Has YWN abandoned the CR?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Has YWN abandoned the CR?

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  • #2335860

    It sure seems that way. This was really a place to converse, debate & educate.
    But with the new model of posting a ton of comments at once & only doing it every few days the charm & usefulness is gone.
    Please, YWN either give it to us straight that the CR is no longer part of your business model or get it up and running like it was not long ago.


    Maybe CR can go to post-censorship: posters who pass enough and after basic keyword or chatGPT check get their posts posted automatically, and then reviewed if there are complaints (maybe have a complaint button). After being post-censored, the poster goes back into pre-censorship pool.

    Another option: the post is released to certain readers first and if they do not complain, posted for everyone.


    I’m going to guess that the moderators have been short on time.
    this could be for many reasons: one or more of the moderators have found a different job, fallen ill, have family issues, become more heavily involved in the news side of YWN, or any other reason.
    There are many online forums (is it fora or forums?) that have volunteer moderators. Perhaps that might be an option here.

    Sam Klein

    YWN is running very tight on time and is looking to hire a coffee room manager.

    Job includes, checking all comments with your check book and signing them, making fresh Starbucks coffee with kosher certified milk and delivered to each member of the coffee room as soon as comment is posted, and other job responsibilities.

    For full job information contact the YWN coffee room editor to setup an interview for the job position.

    Pay is great with unlimited amount of coffee allowed each day.


    Once again, it seems that YWN abandoned this Coffee Room.
    Why? Why did they abandon this Coffee Room?

    Menachem Shmei

    Why are there advertisement threads being posted?

    Why is the most vile language being posted?


    “YESHIVA” World!?



    Currently their sewing machines are broken so they have to do it by hand with threads


    Can anyone explain how to LOG OUT of this Coffee Room?

    ☕️coffee addict

    Square root,

    Go to the main page and go to a story like you would want to comment on it over there it says to log out


    I think you have to log out of YWN

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