price tags have nothing to do with Tzenius but everything to do with a disregard to ones Tafkid in this world


    It’s always been my belief that if I’m wearing something with a designer label, then I’m “advertising” that designer’s line. Therefore, the designer should pay me to advertise their stuff. I’ve never understood the need to wear labels, and this has nothing to do with frumkeit. More like insecurity.


    “I asked a question. Please feel free to answer it.”

    Why dont you offer an answer to your own question. You certainly have an opinion on visiting a very high-end mall and seeing all of these stores filled with frum people.

    Perhaps you would to tell us why you were visiting this very high end mall. Was it sick and you were performing bikkur cholim?


    Personally, I don’t care for designer clothing. But if someone can afford to buy them, then by all means, go for it.


    There’s an expensive clothing store in Lakewood that lets you buy clothing and pay your bill in installments. This is so that the kollel wives who think their sacrificing can still dress their kids in extremely expensive clothing, and then be in debt for months after. THIS is what I call going too far.


    Have we gone too far with insanity?


    Weve gone too far with everything.

    I just think its sad because when bnei yisorel were in Mitzrayim the passuk specifically says that they didn’t change their clothes. And now so many generations later when we have so much freedom and are not enslaved, now is when we go against Hashem?!


    So we should dress like we did in Mitzrayim?


    Nah id rather dress how they did in the shtetl. way more attractive.


    But by the time the shtetl happened, the clothes were already different from what was worn in Mitzrayim. Because it was changed.


    almost everyone splurges on something. for some, it is designer ( or fake designer) clothes while for others it is ice coffee


    It makes more sense to splurge on cat toys. Either you can give it to your cat or you will realize you don’t have a cat and you won’t have to buy another one.


    or a pet rock


    don’t live fancy waste tons of money until your almost bankrupt C”V learn how to make a budget & live within its means so you can have a happier & healthier life. now isn’t that way better then just looking fancy. isnt living worry free worth more then dressing & living fancy with the latest technology & clothing?


    You don’t even get to live fancy when you buy the clothing with the label. All you get is a label.


    No, we have not gone too far. At least I have not. I am a high-class corporate-attorney and I am sitting in my office on the 57th floor wearing a rusty-old bathrobe.

    Uncle Ben

    VM How did you make it through the metal detector with all that rust?

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