Home › Forums › Tzadikim Stories & Yartzheits › Harav Hagaon R' Chaim Pinchas ZTVK"L!! Please share stories about him
- This topic has 17 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 12 years, 11 months ago by pcoz.
March 20, 2012 9:56 pm at 9:56 pm #602589Shticky GuyParticipant
Please share your experiences with him or anything you have heard about him or know of about him, l’ilui nishmaso hatahora. Thank you
March 20, 2012 11:16 pm at 11:16 pm #867953moishyParticipantIt’s amazing!!! I just went to Eretz Yisroel about 4 weeks ago, and I got a Beracha from him!!! I was really zoche!!!
March 21, 2012 12:22 am at 12:22 am #867954Think firstMemberThe Rosh Yeshiva a”h came to speak in my yeshiva when I was in ninth grade or so about 13 years ago and ill still haven’t forgoten the message that he gave gave over. It was about “time”. I vividly can see him tappim his watch and saying “time, its the most precious thing you have, use your time wisely.”
March 21, 2012 4:42 am at 4:42 am #867955blablaParticipantHe went to visit a close relative of mine who had cancer and was receiving chemo-therapy and was in intense pain. He barely knew him but just because he heard he’s in the hospital there, he went to visit him. Unfortunately, that relative didn’t survive but otherwise he’d be here to tell the story
March 21, 2012 12:59 pm at 12:59 pm #867956Feif UnParticipantI met him twice. Once he came to visit my yeshiva, and I only met him for a second. The second time is a better story.
My younger brother is good friends with R’ Scheinberg’s great grandson. When he put on tefillin for the first time, R’ Scheinberg came to the US for it. That Shabbos, I was out walking, and I happened to see R’ Scheinberg walking out of a shul with some people. They were walking in the same direction as me, so I decided to walk near them and listen to what he was saying. One of the men noticed me, and asked me if I was waiting to wish the Rosh Yeshiva a good Shabbos. I wished him a good Shabbos, and also added a mazal tov. The man asked me what the mazal tov was for, and I told him about the great-grandson putting on tefillin earlier that week.
R’ Scheinberg replied to me, “Good Shabbos, and thank you. One day you should be zoche to see the same thing!”
I got home, all excited. I told my mother, “I met R’ Scheinberg, and got a bracha for long life – he said I should see my great-grandson put on tefillin!”
She replied, “Even better, your great-grandson will be frum!”
March 23, 2012 12:10 am at 12:10 am #867957moishyParticipantThere was once a bachur who was going to America, and R’ Scheinberg asked him to get him a certain type of soap for the shower. So the bachur looked for that type of soap, and he couldn’t find it, so he decided that R’ Scheinberg probably wanted to get the soap because he had a skin condition, so he got him all types of creams for the skin. He came back to Eretz isroel and told R’ Scheinberg that he got him the creams because he assumed he had a skin condition. So R’ Scheinberg replied,”No, B”H my skin is fine! But the reason why I wanted this type of soap is because I realized that this type of soap washes off a little quicker than regular soap, and the faster the soap washes off, the faster I can get back yto learning!!”You see how R’ Scheinberg zt”l was machshiv even one minute of learning Torah!!
March 23, 2012 1:46 pm at 1:46 pm #867958moishyParticipantSo there was once a bachur who came to R’ Scheinberg and he said to him that since R’ Scheinberg had so many pairs of tzitzis, if he could just have one pair! So R’ Scheinberg told him to come back in another year.
So he came back a year later and asked him again for a pair of tzitzis. And the bachur pulled out a bag for him to put the tzitzis into.
So R’ Scheinberg took off a pair of tzitzis and asked the bachur, “what are you going to do with this pair??” So the bachur answered, ” I will wear it on Yom Kippur!”
So R’ Scheinberg took off another pair of tzitzis and said, ” what are you going to do withthis pair?” So the bachur answered, ” I will wear it on Rosh Hashana!”
So R’ Scheinberg took off one more pair and said, ” and what will you do with this pair??” So the bachur answered, ” I”ll take off the tzitzis I’m wearing now, and wear this pair a whole year round!
Sometime after that, the boy was driving with 4 of his friends, and the car rolled over a cliff. The other 3 boys were killed, and he was the only one living, but he was very badly injured.
The paramedics came, and they started taking care of him, and they noticed, that all the the parts of his body were bleeding and very badly wounded, except for one part.
The entire part where he was wearing his tzitzis (he was wearing R’ Scheinberg’s tzitzis at the time) was not even touched at all from the accident!!! AMAZING!!!
March 23, 2012 2:37 pm at 2:37 pm #867959Feif UnParticipantMoishy, where are these stories from? Are they written down somewhere?
March 23, 2012 3:46 pm at 3:46 pm #867960moishyParticipantFeif Un: I don’t know if they are written down anywhere, but I heard them from people, who said they are 100% true.
March 25, 2012 3:34 am at 3:34 am #867961147Participantmoishy’s stoies evokes memories of Leiby Kletzky’s Tzitzis which was donated to some young boy who was inspired to wear Tzitzis in memory of Leiby Kletzky HY’D
BTW:- 1) How many pairs of Tzitzis was Rav Scheinberg ZT’L clad in? 2) What was his reason for multiple pairs of Tzitzis.
March 25, 2012 6:50 am at 6:50 am #867962Sam2ParticipantI have heard similar stories about Rav Sheinberg and his Tzitzis saving people’s lives. Presumably one of them is true and the rest are just slight variations that came up over time.
March 25, 2012 7:14 pm at 7:14 pm #867963moishyParticipant147: 1) I think R’ Scheinberg used to wear like over 100 pairs of tzitzis, but recently before he was niftar, he went down to about 75 pairs since he was very weak.
2) I don’t think anyone knows the real reason.
March 25, 2012 9:01 pm at 9:01 pm #867964mamashtakahMemberI was learning in E”Y shortly after I got married. Just before the first Gulf War started, I got a letter from my parents asking us to return to the U.S. I took it to Rav Scheinberg, and read it to him. He smiled and said, “Nothing is going to happen.” We stayed, and B”H he was right.
March 25, 2012 11:56 pm at 11:56 pm #867965Sam2Participant147: There are different accounts given by different people, all of whom had very good reason to know precisely how many pairs he wore. The number I heard from the most sources was 84, if I recall correctly.
The basic idea is that there’s a Kiyum Asei in each pair worn, so why not wear as many as possible? Supposedly he had reasons Al Pi Sod for the precise number he wore, but no one knows exactly what they were.
March 26, 2012 12:24 am at 12:24 am #867966BaalSechelParticipantWhen I was a bochur learning in Beth Medrash Gevoha,I was once in the library, and I overheard someone saying the following story (about himself). After many years trying unsuccessfully to have a child he went to Rav Scheinberg for a Brocha. Rav Scheinberg asked him his maaser money (I don’t remember if he said some or all) to his kollel, which this person agreed to do. Very shortly thereafter, as he put it, “the yeshua came”.
April 17, 2012 10:56 am at 10:56 am #867967✡onegoal™Participant??Sorry it took me so long to get around to posting this but here it is. Moishy- That story about the soap happened with R’ Scheinbers driver, R’ Asa Wittow. R’ Scheinberg asked specificly for Dial brand soap and he picked up a different soap which was also very good for the skin. My dira in yeshiva is right across the street from the Torah Or building. (R’ Scheinberg’s yeshiva) On the night R’ Scheinberg was nifter I got a call from a friend that, as is customary for all Roshei Yeshivos, they were bringing the ?? into the building, and there was a ??? in the building who needed a place to sleep for the night. There were plenty of extra beds in my dira so I got up, got dressed, made a bed and ran out to greet the ?? on the way into the building. I got there just as the chevra kadisha van pulled up and waited for them to carry him into the building. There was a small crowed there at the time, about 30 or 40 people all who were trying to grab hold of the bed the ?? was on to have the zechus of carrying him. R’ scheinberg wrote in his will “if you did not go to the mikva you can’t carry the ??” I hadn’t toveled so I didn’t touch but I watched them bring him into his office. I hung around the yeshiva for a while helping out with preperations for the levaya and was going to go back to my dira and go to sleep. I went back to the Rosh Yeshiva’s office one last time to see if there was anything going on, and just as I got there the door opened and people started going in and saying tehilim. I grabbed a tehilim and stood in the office for a while saying tehilim at the Rosh Yeshivas side. I was there the whole night and at times I was one of 3 people in the office saying tehilim! At about 4:00 I ran to Belz to go to the mikva so I would be able to carry the ?? out. I davened vasikin and at about 8:00 I carried him out to the van to go for the tahara. I was at the levaya and the whole night and day was an experience I will never forget. By the way if you watched the video that was posted by the article on the main page, you probably saw me in it.
April 17, 2012 8:33 pm at 8:33 pm #867968Rav TuvParticipantThe R”Y ztz”l should be a meilitz yashar for Klal Yisroel.
BTW, One Goal, great hearing from you. Continue to shteig!
April 18, 2012 8:11 am at 8:11 am #867969pcozMemberstory from Reb Moshe Aharon Stern z”l; rav scheinberg was on a plane and wanted to learn, they were going to put out the lights for the movie, so he asked the attendant if they could do without the movie, she said if you ask every person on the plane, which he did – but they still went to put it on. The projector wouldn’t come on due to an electrical fault. Apparently if there is a fault with any of the electrical fixures at all they have to do an emergency landing which they were going to have to do. The attendant aplogised to rav sheinberg and the projector came on, they didn’t watch the movie though and rav sheinberg got to learn
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