halacha thread by Sparkly

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    i think im going to become a halacha teacher.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “i think im going to become a halacha teacher.”

    That will take a lot more than 2 years, and if you want to get married soon, I wouldn’t advise it.


    lilmod ulelamaid – what do you mean that will take a lot more than 2 years?


    “i think im going to become a halacha teacher”

    What happened to pharmacy school? And your kiruv organization?



    Re: boys and girls talking.

    It depends on what you meant by “talking.” If you mean “hello, goodbye” and that’s it, there is nothing wrong. Similarly, business talk if they work in the same company, or are trying to sell/buy something in a store is not a problem. Flirtatious/Fun talk is absolutely forbidden outside of the context of dating (although I am not certain on the basis and parameters of the dating heter).

    ??????? ????? ??????????? ???????????? ????? ?????. ???????? ??????? ????????? ??? ??????????? ????????? ?????????? ??????? ????????????. ???????? ???????? ???????, ??????? ??????? ???????????? ??? ????????? ???????????. Shulchan Aruch Even Ha’Ezer 21:1

    According to most, this issur is Rabbinic as a fence to prevent issurei d’oraisah.


    Meno – i think teaching halacha is more important.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Sparkly – you have to learn for many years in order to know enough to teach halacha. I think it’s a really bad idea for you, IMHO.



    So you’re quitting pharmacy school!? Just like that?!


    lilmod ulelamaid – thats insulting. i KNOW plenty more than lots of other halacha teachers.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Sparkly – where does insulting fit in? I don’t think that someone is qualified to teach halacha unless they sat and learned halacha in depth for many years. I was hired to teach halacha in a seminary when I was 22, but I refused to do it until I had learned first for many years. I don’t think a 22 year old should be teaching halacha! I also wouldn’t go to a doctor who hadn’t gone to medical school. Would you? Is that insulting?

    You have said that being a pharmacist requires two years of schooling. You need to know a lot more to teach halacha than you do to be a pharmacist!


    lilmod ulelamaid – when did i say that i took 2 years? i said at least 6 – 8 years!! its almost like becoming a doctor!! some people get a bachelor first then go to pharmacy for 4 years all together there in school for 8 years!! (like me) and some people get a phd and pharmd which means that they first get their 4 – 5 year bachelor degree and then go to pharmacology/pharmacy school for 5 years thats 9 – 10 years of college!! (which i might do and want to do depending when i h’h get married)


    lilmod ulelamaid – i think that you got confused the pre req take 2 -3 years if thats what you were talking about but then you also need to go to pharmacy school for 4 years so everything keeps adding up that sometimes you can be in school for 9 – 10 years if you get the bachelor and phd and pharmd.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Sparkly – in any event, whatever schooling you need for pharmacy, you need way more to be able to teach Halacha. And certainly you need more than 2 years, which is what I had originally said. There is a reason why most schools have men halacha teachers even if they don’t have men teachers for anything else.


    lilmod ulelamaid – 10 years is a LONG time!!


    Sparkly: “i KNOW plenty more than lots of other halacha teachers. “

    Then why did you open this thread?




    “i KNOW plenty more than lots of other halacha teachers.”

    Perhaps start with mussar before moving on to halacha. I agree, that is harsh, but that is the reality after reading such a comment.


    WinnieThePooh – we opened it to discuss halachos.



    So why do you keep asking halacha questions? Why don’t you just answer you own questions?


    WinnieThePooh – we opened it to discuss halachos.

    Who is “we”- is Sparkly more than 1 person? Or is is the royal “We”?

    Actually, your posts remind me a lot of someone who posted here about a year ago, her screenname was Princess or something royal like that, and if I remember correctly, she also did not go to HS, but was in college at a young age, and was interested in some sort of medical field. Was that you?



    Last reply was 5 years ago but it sounds like it could be


    WinnieThePooh – no. i just started in the coffee room.


    Meno – the way to learn is by asking questions. so i can ask questions to learn halachos that way.


    WinnieThePooh – theres LOTS of other girls doing a similar thing to me where i live thats what i said before that theres LOTS of girls who start college at 16 who were homeschooled.


    If you wish to learn halachos by asking questions, this is not the proper forum. You never know who you are asking, who is answering and what their qualifications are for answering. do you have an objective way to determine if the answer you receive is correct? If you wish to learn by asking, find a Rav, or Rebbetzin and ask them. Better yet, in conjunction with the Rav buy a kitzur shulchan aruch (many available with english translation) and start learning the halachos. when done, move on to mishna berurah, then to aruch hashulchan. remember to always have your Rav on speed dial when a question comes up, it is no shame in clarifying a halacha with your own Rav. when you become proficient in all of or hachaim, you can move on to yoreh deah, then choshem mishpat then even haezer. who knows in 10 years you may be the official coffee room posek, but still keep your Rav on speed dial, every Rav has a Rebbe who he turns to.



    “the way to learn is by asking questions. so i can ask questions to learn halachos that way”

    But you said you know “plenty more than lots of other halacha teachers”

    So if you know so much, why do you need to ask questions to lilmod ulelamaid and us laymen in the coffee room in order to learn halacha?


    No the Princess I was thinking about was definitely more recent- I was not lurking 5 years ago. It really did sound like you, Sparkly, it’s funny that you know so many others like you- you seem so unique.

    But still, why the “we” in your post?


    WinnieThePooh – which one are you referring to? where i live this is NOT a “unique situation” LOTS of guys and girls start college at 16.


    Meno – you can learn from asking anything to anybody as long as they know what their talking about.


    I found her- she was Ms. Princess, and here is part of her old posts

    “i am in a not jewish college to become i dont know something big in the med field right now doing the pharmacy field. i grew up being frum i live at home. i learn hebrew subjects bymyself… i am very confident of being very religious where i am.”

    See what I mean about the similarities- maybe she’s your long-lost twin, Sparkly! She also has the same habit of emphasizing some words in all CAPS like you do.

    When you say “lots” I assume you mean more than a 4 or 5. Why do you think there is this trend in your community to start college at 16- is there a lot of early admission? Is going to seminary/yeshiva in Israel not a popular option? Are there many HS drop-outs or homeschoolers? Is there an issue with the school system in your neighborhood why this would be so common?

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    gosh, it’s not just the style, even some of the content is the same. Forget twin, I’d bet gilgul.


    Forget gilgul, I’d bet the same person.

    I just read through a few of MsPrincess’ posts.

    I didn’t even read so many, but I am 99% sure that she and Sparkly are the same person.

    Not even exaggerating.

    (Hint: Has anyone ever heard the abbreviation “h’h”?)


    Sorry Meno, I’m with Syag. (What else is new?)

    I like the sound of gilgul much better. And much more apropos in light of the rest of this fascinating thread.


    So MsPrincess died?

    Oy… I’m so sorry.

    Wait, but then Sparkly can’t be more than 8 months old. I mean, I guess it’s possible, but it sounds crazy.

    Unless I don’t fully understand how gilgulim work.


    I would have bet that it’s the same person too, even without coming across the H”H by MsPrincess, but what do we do with this statement by Sparkly: “no. i just started in the coffee room”? It is Elul, I am dan l’kaf z’chus that she would not say something not true, right SparklY?

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    while I agree with what you are saying, this is the CR. if someone is ‘discovered’ or needs to start over for various reasons they may give the impression of being new. While it’s never good practice to lie, we’re talking about a persona, which for some posters may not even be real people at all but rather characters of the mind.



    So you’re saying that MsPrincess and Sparkly may have never even existed? That it’s all just a figment of our collective imagination?

    Btw, I came across something else that seems very strange:



    WinnieThePooh: Do you really think Sparkly is the one who needs Dan Lekaf Zchus? You exposed her for no reason accept to ammuse your buddies. You keep making fun of her and talking about her like she doesn’t read it. And now she has to explain herself to you?

    I could stand all of that, but I really couldn’t stand you mentioning Elul.


    So now all we can do is to sit, sit and wait

    For the next gilgul to appear at some future date

    And whoever catches it first will win the award-

    Appointment to top spot on the CR Members Board!


    I really didn’t think I was exposing anyone, or making fun. Just curious about the similarities. I didn’t think she would have any ulterior motives for possibly changing her identity, maybe that she just forgot her old username or something. Sorry Sparkly if you feel otherwise. When she said it wasn’t her, I believe her, which is what my last post meant. Now please be dan me l’kaf z’chus that I did not have bad intentions with this.

    Now Sparkly, you have been pretty quiet through all this, I assume because you are in class. Please chime in so that we know that you realize this was not meant to hurt.


    What’s with the rhyming?


    yes i was in class until just now. i dont know why your all insisting that i have to have a gilgul or some kind of relationship or something going on with a old user who you said hasnt posted in a while when ive said numerous times that im a new poster? ive already said that im obviously not her if i just started posting.


    back to our thread since this has gone VERY off topic. another halacha question so i want to marry someone learning full time and my mother doesnt want me to. am i able to go against her and marry someone learning full time?


    Yes. You don’t have to listen to your parents regarding whom you marry


    “ive already said that im obviously not her”

    You obviously are her. It’s crazy that you expect people to believe that you’re not


    Meno – so you want me to claim to be someone that im not?


    here is another halacha question from a Kasrus Mashgiach

    is a non yid allowed to light the fires under a sterno rack? why not the food is fully cooked already. why yes, the food is being warmed to more well done, which brings us to the question if a non yid is allowed to turn on a warmer or not? why not it doesn’t cook like a oven?. what ever your answer is tell us why.


    Sparkly said she is not MsPrincess, so that’s the end of it. But don’t you think Sparkly, that if MsPrincess was still around, you guys would really hit it off?!

    Back to the main content: as Meno said, you are not obligated to listen to your mother when it comes to shidduchim. But you still have to do this wisely- you do not want to alienate your mother, you will want her advice and support when you are dating and afterwards when you are married. So I advice not to turn it into a fight, but to try to show her that you are serious, and why, and address her concerns and hear her side too, keep her involved even if this is not her ideal shidduch. And if need be, get someone to intervene for you to explain things.


    Mashiach Agent – some people DONT cook and so dont really need to know about these halachos for now.

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